In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.



Vitamin D production in horses: sun appears to have little influence!

We learn something new every day too! It is always thought that horses are comparable to humans in many ways, including the production of vitamin D. We also thought this and also that horses that stand in a fly sheet/eczema sheet all summer, for example, can develop a vitamin D deficiency. There was very little scientific study done on this, so the assumption was quickly made that this is similar to humans. But now there has been some research done! What is the importance of vitamin D? Vitamin D...



Horse with liver problems? Then don't do a detox!

We notice that many horse owners perform a detox on horses with liver problems. With good intentions, of course, but not actually very wise. They want to support the horse and the liver so that they are back in order as soon as possible. But a detox is not suitable for that, we are happy to explain to you! A detox stimulates the liver Every form of detox (herbal combination or, for example, pure milk thistle) has the function of putting the liver to work extra and stimulating it to clean the bod...





How do you support a horse with sensitive intestines?

How to support a horse with sensitive intestines? Horses have a unique digestive system, which is sensitive to changes in feed, poor quality forage, too much sugar, weather changes, and stress. What can you do as a horse owner if your horse has sensitive intestines and regularly suffers from cramps, mild colic, or diarrhea? Actually, all horses have a sensitive digestive system, but it is more pronounced in some animals than in others. Horses need a lot of fiber to optimize their digestion. Fibe...



# The difference between hay, pre-cut, and silage

The difference between hay, pre-cut and silage Roughage for horses comes in different forms. From small bales of dry herbal hay to large packages of plastic-wrapped silage or pre-cut silage. What are actually the differences in nutritional value between these various types of 'packaged grass'? And: what is the best for your horse? Roughage is vital for horses. The fibers from roughage are the main source of energy for the digestive system. In the large intestine of your horse, a wide range of mi...

Guest blog


Guest blog Janneke from Worm & Co: To deworm preventively in winter or not?

Guest blog Janneke van der Wal (Worm& Co): To deworm preventively in winter or not? Janneke van der Wal from Worm&Co advocates for customized worm management for each horse. Many people give a heavier deworming treatment with Moxidectine at the beginning of winter each year – against redworms, tapeworms, and bots among others. We asked Janneke if this is actually necessary and how you can know. "Routine deworming every few months throughout the year is really unnecessary," Jann...



Rosehip, beautiful addition to the mineral buffet!

Rosehip, a beautiful addition to the mineral buffet! More and more horse owners are creating a mineral buffet for their horse and this can be as extensive as you want. Green clay, nettle tincture, minerals from the Bering Sea, Celtic sea salt, and so on! Nowadays, there are a lot of products that you can add to your horse's water. And from now on, you can also add rosehip tincture! Healthy extra for horses Many horses love rosehips and they are also extremely healthy for horses. You can give the...


The healing power of rosehip

Rosehip is known among horse people as a healthy treat that you can pick straight from the bush. Rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C in a very readily absorbable form. Your horse can easily use it in his body. However, you need to pick a lot of rosehips to get some effect. That's why it's handy to use a liquid tincture of rosehip. In a rosehip tincture (extract), all the healthy substances from the rosehip are in a concentrated and liquid form. This makes absorption even easier. Plus, your horse...

Guest blog


Guest blog Miranda Hoogenberg from HOPE for Horses: Mental well-being of horses

Not a small topic, but often overlooked! The number of times I see a horse looking unhappy is too many to count. It can be quite difficult for an owner to spot. Your horse eats, drinks, poops, and pees. Done.... right? Or is it? There are so many factors that play a role in the mental health of your horse. At least 85% of all health issues in horses stem from mental well-being, or rather, the absence of a happy and stable horse. Stress from a young age Last summer, we expanded our herd with two...



Detox + nettle: ideal combination for keeping the horse's body clean

Each horse accumulates waste products in its body. Not only through nutrition, but also through the environment and as the body renews its cells. These waste products will accumulate in the body, causing it to become "full" over time. This can lead to ailments (itching, mud fever, decreased resistance, etc.) and the proper nutrients may be less well absorbed. So it is important to clean up these waste products. But what do you choose? A detox or nettle? In our opinion: choose both! Det...





Transition from grass to hay: take it easy!

The days are getting shorter and although the grass still grows a little, the nutritional value decreases in the autumn. It's time to supplement feed, and in many cases horses also move to the stable and paddock. This transition can be difficult for horses because they have a very sensitive digestive system. What can you do to make this transition easier? In the spring, when horses go from hay to grass, many horse owners are cautious. Most people know that you need to gradually increase grass co...




# A happy horse: what do we, as owners, need to take care of?

A happy horse: what do we, as owners, need to take care of? Horse welfare is very important to many horse owners and fortunately also to more and more institutions. We at HELTIE horse believe that a happy horse is extremely important! It is therefore our goal to bring horses closer to nature, with optimal health and well-being for all horses. But as a horse owner, what should we actually pay attention to and take care of? Good and proper nutrition Many horse owners depend on their boarding stabl...




Vitamin E

How do you prevent mental overload in a young horse in training?

How to prevent mental overload in a young horse in training? When a horse comes out of rearing and starts working, it brings a lot of changes. Not only because suddenly everything is expected of him, but also because the circumstances in which the animal lives change. The horse often spends fewer hours in the herd, sometimes in a stall at night, and comes into contact with people and 'strange' situations much more than before. Most people know that in the training of a young horse, you should ta...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .