Why we do not have supplements for heat cycles in our assortment




23 May '23 3 min reading time

Why we do not have supplements for heat in our assortment

Mares and heat cycles, some have no problems with it while others may struggle with it extensively. It is common for us to receive inquiries about whether we have anything to offer for mares experiencing heat cycles. And our answer is simple and straightforward: 'No!'

In this blog, we will explain why we are not fans of supplements for mares in heat.

Heat cycles in mares are natural!

Every mare is expected to go through heat cycles if she is not pregnant. Heat cycles typically occur from around March to October. If the fall season is long, heat cycles may start a bit later, while a long summer may extend the duration. Generally, there are no heat cycles during the winter months. A mare's cycle lasts an average of 21 days, meaning you will witness heat cycles monthly. Especially in the beginning of spring, heat cycles may be more intense.

Read more about heat cycles

What is normal mare behavior during heat cycles?

Every mare is unique and may respond differently during heat cycles. In that sense, they are just like humans 😉. However, urination, dreaminess, arching of the back, whinnying, and being a bit clingy are normal behaviors for mares in heat. These behaviors are usually more pronounced for a few days and less intense on the rest of the days. Some mares may experience cramps during ovulation, leading to mild colic symptoms.

Extreme heat cycles = imbalance in body or mind

Most mares go through normal heat cycles and may exhibit different behaviors for a few days. As a mare owner, you get used to this because mares are different every day. They are not like geldings who are emotionally stable all the time. It's important to assess and figure out the reason behind intense heat cycles.

Mares that excessively urinate, become aggressive, or display abnormal behaviors during heat cycles are not in balance. This imbalance could be physical or mental. Using supplements or medication to address this "issue" is merely treating symptoms and not resolving the underlying imbalance. Incorrect housing, stress, an unstable herd, improper nutrition, or an ovarian cyst can lead to imbalance. It's crucial to analyze and determine the cause of intense heat cycles first.

Identify the imbalance and address it first!

If your mare experiences extreme heat cycles, first identify the imbalance in her life. It may be easy to determine if she has recently moved, in which case, time is needed. If the cause is more difficult to find, it is recommended to have the veterinarian check for any physical discomfort. Tips for managing a "normal" heat cycle include:

  • Maintain a stable herd with minimal changes.

  • Provide the right nutrition (no haylage/silage and no grains).

  • Avoid chronic stress from improper training, management, etc.

  • Check for physical discomforts.

Supplements & Medication as a last resort

Supplements and medication can disrupt the natural cycle and prevent the horse from following its rhythm. This can have consequences for the mare's overall well-being as she may not be able to express her true self.

If, after physical examination and eliminating stress factors, a mare continues to experience prolonged extreme heat cycles, then considering supplements or medication might be an option. Opt for natural supplements initially, such as pure chaste tree berry and only resort to chemical drugs later. In our experience, almost all mares can achieve balance and have a stable, normal heat cycle. Adjusting training for a few days occasionally is part of horse ownership – being flexible and attentive to your horse's needs.

Therefore, you will not find any supplements for mares in heat in our assortment. They are often used for the convenience of the owner rather than the well-being of the mare. Our advice is always to prioritize balance, give the mare time, and only consider herbs once all other factors have been addressed.

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