All with love for your animal and with help of nature


The website askHELTIE belongs to HELTIE Animal®, the webshop of supplements for horses and dogs. Unfortunately, due to legislation, we are not allowed to go in-depth on how our products work. For this reason, we have set up AskHELTIE, an information platform for animal lovers! Here, we can tell you everything about horse and dog health. In our articles on AskHELTIE you will not find a direct link to our products, but of course you can always ask us.

Honest advice is our strength

Our goal is to bring animal husbandry closer to nature again. We do this by looking at the complete picture and seeing each animal as an individual. Often, the key to the solution lies in a combination of nutrition, exercise and management. What makes us unique is that we give honest advice. This means that we are happy to refer you to a 'competitor' if that product suits your animal better. But we will also tell you honestly if adjustments can be made in nutrition, housing or if it is necessary to see a therapist or vet.

Family business behind HELTIE animal®

In 2017, HELTIE animal® was founded by Domien Leemans. Domien's father was a veterinarian and that passion was passed on to Domien. Domien mainly specialised in chickens (both corporate and private). He founded 'Diergezondheidswinkel' 18 years ago and started focusing on the poultry market with natural solutions. For example, a natural solution for blood lice for chickens. The company also employs Domien's sons and wife as well as several colleagues.

The team behind AskHELTIE

The team has since expanded considerably and now consists of:

  • Domien (founder and owner)
  • Marjolijn (brand manager)
  • Madeleine (customer service and social media)
  • Teun (design)
  • Bob (logistics)
  • Marianne (warehouse employee)
  • Siem (warehouse employee)
  • Hope (warehouse assistant)

In customer service, you will mainly be in contact with Marjolijn and Madeleine, who will give the advice and do everything possible to support your dog or horse in the best possible way.

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .