In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.

Guest blog


Hay fever, pollen allergy, dust allergy, asthma... Many horses suffer chronically from respiratory problems with coughing, excessive mucus production, and often even breathing difficulties. This never develops overnight; usually, it is preceded by a period of increasingly clear symptoms.

Guest blog: Francis Dalebout - The Limits of Supplements in respiratory complaints and where homeopathy goes further.

Hay fever, pollen allergy, dust allergy, asthma... Many horses suffer chronically from respiratory problems with coughing, excessive mucus production, and often even breathing difficulties. This never develops overnight; usually, it is preceded by a period of increasingly clear symptoms.. When the first cough arises, we try some supplements, some herbs, we ensure a dust-free environment, and then we hope it will go away. And sometimes it does. If it doesn't, then we go to the vet for 'stronger measures.' Sometimes that's enough, but more often than not, the treatment needs to be repeated regularly because the symptoms don't stay away permanently. And now that you think about it... secretly, it's getting a little worse, taking longer to recover, or the bad periods are coming close...




Why we do not have supplements for heat cycles in our assortment

Why we do not have supplements for heat in our assortment Mares and heat cycles, some have no problems with it while others may struggle with it extensively. It is common for us to receive inquiries about whether we have anything to offer for mares experiencing heat cycles. And our answer is simple and straightforward: 'No!' In this blog, we will explain why we are not fans of supplements for mares in heat. Heat cycles in mares are natural! Every mare is expected to go through heat cycles if she...




No hoof, no horse! What to do in cases of hoof cancer, thrush, and crumbling hooves?

No horse without a hoof! What to do with hoof cancer, thrush and crumbling hooves? The expression 'No foot, no horse' is old. And a cliché. But yes, healthy and strong hooves are indeed vital for your horse. We list the most important ailments and give you tips to keep your horse's hooves healthy. The most common 'problem' with horse hooves is crumbling. Especially in dry conditions, many horses have crumbling hooves. Pieces of hoof break off and it doesn't look very nice. Fortunately, it's usua...



Salmon oil

What to do with a horse with a dull coat?

A beautiful shiny coat with little apples... that's what we all want for our horse! But the reality is sometimes a lot duller. What can you do about it? In spring, horses shed their old winter coat and a shiny, soft summer coat emerges. At least, in the ideal case. Sometimes horses come out of their coat poorly or the new coat is not as beautiful and shiny as hoped. Shampoos? Although it can be handy to wash your horse or use an anti-tangle product in the mane or tail, shampoos and gloss sprays...




Black cumin

Can you prevent strangles and influenza in your horse?

Strangles and influenza are well-known equine diseases. Both are highly contagious and can make your horse very ill, with high fever. What can you do to protect your horse against strangles and influenza? While the symptoms may sometimes be a bit similar, there is a very important difference between strangles and influenza. Strangles is caused by a bacterium and influenza by a virus. So, they are actually two very different conditions. However, strangles sometimes gets a chance when a horse's im...



Should a sports horse be kept differently than a recreational horse?

Regularly the question arises whether a certain advice also applies to a sports horse. Because a sports horse is different, right? Or not? Are there things you should think about extra when it comes to a sports horse, or can you keep a sports horse the same as a recreational horse? What is a sports horse? Horses are natural athletes with good fitness levels and they cover an average of 15-18 km per day. And they also graze in the meantime, which means they have to cover large distances at a trot...



Insulin resistance


How to support your horse's sugar metabolism?

The grazing season is in full swing and for many horses, this means days spent on grass. For horses sensitive to sugars, this can sometimes be a challenge. How can you ensure that your horse doesn't react strongly to sugars? How can you prevent itching, laminitis, and other sugar-related issues? In this blog, we will explain how you can support your horse's sugar metabolism. Living sugar-free is impossible In the world of horses, there is often a lot of panic about sugar, but it is good to reali...





A mineral buffet: can horses still choose for the good themselves?

Regularly we are asked whether horses can really choose in a mineral buffet or if they will always choose the tastiest option. Because is the modern horse still close enough to nature to be able to make "healthy" choices? And what about mineral buffets, are they healthy for horses or not? And how do you offer a mineral buffet? Genetically, horses are close to nature All present-day horses are still genetically very close to the primal horse. While humans no longer resemble the ancient...





How to prevent stomach ulcers in sport horses?

Unfortunately, many horses suffer from stomach ulcers. This problem occurs in recreational horses, but many sport horses also experience it. It is often thought that sport horses are "different" and should be kept and fed differently. But is that really the case? And how can you prevent stomach ulcers in sport horses? What are stomach ulcers? A stomach ulcer is an irritation or wound in the stomach caused by damage to the stomach lining. This results in inflammatory reactions to the st...



What herbs can you sow in your horse pasture?

Which herbs can you sow in your horse pasture? That a horse pasture is different from a cow pasture is well known to most people by now. For example, dairy cows need a protein-rich pasture while horses cannot use this. Horses benefit more from a pasture where they can enjoy different herbs. Read in this blog why herbs in the pasture are so important for horses and which herbs every horse can use in a horse pasture. Why a horse needs herbs Herbivores (plant eaters) are top herbivores. This is bec...



If your horse does not have access to pasture, then what?

What if your horse doesn't have access to pasture? In the Netherlands, space is limited. Therefore, it is not always possible to provide your horse with pasture access. How do you deal with this? What should you keep in mind when your horse doesn't have pasture access? In the wild, a horse spends many hours and kilometers per day foraging for food alongside herd mates. Even our modern horses are still designed for this "grazing-walking" lifestyle. To keep your horse healthy, you want t...




Weeds or actually healthy for horses?

Weeds or Healthy for Horses? In your horse's pasture, there is often more than just grass. This is not a problem, in fact, it is often a good thing. In the wild, horses do not only eat grass. Herbs, bushes, and trees are also on the menu. Each plant offers something different and diversity is healthy. But of course, you don't want your horse to eat toxic plants. That's why it's good to know which plants belong in your pasture and which ones don't. 'Green desert' In the Netherlands, many pastures...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .