In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.






Black cumin

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure that can prevent injuries. Sometimes horses seem to be born to make things as difficult as possible for themselves or to damage themselves. Every horse can have a little accident, stumble, or just be plain unlucky. Preventing an injury is therefore not possible. However, you can reduce the chances of injuries by providing the right guidance and support!

Can you prevent/reduce injuries in your horse?

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure that can prevent injuries. Sometimes horses seem to be born to make things as difficult as possible for themselves or to damage themselves. Every horse can have a little accident, stumble, or just be plain unlucky. Preventing an injury is therefore not possible. However, you can reduce the chances of injuries by providing the right guidance and support!. Provide enough building materials from a young age. For a strong physique, horses need building materials in the form of minerals ( silicon, calcium, magnesium etc). This starts in the womb. During pregnancy, the mare must receive enough building materials so that the unborn foal can absorb and use them. If pregnant mares have insufficient building materials, the foal will already start with a disadvantage. As a result, the entire physique will be weaker and more prone to injuries. It is therefo...



The clove plant has versatile effects for both humans and animals. Naturally, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Additionally, it also optimizes the ECS system. This system is the body's signaling mechanism. We are not talking about the clove as you know it from the supermarket, but rather the plant and the flowers. Curious about its effects? We will tell you all about it in this blog!

Are you familiar with the medicinal properties of the clove plant for horses?

The clove plant has versatile effects for both humans and animals. Naturally, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Additionally, it also optimizes the ECS system. This system is the body's signaling mechanism. We are not talking about the clove as you know it from the supermarket, but rather the plant and the flowers. Curious about its effects? We will tell you all about it in this blog!. Active substances in clove Clove is a dried, unopened flower bud of the clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum) and gets its name from its appearance, resembling a nail. The clove tree grows in a tropical climate and is an evergreen tree that only starts producing cloves after the 6th year. Clove is strong in smell and taste, hence it is widely used in dishes, as an insect repellent, or in fragrances. However, it's not the clove as you know it, but rather the plant and flower that have medicinal proper...



Black cumin

When your horse is injured, you want to support him during the recovery period. For example, with a mild pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory dietary supplement. Common options for this are plant-based cannabinoids(clove) and thymoquinone from black cumin. But when do you use cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin?

When do you choose cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin for your horse's injury?

When your horse is injured, you want to support him during the recovery period. For example, with a mild pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory dietary supplement. Common options for this are plant-based cannabinoids(clove) and thymoquinone from black cumin. But when do you use cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin?. For common injuries, such as tendon injuries or muscle problems, time is usually the best healer. Your horse often needs rest first and then slowly build up. Even in case of laminitis the recovery can take some time. Many horse owners like to help their horse with a natural remedy that suppresses pain and inflammation and promotes healing. Acute phase: thymoquinone Research has shown that the substance thymoquinone from the black cumin plant is a good option for different injuries. Thymoquinone:...


Insulin resistance



Many horse owners find themselves in a dilemma every summer. How do you keep your horse or pony at a healthy weight during the grazing season? How can you allow your horse to enjoy a bit of grass without it having adverse effects on its health? Read on in this blog, we are happy to give you some tips!

# How can you keep your horse at a healthy weight in the summer

Many horse owners find themselves in a dilemma every summer. How do you keep your horse or pony at a healthy weight during the grazing season? How can you allow your horse to enjoy a bit of grass without it having adverse effects on its health? Read on in this blog, we are happy to give you some tips!. Depending on the stable Not everyone has their horse/pony at home and the ability to take various measures regarding grazing. Most horses are kept at a boarding stable where there is a certain policy in place. This makes it difficult for many horse owners to make the right adjustments for their horse. We understand that as a horse owner, you may sometimes feel frustrated because the stable's policy does not benefit the health of your pony/horse. In some cases, you are unfortunately dependent on...


The esophagus connects the mouth to the stomach. In horses, which have long necks, the esophagus is about 1.20m long and flexible, but also very thin. It's like a flexible tube, the thickness of a felt-tip pen, that transports food to the stomach after chewing. The horse's esophagus can stretch to about 3 cm in diameter, but that's about it. Large pieces of food cannot pass through.

Did you know that the esophagus of horses has the diameter of a felt-tip pen?

The esophagus connects the mouth to the stomach. In horses, which have long necks, the esophagus is about 1.20m long and flexible, but also very thin. It's like a flexible tube, the thickness of a felt-tip pen, that transports food to the stomach after chewing. The horse's esophagus can stretch to about 3 cm in diameter, but that's about it. Large pieces of food cannot pass through.. A horse continuously produces saliva and chews its food very well. This is necessary because otherwise it won't pass through that thin esophagus. Chewing well is also important for digestion, as it makes the food a smooth mass that can be digested more easily. Function of the esophagus After food is chewed and swallowed, it is transported by the esophagus to the stomach. Small muscles around the esophagus contract and push the food towards the stomach. This is called peristaltic movement. Esopha...




Slack manure, diarrhea, gas formation, esophageal obstruction, stomach ulcers, or other digestive complaints. Perhaps the most common problems in horses are related to the stomach and intestinal system. The intestinal system of horses is very complex and also extremely sensitive. Read in this blog how you can prevent disturbances in the intestinal system.

How do you prevent disruptions in the horse's intestinal system?

Slack manure, diarrhea, gas formation, esophageal obstruction, stomach ulcers, or other digestive complaints. Perhaps the most common problems in horses are related to the stomach and intestinal system. The intestinal system of horses is very complex and also extremely sensitive. Read in this blog how you can prevent disturbances in the intestinal system.. Digestion = resistance The intestines can be seen as the most important part of the horse. If the intestines/digestive system are in order, then the resistance will also be in order. The resistance and the intestines are closely linked. That is why you often see that when horses have a resistance problem, it also affects the digestion. A well-functioning intestinal system will optimize the resistance of the horse. It is therefore extremely important to carefully deal with the stomach and intesti...




If you notice that your horse's stall is wetter or that the water bucket is emptying faster, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your horse's drinking and peeing behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with your horse's kidneys, but it's important to monitor it if there's a sudden change.

Does your horse pee or drink more than usual?

If you notice that your horse's stall is wetter or that the water bucket is emptying faster, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your horse's drinking and peeing behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with your horse's kidneys, but it's important to monitor it if there's a sudden change.. A horse pees almost as much as it drinks Horses typically drink around 35 liters per day and produce around 20-30 liters of urine per day. In higher temperatures, water intake can easily increase to about 50 liters per day. So, a horse pees almost as much as it drinks. What does increased peeing mean? If you notice that your horse is peeing more than usual, it's a good idea to monitor this. It could be that the liver or kidneys are struggling a bit, causing the horse to drink more and therefore...




You may not always pay attention to it, but your horse's urine can say a lot about its health. Are the kidneys and bladder functioning properly and are they actually removing what needs to be expelled from the body? Do you see or smell strange things in the urine that could indicate problems in other organs? It's not strange at all to take a look occasionally when your horse needs to urinate!

What does urine say about the health of your horse?

You may not always pay attention to it, but your horse's urine can say a lot about its health. Are the kidneys and bladder functioning properly and are they actually removing what needs to be expelled from the body? Do you see or smell strange things in the urine that could indicate problems in other organs? It's not strange at all to take a look occasionally when your horse needs to urinate!. Urine, you probably don't think about it very often... But it is very important that all waste products from the body find their way out in a proper manner. Healthy kidneys and a healthy bladder are essential for your horse. How much does a horse urinate? How much a horse urinates and the color of the urine mainly depends on how much it drinks. A healthy horse that receives enough fresh drinking water from a clean trough drinks about 35 liters of water per day. On hot days, this can increase to...



Many horses experience tension during competitions. As a result, there is little focus from the horse on the rider or even dangerous situations can arise. There are many supplements available to combat stress and tension, but how long before the competition should you start using them? Read on in this blog.

How long before the competition do you start giving a stress product to your horse?

Many horses experience tension during competitions. As a result, there is little focus from the horse on the rider or even dangerous situations can arise. There are many supplements available to combat stress and tension, but how long before the competition should you start using them? Read on in this blog.. A supplement is not always the solution It is important to realize that a supplement is never a miracle cure. Supplements are a part of training support and can help in creating a positive experience. Horses are flight animals that are taken out of their familiar environment for competitions and have to perform in a place they do not know, with a lot of hustle and bustle around them. Horses need to learn this with the right guidance in relaxation and peace. There are also many horses that take o...


The outdoor season has started again! Finally, we can enjoy competing in the fresh air, in beautiful outdoor arenas. Unfortunately, there are often all kinds of goblins and ghosts present. Ducks in the ditch next to the arena, a tractor in the field further away, or simply phenomena that only your horse can see... How do you help your horse to stay focused?

More focus on your horse in competition thanks to the right herbs

The outdoor season has started again! Finally, we can enjoy competing in the fresh air, in beautiful outdoor arenas. Unfortunately, there are often all kinds of goblins and ghosts present. Ducks in the ditch next to the arena, a tractor in the field further away, or simply phenomena that only your horse can see... How do you help your horse to stay focused?. A horse is naturally a flight animal, so it's not uncommon for him to feel a bit insecure in a new environment. However, if you want to achieve a good performance in the ring, it can be very inconvenient! It would be nice if your horse stays focused on you and isn't just preoccupied with everything happening outside the arena. Keep riding Of course, there are many solutions for a slightly unfocused and nervous horse. Making sure you arrive at the competition on time and calmly explore the arena,...




Many horse owners whose horses are at a boarding stable do not always have the opportunity to be with their horse daily. Additionally, feeding is often centrally organized at fixed times in many stables. This can make administering supplements a challenge. Can you prepare containers in advance with supplements included? And if so, how far in advance can you do this without losing effectiveness? Keep reading, we'll explain it to you!

Can I prepare containers with liquid supplements for my horse?

Many horse owners whose horses are at a boarding stable do not always have the opportunity to be with their horse daily. Additionally, feeding is often centrally organized at fixed times in many stables. This can make administering supplements a challenge. Can you prepare containers in advance with supplements included? And if so, how far in advance can you do this without losing effectiveness? Keep reading, we'll explain it to you!. Preferably not set up in advance Liquid supplements are ideal to use because they are so easy to dose over the feed. For example, horses don't blow them out of the bucket, so you have minimal waste. However, liquid supplements can dry out, which can potentially decrease their effectiveness. It is therefore always preferred to add supplements to the feed at the last moment. We understand that it is not possible for all horse owners to arrange this daily. Boarding stable owners also do not want to...




Silicon is an important mineral for building bones, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and muscles. Especially in winter, when horses have limited access to fresh grass, it is advisable to give your horse a supplement of liquid silicon. This is especially important when your horse is still growing. However, many people do not visit their young horse in the rearing facility every day. Does giving silicon still make sense?

Does giving silicon have any benefit if I am not with my yearling every day?

Silicon is an important mineral for building bones, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and muscles. Especially in winter, when horses have limited access to fresh grass, it is advisable to give your horse a supplement of liquid silicon. This is especially important when your horse is still growing. However, many people do not visit their young horse in the rearing facility every day. Does giving silicon still make sense?. A young horse needs good nutrition and plenty of exercise to grow big and strong. Silicon is essential for this. This important mineral contributes to collagen formation and bone formation. Often, young horses in the rearing facility receive additional foal feed or other supplementary feed in winter, but giving liquid silicon is not yet a common practice everywhere. Giving silicon a few times a week is also useful Many young horses are in the rearing facility and it is not always close to their...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .