In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.


By no means everyone has the space and opportunity to keep horses at home. Many people therefore have their horses at another horse owner's house or at a boarding stable. This saves work, time and maintenance, but it often also means that you yourself have little or no influence on the roughage your horse eats. In this case, what can you do to optimise your horse's ration?

No influence on your horse's roughage?

By no means everyone has the space and opportunity to keep horses at home. Many people therefore have their horses at another horse owner's house or at a boarding stable. This saves work, time and maintenance, but it often also means that you yourself have little or no influence on the roughage your horse eats. In this case, what can you do to optimise your horse's ration?. For many boarding stable owners, it is not possible to store different types of roughage. And while many people prefer to feed unpacked hay, that also requires a large covered storage capacity and often more labor than large packaged bales. That is not always feasible or affordable. Therefore, many Dutch horses are given pre-packed haylage in plastic. Packaged Hay Haylage, also known as packaged hay, is an intermediate form between hay and silage. It is lightly fermented. Lactic acid bacteria fr...


Sweet itch

Spring has begun. Time for longer evenings and higher temperatures. Unfortunately, this also means that the midges that cause summer eczema become active again. However, if your horse is itching, rubbing its tail, or scratching its mane, it doesn't always mean that it has summer eczema. Itching in spring or summer can have various causes.

Is itching in spring or summer always caused by sweet itch?

Spring has begun. Time for longer evenings and higher temperatures. Unfortunately, this also means that the midges that cause summer eczema become active again. However, if your horse is itching, rubbing its tail, or scratching its mane, it doesn't always mean that it has summer eczema. Itching in spring or summer can have various causes.. When you see a horse scratching, stamping, or rubbing, two things are often considered: mites or sweet itch. Mites are mainly a problem in the winter months (although they can persist) and are mainly found on the legs. But when itching occurs on the mane and tail, especially in spring and summer, most people often think primarily of sweet itch, especially in horses of more robust breeds. Causes of Itching in Horses Let's list the possible causes of itching in horses - especially on the tail and...



Many Dutch horses could afford to be a bit slimmer. Overweight can cause various problems. Not only joint overload or laminitis, but also itching! How is that?

Obesity as a cause of itching in horses

Many Dutch horses could afford to be a bit slimmer. Overweight can cause various problems. Not only joint overload or laminitis, but also itching! How is that?. It may sound a bit strange, but fat accumulations in the body can more or less take on a life of their own. Fat reserves indeed influence hormone levels. When an animal has a lot of adipose tissue, quite a few hormones are released as well. Research in humans has shown that these extra hormones are the cause of high blood pressure, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. Fat reserves also often spontaneously become inflamed. This happens, for example, in horses with fat accumulations in the crest of...


Guest blog

Heady title of this blog huh? I agree, but it should perhaps be discussed at some point. Because, what are we doing in horse country?

Guest blog HOPE for Horses: what are we doing?

Heady title of this blog huh? I agree, but it should perhaps be discussed at some point. Because, what are we doing in horse country?. Not too long ago, I helped an incredibly sweet girl with her horse (and they're not alone). The first time I saw them, a few things about this horse caught my attention. Thick neck, little muscle on the neck, no muscles on the back. So, a very thick neck, but the muscles elsewhere on his neck were simply gone. Not every horse has a nice "fat neck," but you can see when the balance is off in the horse's body. Additionally, sensitive all over the back. Barely able to walk "normally&...


A horse needs to eat hay. Every horse owner knows that, of course. But what exactly is hay? What are the differences? And which type of hay is good for which type of horse? You'll find out in this article.

Hay is hay, right?

A horse needs to eat hay. Every horse owner knows that, of course. But what exactly is hay? What are the differences? And which type of hay is good for which type of horse? You'll find out in this article.. Roughage comes in various types and sizes. For horses, hay is the most suitable, preferably unpackaged. Many horses in large stables receive pre-dried hay, packaged in large bales. Additionally, there is silage, which is more suitable for dairy cows. Meadow Hay What most people understand as hay is technically called 'meadow hay'. This is the hay that comes from 'normal' grasslands, with a small variety of grass and clover species. Most Dutch meadow hay comes from pastures with grass and clover,...



The title of this article may sound a bit strange, but let us explain. Analyses show that Dutch grass has recently contained an enormous amount of sugar. So much so, that it is actually not healthy for horses. Especially if the animals are sensitive to obesity, EMS, laminitis, insulin resistance or summer eczema. The hay that comes from those grasslands often has a high sugar content as well!

A pasture full of sugar cubes, what now?

The title of this article may sound a bit strange, but let us explain. Analyses show that Dutch grass has recently contained an enormous amount of sugar. So much so, that it is actually not healthy for horses. Especially if the animals are sensitive to obesity, EMS, laminitis, insulin resistance or summer eczema. The hay that comes from those grasslands often has a high sugar content as well!. The sugar content in hay is determined by a number of factors. These include a combination of weather conditions, the moment of mowing, fertilization, and the types of grass used. What can you do about those fields full of sugar cubes? How can you make the pasture healthier for your horse? Types of Grass Many horses in the Netherlands are still on former cattle pastures. And Dutch hay often comes from these grasslands as well. Cows need a lot of energy because they need to produce as much milk a...




Today, it is often heard that some soils have insufficient levels of copper and zinc. This could have implications for the nutritional value of grass and hay. Does the shortage of minerals in Dutch soil have consequences for our horses? And what can you do about it?

Copper and zinc deficiencies in pasture and roughage

Today, it is often heard that some soils have insufficient levels of copper and zinc. This could have implications for the nutritional value of grass and hay. Does the shortage of minerals in Dutch soil have consequences for our horses? And what can you do about it?. According to Pavo's roughage monitor, grass and roughage in the Netherlands almost always have low concentrations of the trace elements zinc and copper. These minerals are involved in important bodily functions. They do not need to be present in large quantities in the diet, but it is important that your horse gets a little of both. Since Dutch soil is often rich in iron and manganese, horses rarely have a deficiency in those elements. Peat Soil and Sandy Soil On soils with high phosphorus, high...



Black cumin

Clove and black cumin are supplements that are often used for the same conditions. These plant extracts have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A combination of black cumin and clove is most powerful for acute situations and new injuries. If your horse needs chronic support, for example for allergies, insulin sensitivity, or summer eczema, then clove can also be used alone.

Why a combination of black cumin and cloves works so well

Clove and black cumin are supplements that are often used for the same conditions. These plant extracts have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A combination of black cumin and clove is most powerful for acute situations and new injuries. If your horse needs chronic support, for example for allergies, insulin sensitivity, or summer eczema, then clove can also be used alone.. Liquid supplements of black cumin and clove are both powerful extracts made from the whole plant. A clove supplement is even made from several types of clove plants and is therefore of a totally different composition than cloves bought in the store. Black cumin extract also comes from the entire plant, a plant that is not the same as the cumin seeds found in the supermarket. These are special supplements for horses, although black cumin oil is also available for humans. What does thymoquinone fr...



Black cumin

There are many different products containing cannabinoids on the market. Often, this involves CBD, which is extracted from the cannabis plant. The clove plant also contains many different cannabinoids and is very suitable for supplements. One advantage of cloves is that they meet strict human food requirements. Cloves are therefore much purer than many CBD products and are also more concentrated.

What is the difference between cloves and CBD?

There are many different products containing cannabinoids on the market. Often, this involves CBD, which is extracted from the cannabis plant. The clove plant also contains many different cannabinoids and is very suitable for supplements. One advantage of cloves is that they meet strict human food requirements. Cloves are therefore much purer than many CBD products and are also more concentrated.. Cannabinoids are the signal substances of the ECS, the endocannabinoid system. Normally, mammals' bodies produce enough cannabinoids themselves, but in stressful situations or health problems, a deficiency can occur. A supplement can help the body regain balance and health. The body of a human, horse, or dog can also use cannabinoids from plants for the same functions as the self-produced cannabinoids. Very convenient! When cannabinoids? Supplements containing cannabinoids are given to horses, f...



An extract of cloves is a powerful supplement to support the immune system and self-healing ability of horses. This is because there are many different types of cannabinoids in the clove plant. Scientists have discovered that these substances help regulate the immune system.

How cloves support the self-healing ability in horses

An extract of cloves is a powerful supplement to support the immune system and self-healing ability of horses. This is because there are many different types of cannabinoids in the clove plant. Scientists have discovered that these substances help regulate the immune system.. The ECS system (endocannabinoid system) is present in the bodies of all mammals, including humans and horses. All body cells have receptors that receive and transmit signals. Through these signals, various body processes are controlled. The ECS system has two types of receptors: CB1 receptors: These are mainly found in the cells of the central nervous system, including the brain. Additionally, these receptors are present in a number of organs. CB2 receptors: These are primarily found in immune c...



You've probably read that clove is a powerful herb for horses. A clove extract can help bring your horse into mental and physical balance, while also providing pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects without making your horse drowsy. How is that possible? What is the secret of the clove plant?

Why is clove such an effective herb for horses?

You've probably read that clove is a powerful herb for horses. A clove extract can help bring your horse into mental and physical balance, while also providing pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects without making your horse drowsy. How is that possible? What is the secret of the clove plant?. The endocannabinoid system is a system of receptors and transmitters present in the body of all mammals. This system was only discovered about 30 years ago, and scientists are learning more every day. The endocannabinoid system influences the physical and mental balance of an animal (or human) and plays a significant role in the immune system, illness, and stress. When a horse is sick, the body's equilibrium is disrupted. You can help restore this balance by supporting the endocannabinoid system...

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Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .