In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.



In the wild, horses eat a wide variety of herbs, grasses, and trees. This way, they ensure they get plant-based ingredients that help eliminate waste products and keep their kidneys and liver healthy. Our horses have much less choice and variety in their diet. You can help your horse by offering herbal extracts that have blood-purifying and detoxifying functions. But which supplement should you choose?

When dandelion and when detox for your horse?

In the wild, horses eat a wide variety of herbs, grasses, and trees. This way, they ensure they get plant-based ingredients that help eliminate waste products and keep their kidneys and liver healthy. Our horses have much less choice and variety in their diet. You can help your horse by offering herbal extracts that have blood-purifying and detoxifying functions. But which supplement should you choose?. There are several herbs that contribute to the elimination of waste products and boost the digestion of horses. In this article, more about dandelion and a detox herbal blend. Dandelion An herbal extract of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is made from the entire plant, including the root. It is a mild extract that can always be given, even to pregnant mares. If your horse has mild digestive disturbances, such as occasional loose stools or excessive gas, dandelion can provide support. Also, if y...




The liver and kidneys have an important function in eliminating waste products through urine and feces. The liver also plays a crucial role in digestion and the production and storage of vitamins. The kidneys are essential for electrolyte balance and hydration of your horse. How do you keep your horse's liver and kidneys healthy?

Your horse's liver and kidneys: keep them healthy!

The liver and kidneys have an important function in eliminating waste products through urine and feces. The liver also plays a crucial role in digestion and the production and storage of vitamins. The kidneys are essential for electrolyte balance and hydration of your horse. How do you keep your horse's liver and kidneys healthy?. What Do a Horse’s Kidneys Do? The kidneys remove excess salts, water, and waste products from the bodies of mammals. They are part of a system that includes the urinary tract and the bladder. For this system to function well, a horse must always have access to plenty of fresh water so it can drink adequately. Keeping the Kidneys Healthy To keep your horse’s kidneys healthy, first ensure there is always fresh drinking water available. Clean the water trough daily. Also, make sure your horse gets...



Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system of horses is receiving a lot of attention. But what is it exactly? And what makes the lymphatic system of horses so special compared to that of humans? We explain it in this article.

What is the function of the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system of horses is receiving a lot of attention. But what is it exactly? And what makes the lymphatic system of horses so special compared to that of humans? We explain it in this article.. Everyone knows the circulatory system. That runs between the heart and lungs and to all extremities of your body. But in addition to this system of vessels for blood, there is a second vascular system present in the body of all mammals. This is the lymphatic system. Structure of the lymphatic system The function of the lymphatic system is to drain fluid, containing a number of substances. The fluid that flows through the lymphatic system is called lymph or lymphatic fluid. The lymphatic system b...



As the days get shorter and winter begins, many horses face an annual problem: mites! How does your horse get a mite infection? And can a mite infestation be prevented?

Why does my horse have a mite infestation?

As the days get shorter and winter begins, many horses face an annual problem: mites! How does your horse get a mite infection? And can a mite infestation be prevented?. Stamping, rubbing, scabs, and sometimes even swollen legs: an infection with mites is no fun for your horse. During the winter months, when horses spend more time in the stable, these pesky parasites often strike. What are mites? Mites are tiny creatures that like to nest on horse's legs. They resemble little spiders. Mites are especially at home on horses with long socks. The Chorioptes mite, the type of mite that is common in horses in the Netherlands, causes itching, scabs, and irritation. Ho...




If you want to boost your horse's immune system or stimulate its body to expel accumulated waste more quickly, you can give your horse a special treatment. You have the choice between a detox with a herbal mixture, a treatment with nettle, or a treatment with dandelion. When do you use which plants?

Dandelion, nettle or a detox?

If you want to boost your horse's immune system or stimulate its body to expel accumulated waste more quickly, you can give your horse a special treatment. You have the choice between a detox with a herbal mixture, a treatment with nettle, or a treatment with dandelion. When do you use which plants?. One of the major differences between a detox, nettle, or dandelion is the intensity of the treatments. Dandelion and nettle are mild herbs that are suitable for all horses. This means that even horses with underlying conditions such as laminitis, muscle stiffness, and obesity can use dandelion or nettle. These herbs are also suitable for pregnant mares. You can give them several times a year when you want to give your horse a boost. A herbal detox is only intended for healthy horses. A detox tre...


Wild horses eat everything: grasses, herbs, branches, and shrubs. They choose their food according to the season and their needs. A natural diet contains plants that provide detoxification, so that waste products are removed and the body is cleansed. Our domesticated horses have fewer choices. When is it time to give your horse an herbal detox? And when is it not a good idea?

When do you give your horse a detox?

Wild horses eat everything: grasses, herbs, branches, and shrubs. They choose their food according to the season and their needs. A natural diet contains plants that provide detoxification, so that waste products are removed and the body is cleansed. Our domesticated horses have fewer choices. When is it time to give your horse an herbal detox? And when is it not a good idea?. For some horses, a detox is a good idea, but for others, it is actually a very bad idea. The timing of the detox also matters, you preferably give a detox at a time of the year when the horse would naturally detox as well. Twice a year In general, the advice is to give healthy (non-pregnant) horses a detox twice a year. This can improve their skin and coat, give them more energy, and boost the immune system and metabolism. Early spring and the end of summer are suitable times for this. For horse...



You often hear that a herbal detox is good for your horse. It is a natural way to cleanse the body. Horses in the wild also 'detox'. Firstly, because they lose fat tissue - and thereby a lot of waste products - during the winter months. And secondly, by eating various herbs and branches. Is a detox also a good idea for your horse?

Which horses benefit from a detox?

You often hear that a herbal detox is good for your horse. It is a natural way to cleanse the body. Horses in the wild also 'detox'. Firstly, because they lose fat tissue - and thereby a lot of waste products - during the winter months. And secondly, by eating various herbs and branches. Is a detox also a good idea for your horse?. It is important to ask this question because a detox is not suitable for all horses. For example, sick horses, horses with extreme overweight or laminitis and pregnant horses should not be given a detox treatment. Sometimes, a mild purification with nettles may be a good idea for these horses. So, a detox is always a matter of customization. What are the benefits of a detox? A detox is intended to remove toxins from the body. Toxins arise in daily life, for example from digestion or from minuscu...



We notice that many horse owners perform a detox on horses with liver problems. With good intentions, of course, but not actually very wise. They want to support the horse and the liver so that they are back in order as soon as possible. But a detox is not suitable for that, we are happy to explain to you!

Horse with liver problems? Then don't do a detox!

We notice that many horse owners perform a detox on horses with liver problems. With good intentions, of course, but not actually very wise. They want to support the horse and the liver so that they are back in order as soon as possible. But a detox is not suitable for that, we are happy to explain to you!. A detox stimulates the liver Every form of detox (herbal combination or, for example, pure milk thistle) has the function of putting the liver to work extra and stimulating it to clean the body. It is a semi-annual cleansing for horses that are healthy and feeling well. Firstly, a detox should never be applied to a horse with reduced health, because a detox is intense and can also cause problems. We therefore always recommend contacting us or a therapist before applying a detox to your horse. An...





Horses have a unique digestive system, which is sensitive to changes in feed, poor quality forage, too much sugar, weather changes, and stress. What can you do as a horse owner if your horse has sensitive intestines and regularly suffers from cramps, mild colic, or diarrhea?

How do you support a horse with sensitive intestines?

Horses have a unique digestive system, which is sensitive to changes in feed, poor quality forage, too much sugar, weather changes, and stress. What can you do as a horse owner if your horse has sensitive intestines and regularly suffers from cramps, mild colic, or diarrhea?. Actually, all horses have a sensitive digestive system, but it is more pronounced in some animals than in others. Horses need a lot of fiber to optimize their digestion. Fiber is the basis of a horse's diet. Sufficient forage, with plenty of fiber and of good quality, is therefore the first requirement for horses with sensitive intestines. Check for mold in the forage and supplement any shortage of good forage with high-quality forage substitutes. For example, alfalfa, (soaked) grass pellets, or...



Each horse accumulates waste products in its body. Not only through nutrition, but also through the environment and as the body renews its cells. These waste products will accumulate in the body, causing it to become "full" over time. This can lead to ailments (itching, mud fever, decreased resistance, etc.) and the proper nutrients may be less well absorbed. So it is important to clean up these waste products. But what do you choose? A detox or nettle? In our opinion: choose both!

Detox + nettle: ideal combination for keeping the horse's body clean

Each horse accumulates waste products in its body. Not only through nutrition, but also through the environment and as the body renews its cells. These waste products will accumulate in the body, causing it to become "full" over time. This can lead to ailments (itching, mud fever, decreased resistance, etc.) and the proper nutrients may be less well absorbed. So it is important to clean up these waste products. But what do you choose? A detox or nettle? In our opinion: choose both!. Detox supports liver and kidneys We recommend doing a detox for your horse twice a year, but only if it is responsible! In wild horses, detox also occurs, but of course not through a supplement. Horses seek out herbs that aid in the removal of waste products. And at the end of winter, wild horses lose weight drastically due to food scarcity. Because waste products are stored in the fat tissue, they are released and the waste products are removed. So it is not strange to give our modern horse a d...





The days are getting shorter and although the grass still grows a little, the nutritional value decreases in the autumn. It's time to supplement feed, and in many cases horses also move to the stable and paddock. This transition can be difficult for horses because they have a very sensitive digestive system. What can you do to make this transition easier?

Transition from grass to hay: take it easy!

The days are getting shorter and although the grass still grows a little, the nutritional value decreases in the autumn. It's time to supplement feed, and in many cases horses also move to the stable and paddock. This transition can be difficult for horses because they have a very sensitive digestive system. What can you do to make this transition easier?. In the spring, when horses go from hay to grass, many horse owners are cautious. Most people know that you need to gradually increase grass consumption to prevent problems like diarrhea or laminitis. In the autumn, the transition in the diet is also significant, although not everyone realizes that. It is wise to also switch slowly in the autumn. Autumn grass and hay Grass can still contain quite a bit of sugar in the autumn, especially if the nights are cold and the days are sunny. But grass con...




A detox, or in other words, a cleansing of the horse's body, has several benefits for the horse. Many horse owners are a bit anxious about detoxing, and we understand that, but if done thoughtfully, it is actually a very beneficial action for your horse. Therefore, read in this blog about the benefits of a detox for your horse.

Do you know what the benefits are of a detox for your horse?

A detox, or in other words, a cleansing of the horse's body, has several benefits for the horse. Many horse owners are a bit anxious about detoxing, and we understand that, but if done thoughtfully, it is actually a very beneficial action for your horse. Therefore, read in this blog about the benefits of a detox for your horse.. Note! A detox is not always safe to give. Removal of toxins The main function of a detox is to remove toxins. Horses (and also humans) accumulate toxins in the body. These are substances that enter the body through food, illness, obesity, allergies, exercise, and so on. It is inevitable that we get toxins in our bodies, and fortunately, we have a liver and kidneys for that. They help filter and eliminate toxins. However, this is often not enough, and toxins are still stored in the body. A detox...

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Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .