In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.



To compete or not when your horse finds it stressful?

If you ride dressage or show jumping with your horse, it can be quite enjoyable to compete. At least, for you as a rider. Competitions are a good opportunity to see where you are in your training and to compete against other combinations. But does your horse enjoy it as much? And what can you do to make the experience as positive as possible for him? A few tips and tricks, even if your horse may not enjoy it that much yet. Resilient horse Before competing, it is important that your horse can han...




What do the eyes of your horse say?

As horse owners, we would like to know if our horses are feeling good. And if they might want to tell us something. One of the ways to 'listen' to horses is by looking closely at their eyes. Do you know what each look of your horse says? And what should you pay attention to? The eyes of horses are located on the sides of their heads. This allows a horse to see almost all around itself; it can't see directly behind itself. Such wide vision is very useful for a flight animal, as it can scan the en...



Why social contact is so important for horses

Horses are herd animals. They are naturally made to live in groups and need social contact to remain physically and mentally healthy. In densely populated Netherlands, it is not always possible to meet all the needs of your horse. How important is social contact actually for your horse, what exactly is social contact, and how can you help your horse when (temporarily) less social contact is possible? Over the years, the thinking on animal welfare has changed. For a long time, the 'five freedoms'...






Black cumin

Do you know if your horse is in pain?

"If only they could talk" is something that horse owners often say to each other. Because sometimes there is something wrong with your horse, but it is not immediately clear what exactly. Is he just having a bad day? Or is there something more going on? How easy would it be sometimes to just ask! Horses don't talk, but they do give off signals about how they feel. We humans just have to learn to understand those signals... Researchers have been studying for years to find out what signa...




Salmon oil

Smooth joints? Combination of housing, nutrition, and exercise!

Smooth joints? Combination of housing, nutrition and exercise! Older horses often experience muscle stiffness or rigidity due to early osteoarthritis. It is important for horses to keep moving in order to remain flexible. But are there also nutrients that help keep your horse more supple? How do you feed your horse to keep his joints healthy for as long as possible? Stiffness in (older) horses is often caused by osteoarthritis. This is a condition where (chronic) inflammation occurs in the joint...




Salmon oil

How to prevent muscle breakdown in the aging horse?

As horses age, they may suffer from muscle breakdown. This is a natural process. In humans, as well, more muscle tissue is broken down as the years go by. This is due to changes in hormone levels, decreased nerve stimulation to the muscles, and a decline in protein metabolism in an older horse or human. Maintaining muscles requires a lot of energy. However, a horse also needs them. It is important that an older horse, even in winter, receives enough energy to maintain its muscles. Unlimited roug...




Older horses often need customized nutrition. Most horse owners are aware of that. However, it is not as simple as buying a bag of senior feed on your four-legged friend's 18th birthday and then calling it a day. One senior horse is not the same as the other, so always pay close attention to your horse

# Nutrition for the older horse: choose a customized ration!

Older horses often need customized nutrition. Most horse owners are aware of that. However, it is not as simple as buying a bag of senior feed on your four-legged friend's 18th birthday and then calling it a day. One senior horse is not the same as the other, so always pay close attention to your horse. When dealing with aging horses, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, the teeth wear down, causing chewing problems. Therefore, a good equine dentist who regularly checks the teeth is crucial for an older horse. In addition, the digestion of an older horse changes. From around the age of 20, the processing of food becomes less efficient. Also, organs such as the liver and kidneys start to function less effectively. Older horses may struggle to extract energy, protein, vitamins, and minera...





Vitamin E

Black cumin

Osteoarthritis and dental problems: support your horse as it ages

The age at which a horse becomes a "senior" can vary depending on the breed and the individual horse. In general, we are talking about horses around 18 to 20 years old. This is when the first signs of aging start to appear. Joints: Stiffness and Osteoarthritis Older horses often experience joint wear and tear. The production of cartilage slows down in older horses, leading to the gradual thinning of the 'cushioning' cartilage between joints. Cartilage and synovial fluid work together t...


When training horses, there is a lot to consider. Whether you are working on basic exercises or training at the highest level. All levels have their challenges. In addition to those challenges, you can also choose different forms of training and decide whether to do this indoors, outdoors, in an arena, or maybe even during a trail ride.

# The benefits of training your horse on a trail ride

When training horses, there is a lot to consider. Whether you are working on basic exercises or training at the highest level. All levels have their challenges. In addition to those challenges, you can also choose different forms of training and decide whether to do this indoors, outdoors, in an arena, or maybe even during a trail ride.. Despite the preference of most riders still going to a closed arena, training your horse on a trail ride is extremely valuable. Why train in an arena? When you actually start training with your horse and focus on improvement or learning something new, it is important to choose where you will train. An enclosed space is ideal when you want to train your horse loose for the first time, for example. In addition, a closed arena often gives a "safe" feeling, allowing many people, and theref...




A detox, or in other words, a cleansing of the horse's body, has several benefits for the horse. Many horse owners are a bit anxious about detoxing, and we understand that, but if done thoughtfully, it is actually a very beneficial action for your horse. Therefore, read in this blog about the benefits of a detox for your horse.

Do you know what the benefits are of a detox for your horse?

A detox, or in other words, a cleansing of the horse's body, has several benefits for the horse. Many horse owners are a bit anxious about detoxing, and we understand that, but if done thoughtfully, it is actually a very beneficial action for your horse. Therefore, read in this blog about the benefits of a detox for your horse.. Note! A detox is not always safe to give. Removal of toxins The main function of a detox is to remove toxins. Horses (and also humans) accumulate toxins in the body. These are substances that enter the body through food, illness, obesity, allergies, exercise, and so on. It is inevitable that we get toxins in our bodies, and fortunately, we have a liver and kidneys for that. They help filter and eliminate toxins. However, this is often not enough, and toxins are still stored in the body. A detox...




In spring and autumn you hear and read a lot about detoxing horses. We also participate in this, because detoxing is a natural phenomenon in horses and has health benefits. But detoxing is not without risks and should always be given with careful consideration. In this blog, we want to tell you why detoxing is not always wise. If you want to detox your horse, always consult with us first or do it after consulting with a therapist.

Did you know that it is not always wise to give a detox to your horse?

In spring and autumn you hear and read a lot about detoxing horses. We also participate in this, because detoxing is a natural phenomenon in horses and has health benefits. But detoxing is not without risks and should always be given with careful consideration. In this blog, we want to tell you why detoxing is not always wise. If you want to detox your horse, always consult with us first or do it after consulting with a therapist.. Wild horses detox too Wild horses also detox when they live in natural conditions. These horses live according to the rhythm of nature, which means they gain a lot of weight in the summer, but lose a lot of weight in the winter due to scarcity. Toxins are stored in the body in fat tissue, and as the horse loses weight, it slowly gets rid of these toxins throughout the winter. In the wild, horses do not only eat high quality hay or fresh grass, they eat whatever they can find. During certain peri...



If you are competing in shows, going on a multi-day trek, doing endurance, or planning long trail rides, it's important to keep your horse hydrated. A horse that doesn't drink enough not only loses fluids, but also a lot of energy. Moreover, the risk of colic increases when a horse doesn't drink enough. That's why we give you seven tips to make your horse drink when you are on the go.

Seven tips to make your horse drink on unfamiliar terrain

If you are competing in shows, going on a multi-day trek, doing endurance, or planning long trail rides, it's important to keep your horse hydrated. A horse that doesn't drink enough not only loses fluids, but also a lot of energy. Moreover, the risk of colic increases when a horse doesn't drink enough. That's why we give you seven tips to make your horse drink when you are on the go.. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink is a well-known English proverb. Figuratively, it means that you can't force someone to do something they don't want to do, but as a horse owner, you can also take this proverb quite literally. However, there are some things you can do to make your horse drink (better) when you are away from home. When should a horse drink? Just like people, some horses drink more than others. Horses can also go without water for a few hours. But when...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .