In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.



In the wild, horses eat a wide variety of herbs, grasses, and trees. This way, they ensure they get plant-based ingredients that help eliminate waste products and keep their kidneys and liver healthy. Our horses have much less choice and variety in their diet. You can help your horse by offering herbal extracts that have blood-purifying and detoxifying functions. But which supplement should you choose?

When dandelion and when detox for your horse?

In the wild, horses eat a wide variety of herbs, grasses, and trees. This way, they ensure they get plant-based ingredients that help eliminate waste products and keep their kidneys and liver healthy. Our horses have much less choice and variety in their diet. You can help your horse by offering herbal extracts that have blood-purifying and detoxifying functions. But which supplement should you choose?. There are several herbs that contribute to the elimination of waste products and boost the digestion of horses. In this article, more about dandelion and a detox herbal blend. Dandelion An herbal extract of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is made from the entire plant, including the root. It is a mild extract that can always be given, even to pregnant mares. If your horse has mild digestive disturbances, such as occasional loose stools or excessive gas, dandelion can provide support. Also, if y...




The liver and kidneys have an important function in eliminating waste products through urine and feces. The liver also plays a crucial role in digestion and the production and storage of vitamins. The kidneys are essential for electrolyte balance and hydration of your horse. How do you keep your horse's liver and kidneys healthy?

Your horse's liver and kidneys: keep them healthy!

The liver and kidneys have an important function in eliminating waste products through urine and feces. The liver also plays a crucial role in digestion and the production and storage of vitamins. The kidneys are essential for electrolyte balance and hydration of your horse. How do you keep your horse's liver and kidneys healthy?. What Do a Horse’s Kidneys Do? The kidneys remove excess salts, water, and waste products from the bodies of mammals. They are part of a system that includes the urinary tract and the bladder. For this system to function well, a horse must always have access to plenty of fresh water so it can drink adequately. Keeping the Kidneys Healthy To keep your horse’s kidneys healthy, first ensure there is always fresh drinking water available. Clean the water trough daily. Also, make sure your horse gets...




Everywhere you see shampoo bars and other shampoos being promoted a lot for mud fever, wounds, and other skin conditions. And then with the advice to wash daily, for example. But is that really wise for mud fever? Do you want the legs to be washed daily or are you perhaps doing more harm with that?

To wash or not to wash horses with mud fever?

Everywhere you see shampoo bars and other shampoos being promoted a lot for mud fever, wounds, and other skin conditions. And then with the advice to wash daily, for example. But is that really wise for mud fever? Do you want the legs to be washed daily or are you perhaps doing more harm with that?. Washing disrupts the skin balance Shampoo bars are all the rage, not only for yourself but also for horses. And yes, generally these are "healthier" than a shampoo from a bottle, but these shampoo bars also have disadvantages. Shampoo bars degrease extremely, if you have ever used such a bar yourself then you notice that your scalp feels extremely clean and your hair becomes a bit stiff. This means that all skin oil is removed and thus also the protection of the skin. The skin balance...



Lymphatic system


Einschuss (elephant foot) and CPL (Chronic Progressive Lymphoedema) are conditions affecting the legs of a horse. In both cases, the lymphatic system plays a crucial role. Fluid accumulates and the horse develops swellings in the legs. What is the difference between these two leg problems and how can you help your horse?

What is the difference between CPL and einschuss in horses?

Einschuss (elephant foot) and CPL (Chronic Progressive Lymphoedema) are conditions affecting the legs of a horse. In both cases, the lymphatic system plays a crucial role. Fluid accumulates and the horse develops swellings in the legs. What is the difference between these two leg problems and how can you help your horse?. What is einschuss? Einschuss usually occurs due to a small wound on the horse's leg, which may sometimes be hard to find. An inflammation of the lymphatic vessels occurs, which can spread to the blood vessels. Einschuss is recognizable by the fact that it always occurs on one leg. Swelling in einschuss often starts at the base of the leg and rapidly expands. A minor injury can lead to a severe acute inflammation, resulting in a swollen and warm leg. The horse may also have a fever and feel letha...


Lymphatic system


The lymphatic system of your horse is important for draining fluid from the body tissues, clearing away dead cells, and removing waste and toxins. A well-functioning lymphatic system ensures a properly working immune system and a healthy and happy horse.

Which herbs support your horse's lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system of your horse is important for draining fluid from the body tissues, clearing away dead cells, and removing waste and toxins. A well-functioning lymphatic system ensures a properly working immune system and a healthy and happy horse.. If you think your horse could use some support, for example, if he has a weak immune system, looks tired, or often has swollen legs or stable legs, there are natural herbs that you can use. Nettle: blood purifying Nettle is a well-known herb for horses and works as a blood purifier. During the growing season, you can pick the nettle yourself: then take the young tips and let them dry to remove the 'sting.' In winter, a ready-made supplement is more convenient. A liquid extract of nettle is more...





In the cold, wet, and dark days of winter, many horses experience a dip in their immune system. The shedding of their winter coat, when the days start getting longer, can also have a negative impact on their immune system. Is there a way to prevent such a resistance dip? We provide you with four tips

Four tips to prevent a dip in immunity in your horse

In the cold, wet, and dark days of winter, many horses experience a dip in their immune system. The shedding of their winter coat, when the days start getting longer, can also have a negative impact on their immune system. Is there a way to prevent such a resistance dip? We provide you with four tips. Tip 1 - Ensure sufficient exercise even in winter Horses are animals that require movement. However, during winter, it can be less appealing - and sometimes even impossible - to go out with your horse. If you only have access to an outdoor arena, or have to work during the day, this may mean that your horse gets less exercise in winter. Make sure your horse has as much free movement as possible daily, even if you don't find it appealing to be outside. Generally, horses tolerate cold weather much...




If you want to boost your horse's immune system or stimulate its body to expel accumulated waste more quickly, you can give your horse a special treatment. You have the choice between a detox with a herbal mixture, a treatment with nettle, or a treatment with dandelion. When do you use which plants?

Dandelion, nettle or a detox?

If you want to boost your horse's immune system or stimulate its body to expel accumulated waste more quickly, you can give your horse a special treatment. You have the choice between a detox with a herbal mixture, a treatment with nettle, or a treatment with dandelion. When do you use which plants?. One of the major differences between a detox, nettle, or dandelion is the intensity of the treatments. Dandelion and nettle are mild herbs that are suitable for all horses. This means that even horses with underlying conditions such as laminitis, muscle stiffness, and obesity can use dandelion or nettle. These herbs are also suitable for pregnant mares. You can give them several times a year when you want to give your horse a boost. A herbal detox is only intended for healthy horses. A detox tre...


What is the healing effect of dandelion?

What is the medicinal effect of dandelion? In the spring, many meadows are full of dandelions. A cheerful sight, but did you know that this plant also has powerful medicinal properties? The leaves and roots of dandelions contain tannins and other 'bitter substances' that are beneficial for digestion and liver function, in both humans and horses. The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) may seem like such a common plant and is often seen as a weed, but it is actually a very special flower. Both the l...



Dandelion as an addition to a mineral buffet

The mineral buffet is becoming more and more popular in the horse world, and it's no wonder. It's ideal to provide your horse with an extra choice in the nutrients it wants/can take in, and it stimulates their self-selection ability. Of course, it's important that we help our horses a bit and not continuously give them the same options, but vary them. This way, we can ensure that we continue to stimulate the intuition of the horse, as not every plant is available all year round. Dandelion is one...





A mineral buffet: can horses still choose for the good themselves?

Regularly we are asked whether horses can really choose in a mineral buffet or if they will always choose the tastiest option. Because is the modern horse still close enough to nature to be able to make "healthy" choices? And what about mineral buffets, are they healthy for horses or not? And how do you offer a mineral buffet? Genetically, horses are close to nature All present-day horses are still genetically very close to the primal horse. While humans no longer resemble the ancient...




Weeds or actually healthy for horses?

Weeds or Healthy for Horses? In your horse's pasture, there is often more than just grass. This is not a problem, in fact, it is often a good thing. In the wild, horses do not only eat grass. Herbs, bushes, and trees are also on the menu. Each plant offers something different and diversity is healthy. But of course, you don't want your horse to eat toxic plants. That's why it's good to know which plants belong in your pasture and which ones don't. 'Green desert' In the Netherlands, many pastures...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .