In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.

Vitamin E

What feed and supplements for optimal fertility of breeding stallions?

Just like broodmares, breeding stallions may sometimes need some extra support. Especially if they are also used in sports or do a lot of breeding. Of course, not everyone has a KWPN breeding stallion in the stable, but there are quite a few people in the Netherlands and Belgium who breed with, for example, Shetland ponies or their own crosses. What should you look out for in the nutrition for optimal fertility of a breeding stallion? While stallions do not carry the foal and therefore do not ne...



# Why there are so many 'early' foals

Why there are so many 'early' foals In recent years, it is becoming more common to see foals born in March, February, or even January. For some breeders, it seems like a competition. In nature, the period between April and June is the best time for a foal to be born. It is warmer and there is plenty of spring grass for the mare to make nutrient-rich milk. So why are there so many early foals? As the days get longer and the grass starts to grow, the mare's hormone system kicks in. Although the fi...





How do I help my horse with joint problems?

There are many horses with joint problems. This can be due to wear and tear, injuries, their build, or less than optimal conditions when they were young. Whatever the cause, as a horse owner, you have to deal with it! And so does your horse. What can you do for your horse with joint problems, such as arthritis, OCD, and kissing spines? Joint problems come in different shapes and sizes. An older horse that is a bit slow to get going may have a mild form of arthritis in some areas of its legs. The...



Vitamin E

Which supplement is suitable for muscle building in horses?

Which supplement is suitable for horse muscle building? Many horse owners would like to help their horse build muscle. For example, with young horses or animals that have been out of training for a while. Others are mainly looking to prevent muscle breakdown. This is more common with older horses or horses that have a condition or injury. How do you support your horse's muscles? Muscles consist of muscle fibers, which are fed and maintained by the body. You can build and grow muscles through tar...


Guest blog

Guest blog Miranda Hoogenberg from HOPE for Horses: from HARD to HEART

Having and training a (young) horse can be so much fun, if you have the right horse... or the right help with training..... but..... having a (young) horse can be hard work..... I see them all pass by in my work and yet I agree with: “Having a (young) horse is Fun!!!” A perfect match! The road to riding is truly one of the most beautiful moments for building a bond with your horse and it doesn't always require (a lot of) stress. We bought a young horse for my daughter last summer, they fell for...



Vitamin E

How do you support a horse with muscle binding?

How to support a muscle-bound horse? Muscle binding, also called 'tying up' or Monday disease, is a disease. It is not just a bit of stiffness. The muscle metabolism of the horse is out of control with muscle binding. You must treat muscle binding immediately. How do you recognize muscle binding, what can you do about it, and how do you prevent this serious condition? Muscle binding usually occurs about ten to fifteen minutes after a horse has been in motion. It is a total acidification of the m...






Help, my horse is eating sand! What should I do now?

Two times a year we see a peak in questions about horses eating sand. Typically around February/March and usually around September/October. This is quite logical, as these are periods when the molting process is in full swing and the nutritional needs of horses are changing due to a seasonal shift. But what should you do if your horse starts eating sand? Should you just let it happen or should you intervene? Sand-eating is a natural phenomenon All horses eat sand, this is a natural phenomenon an...


Guest blog

Guest blog Growth Factory: Using a horse as a therapy horse? Is that weird?

Guest blog Growth Factory: Using a horse as therapy horse? Is that weird? Written for Marjolein from @Dutch_Draft_Astor (@groeifabriek) Using a horse for the learning goals of your client? Is that strange, airy-fairy, or actually just day-care instead of working concretely on learning goals? Almost everyone has heard at some point that working with animals, horses in particular, could have a healing effect. 'Very nice' I always thought, 'but that's all in your head'. Horse coaching not the suita...




Many changes of horses in the herd cause stress and reduced immunity!

Many changes in the herd cause stress and reduced immunity! Horses in a boarding stable don't always have it easy. Turnover in boarding stables is generally higher than in private ownership. And as horse owners, we all know that horses are herd animals. But did you also know that changes in the group cause stress and therefore a decreased immunity? Read in this blog how this works. Stable herd = safety and security Horses naturally live in herds, with a clear leader and mutual friendships and re...



Vitamin E

Why is my horse stiff?

Is this muscles or joints? A healthy horse, without problems in the joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments, moves rhythmically, regularly, smoothly, and with body usage. If you let such a horse move freely or lunge it, you will see ample steps of equal size, a pulsating rhythm in the movement, and swaying muscles throughout the body, including the topline. Unfortunately, this is not always the reality and horses are sometimes stiff, short in movement, irregular, or lock up their back. The quest...




Is your horse acting normal?

Is Your Horse Acting Normal? Do you ever observe your horse in the pasture, paddock, or in the stable? What do you look for? And what stands out to you? Do you know what is 'normal' for your horse? Small deviations in a horse's behavior can be signs of early discomfort, illness, or social issues. Therefore, make it a habit to regularly observe your horse. As a horse owner, you want the best for your animal. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of what behavior is 'normal' for your horse. I...




Why a retirement horse also needs to keep moving

Many people are familiar with the saying "use it or lose it", but you only truly understand the meaning when you have been inactive for a while or literally unable to move. As we age, we start to experience more difficulties if we don't keep moving. When you ask older, fit, and agile people what they do, the answer is often: 'Eat healthy and walk'. Moving becomes more challenging as you get older, but you can still keep moving, as long as you don't just stop. Horses can experience this...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .