In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.





In the cold, wet, and dark days of winter, many horses experience a dip in their immune system. The shedding of their winter coat, when the days start getting longer, can also have a negative impact on their immune system. Is there a way to prevent such a resistance dip? We provide you with four tips

Four tips to prevent a dip in immunity in your horse

In the cold, wet, and dark days of winter, many horses experience a dip in their immune system. The shedding of their winter coat, when the days start getting longer, can also have a negative impact on their immune system. Is there a way to prevent such a resistance dip? We provide you with four tips. Tip 1 - Ensure sufficient exercise even in winter Horses are animals that require movement. However, during winter, it can be less appealing - and sometimes even impossible - to go out with your horse. If you only have access to an outdoor arena, or have to work during the day, this may mean that your horse gets less exercise in winter. Make sure your horse has as much free movement as possible daily, even if you don't find it appealing to be outside. Generally, horses tolerate cold weather much...




It's winter: dark, cold, and wet. Not the best conditions for your horse's immunity. Especially since ventilation can be less effective in closed stables and viruses can thrive better at low temperatures. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your horse's immunity is optimal. Which herbs can help with that?

Which herbs give your horse a boost for immunity?

It's winter: dark, cold, and wet. Not the best conditions for your horse's immunity. Especially since ventilation can be less effective in closed stables and viruses can thrive better at low temperatures. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your horse's immunity is optimal. Which herbs can help with that?. There are several herbs that can influence the immune system. For example, rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C, nettle has a blood-purifying effect, and echinacea stimulates the immune response. We list them for you. Rosehip: antioxidant effect A good way to boost your horse's immunity is to add a liquid extract of rosehip to its feed. Rosehip can also be used as part of a mineral buffet. Rosehip is rich in vitamin C. Research in horses has shown that when rosehip is used effectively, it has a c...





A mineral buffet: can horses still choose for the good themselves?

Regularly we are asked whether horses can really choose in a mineral buffet or if they will always choose the tastiest option. Because is the modern horse still close enough to nature to be able to make "healthy" choices? And what about mineral buffets, are they healthy for horses or not? And how do you offer a mineral buffet? Genetically, horses are close to nature All present-day horses are still genetically very close to the primal horse. While humans no longer resemble the ancient...



Vitamin E

Keep broodmare resistance high for childbirth!

Keep resistance of broodmare high for childbirth! Did you know that foals are born with virtually no immune system? Only a small part of the necessary antibodies is already present before birth via the placenta to the foal. All other antibodies they need to be able to deal with viruses and bacteria are obtained from the mare's colostrum. That is the first milk produced immediately after birth. So colostrum is incredibly important for the foal! A foal that does not receive enough colostrum is ver...



Prevent resistance dip in horse? Choose nettle and rosehip!

Preventing resistance dip? Choose nettle and rosehip! At the end of winter/in early spring, many horses experience a dip in resistance. Horses are shedding their winter coat and preparing themselves for spring. This is also a period where there can be significant temperature differences, with frost at night and temperatures above 10 degrees during the day. But how can you prevent a resistance dip in your horse? Liquid rosehip for extra antioxidants and vitamin C Rosehip is a fruit known for bein...



Rosehip, beautiful addition to the mineral buffet!

Rosehip, a beautiful addition to the mineral buffet! More and more horse owners are creating a mineral buffet for their horse and this can be as extensive as you want. Green clay, nettle tincture, minerals from the Bering Sea, Celtic sea salt, and so on! Nowadays, there are a lot of products that you can add to your horse's water. And from now on, you can also add rosehip tincture! Healthy extra for horses Many horses love rosehips and they are also extremely healthy for horses. You can give the...


The healing power of rosehip

Rosehip is known among horse people as a healthy treat that you can pick straight from the bush. Rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C in a very readily absorbable form. Your horse can easily use it in his body. However, you need to pick a lot of rosehips to get some effect. That's why it's handy to use a liquid tincture of rosehip. In a rosehip tincture (extract), all the healthy substances from the rosehip are in a concentrated and liquid form. This makes absorption even easier. Plus, your horse...



For horses, the liver is an important organ. The liver is essential for the removal of waste products, for digestion, and for the production and storage of, among other things, vitamin C. When the liver is not functioning properly, it is not always easy to see in a horse. Accumulation of waste products and reduced release of vitamins usually lead to what are usually called 'vague complaints'.

How do you support your horse's liver?

For horses, the liver is an important organ. The liver is essential for the removal of waste products, for digestion, and for the production and storage of, among other things, vitamin C. When the liver is not functioning properly, it is not always easy to see in a horse. Accumulation of waste products and reduced release of vitamins usually lead to what are usually called 'vague complaints'.. The liver is the first line of defense against contaminants and toxic substances that may be present in food. Substances absorbed from the intestines are first sent through the liver, so that harmful substances do not go unnoticed throughout the body. The liver filters those toxic substances from the blood. That is also the reason why poisoning by, for example, ragwort mainly leads to liver damage. Your horse's liver takes the blows. Liver important for vitamin C The liver is the largest gland i...

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