In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.



Dandelion as an addition to a mineral buffet

The mineral buffet is becoming more and more popular in the horse world, and it's no wonder. It's ideal to provide your horse with an extra choice in the nutrients it wants/can take in, and it stimulates their self-selection ability. Of course, it's important that we help our horses a bit and not continuously give them the same options, but vary them. This way, we can ensure that we continue to stimulate the intuition of the horse, as not every plant is available all year round. Dandelion is one...



You often hear that a herbal detox is good for your horse. It is a natural way to cleanse the body. Horses in the wild also 'detox'. Firstly, because they lose fat tissue - and thereby a lot of waste products - during the winter months. And secondly, by eating various herbs and branches. Is a detox also a good idea for your horse?

Which horses benefit from a detox?

You often hear that a herbal detox is good for your horse. It is a natural way to cleanse the body. Horses in the wild also 'detox'. Firstly, because they lose fat tissue - and thereby a lot of waste products - during the winter months. And secondly, by eating various herbs and branches. Is a detox also a good idea for your horse?. It is important to ask this question because a detox is not suitable for all horses. For example, sick horses, horses with extreme overweight or laminitis and pregnant horses should not be given a detox treatment. Sometimes, a mild purification with nettles may be a good idea for these horses. So, a detox is always a matter of customization. What are the benefits of a detox? A detox is intended to remove toxins from the body. Toxins arise in daily life, for example from digestion or from minuscu...



Why a horse's health starts with the intestinal flora

Horses are very sensitive to digestive problems. The gastrointestinal tract of an adult horse can be as long as 40 meters, with a capacity of up to 200 liters! Along this entire tract, various problems can arise. The health of a horse is therefore largely dependent on the health of its digestive system. Especially in winter. One of the most important ways to maintain your horse's immunity is to ensure a well-functioning gastrointestinal tract. This is literally the foundation of your horse's hea...



What is the difference between pro- and prebiotics? And does it have an effect on the gut health of horses?

What is the difference between pro- and prebiotics? And does it affect the gut health of horses? Probably you have not previously considered the difference between pro- and prebiotics. Often pro- and prebiotics are mentioned together, but the difference between the two is significant. It is good to know exactly what this difference is and how both work on the gut flora of horses (but also humans). What is the difference between pre- and probiotics A probiotic is officially defined as a living mi...

Guest blog


What nutrition and supplements does Floxely, the horse of our colleague Marjolijn, receive?

What does Floxely, the horse of our colleague Marjolijn, eat in terms of nutrition and supplements? At HELTIE horse, we are all horse girls and each have our own horse. Talking about horses, horse health, and horse nutrition fits perfectly within our interests. We always discuss healthy food, natural food, grain-free, low in sugar, etc. But how do we apply this to our own horses? What do we feed them? In this section, Marjolijn will explain what she feeds her mare, Floxely. Getting to know Floxe...


The annual dental check-up: important for a healthy horse

Your horse's health starts with good digestion. And good digestion starts with good chewing. Good chewing can only be done with a good set of teeth. Therefore, it is important to have your horse's teeth checked annually. But... there are a few more reasons why a check-up is wise. Chewing food finely with the molars and mixing it with abundant saliva is the first - important - step in digestion in horses. A horse that can chew well and has a healthy set of teeth will be less likely to have proble...



What electrolytes are most natural for your horse?

It's hot and that means horses lose a lot of salts and minerals through their sweat. To replenish these electrolytes, you can use different types of supplements. Which electrolytes are the most natural and when does your horse need them? Electrolytes are important for the functioning of the horse's body. These substances help the body with nerve and muscle function, acid-base balance (pH), and fluid balance. Which electrolytes? The main electrolytes lost when sweating are: calcium, magnesium, ch...


Vitamin E


# Why roughage alone is not enough for horses

Why roughage alone is not enough for horses If you ask non-horse people: 'what does a horse eat?' then the chances are high that they will answer 'grass'. But that certainly does not apply to all of our horses! Especially not in a cold winter, or a dry summer. What is true, however, is that horses mainly eat roughage, from grass to hay. But unfortunately, roughage alone is not sufficient to keep your horse healthy. Roughage is obviously the basis for a healthy horse. Horses depend on fibers for...



Do you need to give pellets, or are loose herbs sufficient for your horse?

Many people are afraid that their horse will lack something if they don't give pellets. Is that justified? Or can your horse also get by with only roughage and loose herbs? That is quite a difficult question and very much dependent on your horse and the circumstances under which he is kept. To start with: it depends on what you mean by 'pellets'. Regular pellets or feed, grains or muesli, are usually not necessary. Many types of concentrate feeds contain all sorts of sugars and fillers that your...




Extra minerals for your horse: When is that necessary?

Minerals are essential building blocks for bones, muscle tissue, organs, and the nervous system. Therefore, your horse needs to be able to absorb enough minerals with its food and water. But minerals are complex, sometimes work together, and occasionally interfere with each other. How do you know if your horse is getting enough minerals or needs extra? Minerals are important for the skeleton, nervous system, and digestion. Horses require a large number of minerals, sometimes in very small amount...




Sweet itch

Oh no, my horse is rubbing!

As the weather gets warmer, the horses are out in the grass and the insects are emerging from their eggs, the headache for many horse owners resurfaces. Especially Friesians and draft horses are affected: rubbing and damaging the mane and tail. What can you do to prevent this? Itching is of course very annoying. And it is not fun to watch as your horse feels so uncomfortable that he constantly wants to scratch at fences, stall doors, water buckets, or even at you as the owner. Especially when th...



Seven tips to keep your black horse black this summer

Many black and black-brown horses become significantly lighter in the summer, sometimes even turning truly brown. This is a natural process and the horse is not bothered by it at all. But as an owner, you might prefer your horse to stay black. For example, if you have a Friesian going to a show. If you prefer to keep your horse black without using paint, we have seven tips for you. The brown color is caused by the sun. The hair of your horse fades under the influence of UV radiation. This proces...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .