Transition from grass to hay: take it easy!

The days are getting shorter and although the grass still grows a little, the nutritional value decreases in the autumn. It's time to supplement feed, and in many cases horses also move to the stable and paddock. This transition can be difficult for horses because they have a very sensitive digestive system. What can you do to make this transition easier?





24 October '22 3 min reading time

In the spring, when horses go from hay to grass, many horse owners are cautious. Most people know that you need to gradually increase grass consumption to prevent problems like diarrhea or laminitis. In the autumn, the transition in the diet is also significant, although not everyone realizes that. It is wise to also switch slowly in the autumn.

Autumn grass and hay

Grass can still contain quite a bit of sugar in the autumn, especially if the nights are cold and the days are sunny. But grass contains much less fiber than hay; it consists mostly of water. Hay, on the other hand, is mostly fiber and contains much less moisture. An abrupt transition to hay or other forage can therefore cause colic. Your horse really needs to get used to it again. Therefore, it is wise to start supplementing with hay in the field a few weeks before horses move from the pasture to the paddock and stable.

Less movement

Due to the transition from pasture to stable, horses often automatically get less exercise. This too can cause constipation. Ensure that your horse continues to get enough exercise in the autumn and winter, especially during the transition from pasture to stable. For example, by riding more often or taking an extra walk. If you have access to a horse walker, you can also use it more often, but it is best to move with your horse yourself.


Digestive problems in the autumn can worsen due to a build-up of sand in the intestines. This often happens towards the end of the period when the horses are in the pasture. Horses are quite messy eaters, often pulling up grass roots when eating. Especially when the grass is short, this can mean they ingest a lot of sand. Therefore, give a preventative treatment with psyllium (flea seed) when the grass is short. Also, horses have an increased mineral requirement during the shedding period, which can lead to horses eating sand. This can be prevented by timely supplementing with silicon or minerals originating from the Bering Sea.

Preventing setbacks?

Some horses experience a decline in muscle mass and health when transitioning to the paddock and stable. Ensure that your horse's diet contains sufficient vitamins and minerals. The easiest way is to use a balancer pellet that contains the daily amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, older horses may have an additional need for protein. They get this from the grass in summer. Also, the intake of vitamin A and vitamin E is lower when a horse is off the grass. Carrots and a vitamin E supplement can be helpful for this.

You may have already heard on social media, but the forage of 2022 appears to be extremely low in protein. For working horses, it may be advisable to supplement with extra protein, for example in the form of coconut fibers or protein flakes.

What to do in case of digestive problems?

Monitor your horse closely during the transition from grass to hay. Check the manure for sand and see if the manure balls are not too dry. In case of colic, contact your veterinarian immediately. Want to support your horse in keeping its digestion healthy? Consider a special herbal treatment with herbs like hawthorn, yellow gentian, wormwood, and cat's claw. These herbs promote a healthy gut flora, purify the blood, and contribute to healthy digestion.

Autumn = time for detox

For many horses, it is a good idea to give a short detox treatment twice a year: in the spring and autumn. A detox helps to eliminate toxins and boost your horse's immune system. The herbs support the cleansing action of the liver and kidney function. A detox extract for horses usually contains milk thistle, supplemented with turmeric, boldo, and artichoke. Note: A detox is only suitable for healthy horses! Horses prone to laminitis or obesity should not be given a detox. Pregnant mares and horses with PSSM or prone to tying up should not receive a full detox either. These horses can be given a milder treatment, such as nettle extract, which is very suitable for this purpose.

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