Horse with liver problems? Then don't do a detox!



15 November '22 3 min reading time

Horse with liver problems? Then don't do a detox!

We notice that many horse owners perform a detox on horses with liver problems. With good intentions, of course, but not actually very wise. They want to support the horse and the liver so that they are back in order as soon as possible. But a detox is not suitable for that, we are happy to explain to you!

A detox stimulates the liver

Every form of detox (herbal combination or, for example, pure milk thistle) has the function of putting the liver to work extra and stimulating it to clean the body. It is a semi-annual cleansing for horses that are healthy and feeling well. Firstly, a detox should never be applied to a horse with reduced health, because a detox is intense and can also cause problems. We therefore always recommend contacting us or a therapist before applying a detox to your horse. And secondly, the liver can be so extremely activated/stimulated that it becomes overloaded and exhausted. A horse with liver problems has a liver with a "burn-out" - if you push it even more, the liver will protect itself by shutting down. Fortunately, the liver is very capable of renewing and recovering itself, but it takes time. And during the period that the liver shuts down, its function is not taken over. You want to prevent the liver from becoming completely exhausted and stopping working at all costs.

Therefore, we strongly advise against giving a detox to horses with liver problems or elevated liver values! Also, don't give a milk thistle cure, don't give herbs that stimulate the liver extra. You want to relieve the liver!

Relieving the liver is most important!

As indicated, there is a chance that the liver will "shut down" if it is overloaded. Therefore, it is important for horses with liver problems to relieve the liver. Not trigger the function, not stimulate it extra, but relieve it!

The liver has various functions, including the production of vitamin C. An easy way to relieve the liver is by giving extra vitamin C to your horse. The liver does not have to take on this function then and has time for other functions. Extra vitamin C can be given in the form of rosehip (tincture) or, for example, human vitamin C (always in deacidified form!). Do not give a high-fat ration to a horse with liver problems. Digesting fat requires bile, but a horse does not have a gallbladder and produces bile in the liver. If you don't give extra oil, the liver doesn't have to produce extra bile and you relieve the liver. The liver is also involved in the production of proteins, a very important building block for horses. You can support the liver by providing the horse with a comprehensive protein/amino acid complex. The liver then has to produce less itself.

Furthermore, a cure with nettle tincture is very healthy for horses with liver problems. This is blood-purifying, but does not trigger the liver and is good for the overall resistance of the horse.

In short, with a horse with liver problems:

  • Never give a detox or milk thistle

  • Give extra vitamin C

  • Limit oil/fats in the diet

  • Provide extra proteins if necessary

  • Provide nettle tincture if desired

Because of legislation, we unfortunately cannot specify exactly which products are suitable. It is also not allowed to put a link to the product. We can only do this in a personal conversation. Are you interested? Contact us at or 0522-470017.

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