The healing power of rosehip


28 October '22 1 min reading time

The healing power of rosehip

Rosehip is known among horse people as a healthy treat that you can pick straight from the bush. Rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C in a very readily absorbable form. Your horse can easily use it in his body. However, you need to pick a lot of rosehips to get some effect. That's why it's handy to use a liquid tincture of rosehip.

In a rosehip tincture (extract), all the healthy substances from the rosehip are in a concentrated and liquid form. This makes absorption even easier. Plus, your horse gets a lot more than when you pick a few loose rosehips from the bush.

What does rosehip do?

Rosehips are full of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight so-called 'free radicals' in the body. This helps prevent and resolve diseases. That's why people often eat oranges or mandarins when they have a cold. Rosehip tincture supports your horse's immune system. His resistance is therefore increased. Especially during seasonal changes and shedding periods, this is a nice boost. Rosehip also works mildly anti-inflammatory, stimulating joint function. For example, in older horses and horses with mild arthritis. Horses also find rosehip very tasty.

It is often thought that rosehip also has a significant impact on hoof quality because it contains biotin. The amount of biotin in rosehip is not very high, so the effect on hooves is minimal. You would have to feed a lot of rosehip to see an effect. For improving hoof quality, it is better to choose hydrolized silicon.

In a water trough

Rosehip can be given through feed, but you can also add rosehip tincture to a bucket of drinking water. Your horse can then drink as needed. This fits well in a so-called 'mineral buffet' or 'drinkwater buffet'. You can place several buckets next to each other. In addition to rosehip, you can also add liquid nettle, silicon, and electrolytes in separate buckets of drinking water. Of course, always make sure there is a bucket of clean drinking water. Your horse can then choose what he needs.

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