The effect of substrate on the tendons of horses



28 March '23 3 min reading time

The effect of substrate on the tendons of horses

During a lameness examination, attention is always paid to how the horse moves on a hard surface and on a soft surface. Sometimes, a horse may limp on a hard surface but not on a soft one. This can provide a lot of valuable information for a veterinarian! The surface on which a horse walks has an impact on its body and also affects it.

Susceptible to injury

Horses are prone to injury, especially when it comes to their legs. It is not uncommon for a horse to stumble (during training), land incorrectly after a jump, bump itself, slip, overstretch, or experience chronic overloading. This can lead to injuries, especially to the tendons of the horse. In addition to their legs, and tendons in particular, being injury-prone, the surface on which a horse walks also has a certain influence on the tendons. Therefore, it is important to closely monitor how your horse moves on different surfaces. To prevent injuries, it is also important for horses to have time to adapt to a new surface, so always build up the time spent on a new surface gradually. Horses need to get used to a soft and/or uneven surface.

Tendon structure

The reason it is so important to let a horse adapt to a different surface is that tendons are vulnerable and, therefore, injury-prone. The tendons of horses are quite long and are accustomed to a certain amount of stretching and flexing.

A tendon connects bones to muscles so that when the brain or nerves send signals, a body part can be moved. A tendon is literally a form of connective tissue. They are made up of different bundles composed of tendon fibers. These fibers are strong but can also stretch and retract. The tendon fibers are held together by collagen, a protein that is part of connective tissues and provides strength and elasticity. Collagen is an important protein because it largely contributes to the body's ability to move.

What a hard surface does to tendons

A hard ground, such as concrete, asphalt, or compacted (dry) soil, increases the impact of shocks because these kinds of surfaces absorb very little to no energy.

With a horse, we see a reduced length in strides. The horse also places its legs less effectively and the moment of suspension decreases. A hard surface increases the risk of injuries to cartilage, bones, and even joints. Of course, a hard surface can also be beneficial. You can use it to improve bone density, and it is often recommended to work on a hard surface when a horse has tendon injuries. This is less strenuous for the horse and tendons, giving them time to recover.

What a soft surface does to tendons

A soft surface is often referred to as a heavy ground in the horse world. This means that you sink deep into the ground, making walking more difficult. Think, for example, of a very loose sand arena, the beach, or ground where you sink deep when it is wet. The advantage is that the shocks can be better absorbed by the surface. However, the muscles must work harder to allow movement. It requires more energy and becomes more cumbersome as a result. With a soft surface, the risk of injuries and strains to tendons and ligaments is higher.

Conclusion: different surfaces have pros and cons.

A surface can have a significant impact on a horse's legs and body. By using different surfaces effectively, you can make your horse stronger and more resilient. However, if used incorrectly, there is a higher risk of injuries and pain. A scientific study on orthopedic injuries in sport and racehorses shows that injury risks vary between surfaces, riders, and trainers (Hernlund, 2014). Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that the way we use surfaces and train horses can make or break the horse.

Another study shows that when a dressage horse, which regularly trains on a soft surface (where it sinks deep when wet), has a higher risk of injury than a horse trained on a firm surface where it cannot sink (Murray et al, 2010).

Read here on how to prevent tendon injuries in horses.


Hernlund E (2014) Equestrian Surfaces – A Guide – FEI, Swedish Equestrian Federation, & the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Murray RC, Walters JM, Snart H, Dyson SJ, Parkin TD (2010) Identification of risk factors for lameness in dressage horses - Vet J; 184, 27-36

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