Roughage for horses: there is more than hay!
When we ask our customers what roughage their horse gets, the standard answer is (pre-cut) hay. And this is logical, because this is also the largest source of roughage for horses. But there are several types of roughage that can provide more variety for your horse and even make it possible to keep (almost) all horses on unlimited roughage! In this blog, we will gladly explain to you which types of roughage there are, in addition to unpackaged hay/pre-cut.

20 February '23 • 3 min reading time
But first: what we prefer.
We are gradually seeing a shift towards unpackaged hay and we are extremely happy about that! Even large stables are increasingly opting for unpackaged hay and that is so incredibly nice to read. Our preference is really for unpackaged hay. Pre-cut/silage always undergoes a fermentation process because it is wrapped in plastic, which results in, among other things, a different pH. This disturbs so much in the body, causing overall resistance to decrease, minerals to be less well absorbed, and thus many ailments to arise. Many conditions in horses can be resolved by feeding unpackaged hay! That is really the reason why we are always so insistent about unpackaged hay.
Be critical of your hay!
Over the past few summers, we have noticed and heard that Dutch hay is richer in sugar than before, but also low in protein and with a more monotonous composition. Many horses therefore suffer from overweight, itching, laminitis, and other ailments. And to be honest, currently there is very little Dutch hay that is truly good and can be fed unlimited to horses.
It is therefore extremely important to be critical of the roughage for horses. Do not settle for hay with a poor analysis or no analysis at all. Dare to look beyond borders, because in countries like Germany/France/Poland, there is often beautiful hay available with good analyses. And for an individual with 2 horses, this might be a bit more challenging, but not impossible! And do not skimp on hay, because you will pay double in veterinarian costs and/or supplements later on.
Unlimited roughage is more than just hay!
But what else can you give your horse as roughage? Hay is indeed roughage, and so is grass. But in addition, there are other food items that fall under roughage:
Branches and tree bark
Straw (for example barley straw)
Grass seed hay (with analysis)
Most horses can thrive on unlimited roughage, provided that the roughage is tailored to them. All-day rich hay does not work well for most horses. But if there are branches or tree stumps where horses can chew the bark off. Or hay nets filled with barley straw, then there is roughage available. Give a quantity of hay a few times a day, but ensure that there is always something to nibble on in addition. And maybe horses are less enthusiastic about that, but that's okay! The option to eat is there, and since most horses in the Netherlands are overweight, it's not a problem if they don't eat full-time hay (as long as there is something to eat). And if they are hungry, they will definitely eat the straw or very poor-quality hay. We, as horse owners, can also be a bit stricter about that 😉
Conclusion: provide different roughage for horses
Unpackaged hay should always be the basis, but you don't have to make it available unlimited to your horse. At times when the hay is gone, you can offer other types of roughage and adjust this to your horse's needs. If your horse easily loses weight, you might choose extra alfalfa/sainfoin as supplementary roughage. But if you have a horse that tends to gain weight quickly, then supplementing with barley straw is a more suitable option. And in this way, you can still offer unlimited roughage to your horses.
Branches and tree trunks are a fantastic pastime for all horses and are also very healthy and rich in minerals!