Which herbs give your horse a boost for immunity?
It's winter: dark, cold, and wet. Not the best conditions for your horse's immunity. Especially since ventilation can be less effective in closed stables and viruses can thrive better at low temperatures. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your horse's immunity is optimal. Which herbs can help with that?

1 December '23 • 2 min reading time
There are several herbs that can influence the immune system. For example, rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C, nettle has a blood-purifying effect, and echinacea stimulates the immune response. We list them for you.
Rosehip: antioxidant effect
A good way to boost your horse's immunity is to add a liquid extract of rosehip to its feed. Rosehip can also be used as part of a mineral buffet. Rosehip is rich in vitamin C. Research in horses has shown that when rosehip is used effectively, it has a clear antioxidant effect. This means that free radicals, which can cause diseases and inflammation, are neutralized. Your horse's immunity is higher thanks to the vitamin C from rosehip, which ensures that enough antioxidants are produced by your horse. Antioxidants are not only good for the immune system, they also work against conditions such as fatigue and inflammation.
Nettle is an herb that has blood-purifying properties and is often used for inflammatory joint conditions or urinary tract infections in humans. For horses, nettle extract is an excellent way to boost immunity. It eliminates toxins when given as a short course over the feed. Liquid nettle can also be used as part of a mineral buffet.
Echinacea: coneflower
Echinacea is a well-known herb. It is also used in many supplements and natural remedies for people as an immunity booster. Giving Echinacea as a supplement in horses' diets results in a stronger immune response. This means that your horse's immune system is activated faster and responds more vigorously to external threats such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
Clove: balance and resistance
The potent cannabinoids from the clove plant are also important for the immune system. They ensure that signals in the nervous system are transmitted properly and help bring your horse's entire system into homeostasis – or balance. Cannabinoids from clove reduce anxiety and stress, which means your horse doesn't have to invest energy in those. Anxiety and stress also deplete immunity. In addition, these substances have anti-inflammatory properties.
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Mona M.M.Y. Elghandour, Poonooru Ravi Kanth Reddy, Abdelfattah Z.M. Salem, Punuru Pandu Ranga Reddy, Iqbal Hyder, Alberto Barbabosa-Pliego, and Duvvuru Yasaswini. 2018. Plant Bioactives and Extracts as Feed Additives in Horse Nutrition. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, Volume 69,
2018, Pages 66-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2018.06.004
Julia E. Chrubasik, Basil D. Roufogalis, Hildebert Wagner, Sigrun A. Chrubasik. A comprehensive review on nettle effect and efficacy profiles, Part I: Herba urticae. Phytomedicine, Volume 14, Issue 6, 2007, Pages 423-435, ISSN 0944-7113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phymed.2007.03.004
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