Looking for more knowledge about your dog's health? On this page, you'll find various articles about the health and well-being of your dog. We discuss various herbs and minerals, but also delve deeper into conditions, diseases, and everything else related to dogs.


Dental problems are common in dogs. Therefore, it is important to keep a close watch on your dog's teeth and to brush your dog's teeth. The choice of dog food also affects the teeth. How does that work?

Kibble or meat: how to prevent dental problems?

Dental problems are common in dogs. Therefore, it is important to keep a close watch on your dog's teeth and to brush your dog's teeth. The choice of dog food also affects the teeth. How does that work?. Much has been written about whether you should feed your dog kibble, meat, or a combination of both. Often, it depends a bit on the dog (and the owner) what works best. But in general, we can say a few things about the influence of diet on dental health. Nutrition for Healthy Teeth First of all, it's important that your dog's diet is balanced and nutritious, whether you feed kibble, wet food, frozen meat, or completely fresh meals. When giving kibble or wet food, make sure you choose good qualit...


What dental problems can dogs get?

Plaque and Tartar Plaque and tartar can form a buildup on the teeth or in between them. Plaque is a thin, sticky layer on the tooth. This layer consists mainly of many bacteria and remains after the dog has eaten. If you don't remove plaque by brushing the teeth, these bacteria can cause an infection in the gums. Tartar can prevent you from removing the plaque properly with brushing. You can recognize an excess of plaque or tartar because your dog gets bad breath. Moreover, you can see a yellowi...



You have probably heard of clove as a supplement. The clove plant contains powerful cannabinoids, substances that play a crucial role in keeping your dog physically and mentally healthy. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) uses the substances from the clove plant to exchange signals throughout the body.

Cloves for dogs: can I buy it in the supermarket?

You have probably heard of clove as a supplement. The clove plant contains powerful cannabinoids, substances that play a crucial role in keeping your dog physically and mentally healthy. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) uses the substances from the clove plant to exchange signals throughout the body.. English Translation Thanks to the ECS, balance in the bodies of mammals is maintained. If a disturbance occurs, such as a wound or a stressful situation, the ECS system tries to restore the body's balance as quickly as possible. The signaling substances of this system are cannabinoids. These can be produced within the body or absorbed from plants. Clove: Powerful Auxiliaries The clove plant, including the leaves and stems, is a source of many powerful cannabinoids. The diversity of auxiliary sub...



Silicon is an important mineral in the diet of mammals such as dogs. But it is also still relatively unknown. What is silicon actually good for? And when do you use a silicon supplement for your dog?

Silicon: what's it good for?

Silicon is an important mineral in the diet of mammals such as dogs. But it is also still relatively unknown. What is silicon actually good for? And when do you use a silicon supplement for your dog?. Silicon is an essential mineral naturally occurring in the Earth's crust. It plays a crucial role in the formation of connective tissues, including tendons and ligaments. But it is also very important for the formation of joint fluid, cartilage, and even bone formation. The mineral occurs naturally in various foods. If you suspect your dog has a silicon deficiency, it may be wise to feed your dog food rich in silicon or possibly use a silicon supplement. Benefits of silicon for tendons and bones...


The mineral silicon is on the list of popular dietary supplements. Silicon is extremely important. This mineral supports tendons, ligaments, cartilage, joints, coat, and nails. But beware: it is important to choose the right form of silicon. Because not all supplements work well. This is because they are sometimes poorly absorbable, and the mineral must naturally be absorbed into your dog's blood before it can work!

Silicon for your dog? It has to come in!

The mineral silicon is on the list of popular dietary supplements. Silicon is extremely important. This mineral supports tendons, ligaments, cartilage, joints, coat, and nails. But beware: it is important to choose the right form of silicon. Because not all supplements work well. This is because they are sometimes poorly absorbable, and the mineral must naturally be absorbed into your dog's blood before it can work!. Silicon is the most common mineral in the world. It is found, for example, in white sand, but in that form, it is not absorbable for animals and humans. By 'absorbable,' we mean that the active substances also reach the intended place in the body and perform their function there. This is also called 'biological availability.' If you feed a supplement that contains silicon but if that silicon is not well absorbable, then your dog won't benefit from it. It's a waste of your money and time. Always...




Clove is a powerful natural remedy that can be used for both physical and mental ailments. It helps restore balance in the body for both humans and animals, including "in the mind". How and when should you use clove for your dog's mental health?

Cloves for your dog's mental health

Clove is a powerful natural remedy that can be used for both physical and mental ailments. It helps restore balance in the body for both humans and animals, including "in the mind". How and when should you use clove for your dog's mental health?. English: The clove plant contains a large amount of plant cannabinoids. These natural compounds function in the bodies of mammals as signaling molecules for the many processes regulated by the ECS system. When the body has enough of these signaling molecules available, this system of transmitters and receptors can function optimally, facilitating a good exchange of signals from organs and tissues to the brain and back. This is important for keeping the body healthy. Balance The ECS system is all...




Plant cannabinoids from cloves have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for a wide range of conditions in dogs. The clove plant contains over 100 different types of potent cannabinoids. These substances also interact with the ECS system of mammals, aiding in self-healing, wound healing, and the immune system.

What diseases can a clove supplement help your dog with?

Plant cannabinoids from cloves have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for a wide range of conditions in dogs. The clove plant contains over 100 different types of potent cannabinoids. These substances also interact with the ECS system of mammals, aiding in self-healing, wound healing, and the immune system.. In a previous article, you could read about the benefits of clove extract for mental issues in dogs, such as behavioral problems, anxiety, and stress. Below, we will discuss more about the use of clove extract for physical ailments. Broadly Applicable Cannabinoid supplements are supportive for dogs with: • Pain from osteoarthritis and other joint issues • Digestive problems • Low immunity against diseases • Allergic reactions, hay fever • Itching and coat problems • Metabolic disorders • Liver p...

Fleas & ticks

In spring, ticks become active again. From tiny nymphs to adult ticks, these crawling pests can cause a lot of suffering. As many as 1 in 5 ticks in the Netherlands is infected with the Borrelia bacteria, which causes Lyme disease. Anaplasmosis is also transmitted by ticks. So it's important to remove ticks from your dog as soon as possible!

What is the best way to remove ticks on dogs?

In spring, ticks become active again. From tiny nymphs to adult ticks, these crawling pests can cause a lot of suffering. As many as 1 in 5 ticks in the Netherlands is infected with the Borrelia bacteria, which causes Lyme disease. Anaplasmosis is also transmitted by ticks. So it's important to remove ticks from your dog as soon as possible!. When you remove a tick on time, it prevents the transmission of dangerous conditions such as Lyme disease. Often, such an infection is transmitted only after 24 to 48 hours while the tick is still attached to the skin. So, if you regularly check your dog and remove ticks on time, the risk of infection is much lower. Don't forget to check yourself too! Removing a tick To remove ticks, you need a special tool. It is not advisable to try to remove the tick with regular tweezers. To prevent infectio...



Motion sickness is common in dogs. It's naturally very unpleasant when your dog gets sick while you're on the road. But what exactly is motion sickness? And how does it occur?

Car sickness in dogs: what causes it?

Motion sickness is common in dogs. It's naturally very unpleasant when your dog gets sick while you're on the road. But what exactly is motion sickness? And how does it occur?. Motion sickness (also known as travel sickness, seasickness, or airsickness) occurs when your dog is being transported. Traveling in all types of vehicles can cause this problem. Common symptoms of motion sickness include: nausea, vomiting, excessive drooling, heavy panting, lip licking, trembling, anxious behavior, urinating in the car, and overall restlessness. Does your dog behave restlessly or anxiously when he's in the car? Is he acting differently than usual? Then it could be a form of mot...


Motion sickness in dogs is common. About 20% of dogs suffer from it. It's important to get your dog used to short car rides from a young age. But if training isn't enough, there are also herbs that can support your dog with motion sickness.

What herbs support your dog with car sickness?

Motion sickness in dogs is common. About 20% of dogs suffer from it. It's important to get your dog used to short car rides from a young age. But if training isn't enough, there are also herbs that can support your dog with motion sickness.. Dogs can get motion sickness in all forms of transportation. The dog's vestibular system becomes confused by the motion of the car, boat, or airplane. It helps if you train this and if your dog can see where he's going. But sometimes that's not enough. Thyme and Chamomile The herbs passionflower, chamomile, lavender, and thyme can help with nausea and thus motion sickness. Chamomile acts on the stomach and digestion. Additionally, it is calming and soothes the stomach. This herb is often recomme...


"Motion sickness or travel sickness in dogs is very unpleasant. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent or reduce motion sickness. We list seven tips for you."

Seven tips to prevent car sickness in your dog

"Motion sickness or travel sickness in dogs is very unpleasant. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent or reduce motion sickness. We list seven tips for you.". Especially young dogs can suffer from motion sickness. It's important to intervene quickly if you notice your dog getting nauseous or vomiting in the car. Drooling and stress are also symptoms of motion sickness. Being timely will prevent your dog from associating the car with an unsafe or stressful place. Seven tips To prevent motion sickness in your dog, you can do the following: Allow your puppy to get accustomed to the car regularly, in small steps. The dog should first feel comfortable bein...


Fleas & ticks

Medication can cause side effects. This also applies to the chemical products we often use to combat fleas in dogs. While these flea control products are often effective against fleas and sometimes also lice and ticks, various negative effects can occur in dogs due to these chemical agents.

Negative Side Effects of Chemical Flea Control in Dogs

Medication can cause side effects. This also applies to the chemical products we often use to combat fleas in dogs. While these flea control products are often effective against fleas and sometimes also lice and ticks, various negative effects can occur in dogs due to these chemical agents.. A spot-on treatment or a flea collar works based on chemicals. Some of these are known for their toxic effects, such as fipronil. Side effects that can occur with chemical flea control include: Vomiting and nausea Diarrhea Excessive salivation (after licking the product) Itching, bald spots, skin ulcers, and color changes in the coat Lethargy Nervousness Neurological symptoms such as ataxia (loss of muscle control) or trembling, and in severe cases, even seizures. It appears that smaller dogs ar...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .