Looking for more knowledge about your dog's health? On this page, you'll find various articles about the health and well-being of your dog. We discuss various herbs and minerals, but also delve deeper into conditions, diseases, and everything else related to dogs.

Fleas & ticks

In spring, ticks become active again. From tiny nymphs to adult ticks, these crawling pests can cause a lot of suffering. As many as 1 in 5 ticks in the Netherlands is infected with the Borrelia bacteria, which causes Lyme disease. Anaplasmosis is also transmitted by ticks. So it's important to remove ticks from your dog as soon as possible!

What is the best way to remove ticks on dogs?

In spring, ticks become active again. From tiny nymphs to adult ticks, these crawling pests can cause a lot of suffering. As many as 1 in 5 ticks in the Netherlands is infected with the Borrelia bacteria, which causes Lyme disease. Anaplasmosis is also transmitted by ticks. So it's important to remove ticks from your dog as soon as possible!. When you remove a tick on time, it prevents the transmission of dangerous conditions such as Lyme disease. Often, such an infection is transmitted only after 24 to 48 hours while the tick is still attached to the skin. So, if you regularly check your dog and remove ticks on time, the risk of infection is much lower. Don't forget to check yourself too! Removing a tick To remove ticks, you need a special tool. It is not advisable to try to remove the tick with regular tweezers. To prevent infectio...


Fleas & ticks

Medication can cause side effects. This also applies to the chemical products we often use to combat fleas in dogs. While these flea control products are often effective against fleas and sometimes also lice and ticks, various negative effects can occur in dogs due to these chemical agents.

Negative Side Effects of Chemical Flea Control in Dogs

Medication can cause side effects. This also applies to the chemical products we often use to combat fleas in dogs. While these flea control products are often effective against fleas and sometimes also lice and ticks, various negative effects can occur in dogs due to these chemical agents.. A spot-on treatment or a flea collar works based on chemicals. Some of these are known for their toxic effects, such as fipronil. Side effects that can occur with chemical flea control include: Vomiting and nausea Diarrhea Excessive salivation (after licking the product) Itching, bald spots, skin ulcers, and color changes in the coat Lethargy Nervousness Neurological symptoms such as ataxia (loss of muscle control) or trembling, and in severe cases, even seizures. It appears that smaller dogs ar...


Fleas & ticks

Fleas (and lice and ticks) are very troublesome for your dog and can also transmit diseases. Therefore, it is important to protect your dog from these annoying parasites. However, many people prefer not to use chemical control methods. Fortunately, there are several natural options.

Natural control of fleas

Fleas (and lice and ticks) are very troublesome for your dog and can also transmit diseases. Therefore, it is important to protect your dog from these annoying parasites. However, many people prefer not to use chemical control methods. Fortunately, there are several natural options.. English: You can divide the natural remedies into five types: Sprays for skin and environment Oil for your dog's coat Natural flea collar Food supplements for your dog Home remedies for the environment Sprays There are several sprays that you can easily make yourself to spray your dog's coat and treat, for example, his pillow or bed. These sprays also work in tricky corners of your house if you have (had) a flea infestation. Because with fleas, you not only have to combat the adult animals but e...

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