Looking for more knowledge about your dog's health? On this page, you'll find various articles about the health and well-being of your dog. We discuss various herbs and minerals, but also delve deeper into conditions, diseases, and everything else related to dogs.


Magnesium is an important mineral and dog food does not always contain enough of it. Especially if your dog is very active or can be a bit stressed or nervous. But which type - or form - of magnesium is actually the most suitable for dogs? To find the answer, we take a little dive into biology and chemistry.

Which type of magnesium is suitable for dogs?

Magnesium is an important mineral and dog food does not always contain enough of it. Especially if your dog is very active or can be a bit stressed or nervous. But which type - or form - of magnesium is actually the most suitable for dogs? To find the answer, we take a little dive into biology and chemistry.. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for the proper functioning of the body of mammals. This mineral plays a role in no less than 600 enzymatic reactions. For example, in processing nutrients, producing proteins and DNA, controlling muscles, and producing hormones. Magnesium also affects blood vessels and blood pressure. Abnormalities in magnesium levels in the body can lead to problems such as higher stress sensitivity or heart rhythm disorders. The amount of magnesium present in the...


Magnesium is an essential mineral for dogs. It plays a crucial role in maintaining supple muscles, strong bones, and managing stress. Additionally, magnesium ensures that other minerals function properly in the canine body and keep the organs healthy.

What is the function of magnesium on the muscles of your dog?

Magnesium is an essential mineral for dogs. It plays a crucial role in maintaining supple muscles, strong bones, and managing stress. Additionally, magnesium ensures that other minerals function properly in the canine body and keep the organs healthy.. The primary role of the mineral magnesium is to keep your dog's muscles supple and support the nervous system. Function on the muscles Muscles use the mineral calcium to contract and magnesium to relax. Muscle cells literally need these minerals to carry out their function. Magnesium plays a role in signal transmission and thus in control. Therefore, if there is a magnesium deficiency, the muscle relaxation does not work properly. This means: hard and stiff muscles, high muscle tension, and some...





Firework anxiety in dogs is a common problem. Fear of fireworks is a normal reaction for a dog. However, a calming supplement alone is usually not enough to help your dog overcome his fear of fireworks. It is also important to train and provide a safe place for the dog.

Is a supplement the miracle cure for firework anxiety?

Firework anxiety in dogs is a common problem. Fear of fireworks is a normal reaction for a dog. However, a calming supplement alone is usually not enough to help your dog overcome his fear of fireworks. It is also important to train and provide a safe place for the dog.. Some dogs are more sensitive to sound than others. This may be one of the reasons why your dog is more sensitive to fireworks than other dogs. But also, past bad experiences or a lack of proper socialization in puppyhood can be the causes of anxiety symptoms. Preparing your dog for fireworks There are several ways to help your dog cope with firework anxiety. Training from a dog behavior expert combined with a calming supplement can help keep the anxiety manageable. An important part of preparing...



Firework anxiety and stress are common in dogs. There are various supplements that can help your dog to cope with less anxiety and stress during the New Year's period. However, it is important to start with these supplements on time. What is the best supplement strategy for your dog?

Firework anxiety in dogs: when to start with supplements?

Firework anxiety and stress are common in dogs. There are various supplements that can help your dog to cope with less anxiety and stress during the New Year's period. However, it is important to start with these supplements on time. What is the best supplement strategy for your dog?. Firework stress in dogs is common. Many dog owners therefore approach the period around New Year's with fear and trepidation, especially if they do not live close to a quiet park or forest where they can safely walk their dog. Symptoms of stress When a dog is anxious or stressed, they may show it in various ways. Some dogs may pant, drool, tremble, or yawn. Other dogs may hide, lick excessively, bark or growl excessively, or suddenly start destroying things. Your dog may also have a poor appetit...


What is the function of magnesium in dogs?

Magnesium is an essential mineral for all mammals. Dogs also need to receive an adequate amount of magnesium. Magnesium is important for strong bones, flexible muscles, and a well-functioning nervous system. Dogs require magnesium during times of stress, high physical exertion, and pregnancy. Dogs intake magnesium through their diet, but sometimes supplementation with a well-absorbed supplement is desired. Magnesium plays a crucial role in many bodily functions. A deficiency in magnesium can lea...

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