Looking for more knowledge about your dog's health? On this page, you'll find various articles about the health and well-being of your dog. We discuss various herbs and minerals, but also delve deeper into conditions, diseases, and everything else related to dogs.


Detoxing, or cleansing the body of the dog and getting rid of toxins, is something we recommend doing twice a year. Both in the spring, but also in the autumn. In this blog, we will explain why detoxing is advisable in the autumn.

Autumn: the ideal season to give your dog a detox!

Detoxing, or cleansing the body of the dog and getting rid of toxins, is something we recommend doing twice a year. Both in the spring, but also in the autumn. In this blog, we will explain why detoxing is advisable in the autumn.. What happens during a detox? Detox, drainage, cleansing. All different terms, but all meaning virtually the same thing. Over time, a dog builds up toxins in the body. This is due to, for example, car exhaust fumes, toxins from microorganisms, food, drinking water, and also from illness and/or medication. These toxins accumulate in the body, including in fat tissue, and cause the entire body and organs to function less well. You can think of it as a clogged drain. A detox ensures that these block...



Contemporary dogs are no longer exposed to extreme challenges to their immune system. They have a stable living environment indoors, receive sufficient and good food, have limited contact with unfamiliar (wild) animals, and are preventively treated against possible diseases. This may result in a weaker immune system for the dog, as they have little exposure to pathogens and the immune system is not triggered. But how can you ensure that your dog's immune system remains optimal?

How do you support your dog's immune system?

Contemporary dogs are no longer exposed to extreme challenges to their immune system. They have a stable living environment indoors, receive sufficient and good food, have limited contact with unfamiliar (wild) animals, and are preventively treated against possible diseases. This may result in a weaker immune system for the dog, as they have little exposure to pathogens and the immune system is not triggered. But how can you ensure that your dog's immune system remains optimal?. Go outside! On a wet, stormy autumn day, this may not sound very appealing. But being outside is the best thing for your dog's immune system (and for ourselves as well). Outside, the dog comes into contact with bacteria, fungi, droppings from wild animals, and other dogs. The best way to optimize your dog's immune system is to expose them to as many "pathogens" as possible. This triggers the immune system to become stronger, making the dog more resilient when exposed to a serious virus...


When do you give your dog a detox?

A detox for dogs... that might sound a bit strange. Detoxing is a weird hobby with green drinks for celebrities who have nothing better to do, right? Wrong! Did you know that detoxing is actually a very natural process, where the body is cleansed from the inside out and the immune system is strengthened? So, a detox for your dog could actually be a good idea. A detox supplement is an extract of herbs that purify the blood and are good for the liver and kidney function. The gallbladder function i...



How do you recognize liver problems in a dog?

How to recognize liver problems in a dog? Liver problems unfortunately occur regularly in dogs. It often starts with some 'vague' symptoms, but can become severe. Why do dogs get liver problems and how can you recognize these conditions? What options are there to keep your dog's liver healthy? The liver is an important organ. The liver forms the first line of defense your dog has against contaminants and toxic substances that may be present in food or water. When food is absorbed in the intestin...

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Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .