What is the function of a detox in dogs?
A detox for your dog, you might have heard of it before. A detox is a treatment with herbal extracts that lasts for a maximum of one week. The herbs help the body to eliminate excess waste products. A detox boosts the immune system and ensures that the liver and kidneys can function optimally.

3 September '24 • 3 min reading time
Every day, our dogs are exposed to various toxic substances. For example, through air pollution or contact with unwanted substances in the soil and water. But waste products also form through processes within the body's cells. The body can often eliminate these substances on its own, thanks to the liver, kidneys, and digestive system. If this process goes smoothly, there’s no problem. But if there is a buildup or blockage somewhere, it can cause a drop in immunity or health issues. Itching and digestive problems, for example, can result from inadequate elimination of waste products.
The Role of the Liver and Kidneys
The body is busy every day removing waste products. The liver, kidneys, and digestive system are constantly working on this. Often, this goes well, but sometimes it requires more effort, or there are suddenly many waste products. In such cases, these waste products can accumulate, including in fat tissue. When waste elimination is reduced, your pet’s general immunity can be compromised. It may then be beneficial to support this natural process occasionally with an herbal detox.
How Does a Detox Work?
A detox is an herbal treatment using turmeric, fennel, artichoke, boldo, and milk thistle. Several scientific studies have shown that these herbs support the liver’s cleansing function. They also improve fat digestion via the gallbladder and support well-functioning kidneys. A detox ensures that the "clogged drainage" of the natural cleansing process is resolved. The accumulated waste products and toxins are then eliminated from the body through natural means.
Functions of the herbs in a detox: • Turmeric: anti-inflammatory, protects the kidneys; • Boldo: prevents liver damage, supports liver function, diuretic, antibacterial, and antioxidant; • Milk Thistle: detoxifying and supports the liver and gallbladder; • Artichoke: improves liver function and digestion; • Fennel: antioxidant and liver-supporting.
The liver, kidneys, gallbladder, skin, and lungs are all involved in the body’s cleansing process. A detox affects all these organs. Only give a detox treatment to a healthy dog! If your dog is sick or has recently had a worm treatment, he should not be given a detox. This would be too taxing for the body. If in doubt, feel free to call us for advice.
What Else Can You Do?
In addition to a semi-annual detox treatment to cleanse the body, it is also wise to ensure good quality (partly fresh) food with minimal unnecessary fillers, plenty of exercise and fresh air, and minimal stress. Stress also leads to a lot of waste products in your dog’s body.
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