Looking for more knowledge about your dog's health? On this page, you'll find various articles about the health and well-being of your dog. We discuss various herbs and minerals, but also delve deeper into conditions, diseases, and everything else related to dogs.


Fleas & ticks

Medication can cause side effects. This also applies to the chemical products we often use to combat fleas in dogs. While these flea control products are often effective against fleas and sometimes also lice and ticks, various negative effects can occur in dogs due to these chemical agents.

Negative Side Effects of Chemical Flea Control in Dogs

Medication can cause side effects. This also applies to the chemical products we often use to combat fleas in dogs. While these flea control products are often effective against fleas and sometimes also lice and ticks, various negative effects can occur in dogs due to these chemical agents.. A spot-on treatment or a flea collar works based on chemicals. Some of these are known for their toxic effects, such as fipronil. Side effects that can occur with chemical flea control include: Vomiting and nausea Diarrhea Excessive salivation (after licking the product) Itching, bald spots, skin ulcers, and color changes in the coat Lethargy Nervousness Neurological symptoms such as ataxia (loss of muscle control) or trembling, and in severe cases, even seizures. It appears that smaller dogs ar...


Fleas & ticks

Fleas (and lice and ticks) are very troublesome for your dog and can also transmit diseases. Therefore, it is important to protect your dog from these annoying parasites. However, many people prefer not to use chemical control methods. Fortunately, there are several natural options.

Natural control of fleas

Fleas (and lice and ticks) are very troublesome for your dog and can also transmit diseases. Therefore, it is important to protect your dog from these annoying parasites. However, many people prefer not to use chemical control methods. Fortunately, there are several natural options.. English: You can divide the natural remedies into five types: Sprays for skin and environment Oil for your dog's coat Natural flea collar Food supplements for your dog Home remedies for the environment Sprays There are several sprays that you can easily make yourself to spray your dog's coat and treat, for example, his pillow or bed. These sprays also work in tricky corners of your house if you have (had) a flea infestation. Because with fleas, you not only have to combat the adult animals but e...

First Aid


Fleas and ticks can be both irritating and risky for dogs. These parasites cause itching and can transmit diseases. Therefore, it is wise to protect your dog as much as possible against fleas and ticks. If your dog has already been bitten, there are various things you can do to minimize the consequences of a bite.

How dangerous are fleas and ticks for dogs?

Fleas and ticks can be both irritating and risky for dogs. These parasites cause itching and can transmit diseases. Therefore, it is wise to protect your dog as much as possible against fleas and ticks. If your dog has already been bitten, there are various things you can do to minimize the consequences of a bite.. For both fleas and ticks, prevention is better than cure. In addition to prevention in the form of a flea collar or flea drops, you can also think about checking your dog thoroughly for ticks after a walk. Additionally, it is important that your dog has healthy skin and coat. You can support your dog's skin and coat from the inside with a dietary supplement of salmon oil and from the outside with a spray of good bacteria. Fleas - risks and consequences A dog can pick up fleas from another infect...


Many dogs suffer from itching, eczema, or other skin problems. This can have various causes. As an owner, it's important to know that microorganisms play a crucial role in skin health. Just like in the gut, it's important for the skin to have an abundance of 'good' bacteria and fungi.

Dog with skin problems? Also think about microorganisms!

Many dogs suffer from itching, eczema, or other skin problems. This can have various causes. As an owner, it's important to know that microorganisms play a crucial role in skin health. Just like in the gut, it's important for the skin to have an abundance of 'good' bacteria and fungi.. Our dogs and ourselves are always surrounded by a lot of tiny creatures. This may sound a bit strange or gross, but all mammals have numerous partnerships with bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. For example, in the gut, where various microorganisms help in digesting our food. Many people understand the importance of keeping this ecosystem of mini-creatures (also known as the microbiome) healthy. Skin Microbiome Not only the gut has a microbiome, this also applies to the skin! The skin is the largest o...





Achoo! Even a dog can have hay fever. In dogs, we usually call it grass allergy, but it's essentially the same thing. Both people and animals can have allergic reactions to the pollen of grass and other plants. How do you recognize it and how can you support a dog with grass allergy?

Grass allergy in dogs, what can you do about it?

Achoo! Even a dog can have hay fever. In dogs, we usually call it grass allergy, but it's essentially the same thing. Both people and animals can have allergic reactions to the pollen of grass and other plants. How do you recognize it and how can you support a dog with grass allergy?. With an allergy, there's an overactive immune system. In other words, the body reacts very exaggeratedly to certain irritating substances. Like grass pollen, for example. In people with hay fever, the result is often sneezing, sniffling, and watery eyes. In dogs, you often see skin problems like itchiness and a red and irritated skin. But dogs can also sneeze or have a runny nose, and even breathing problems due to grass allergy. Digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhea can also be symptom...



Silicon: Good for the coat and skin of your dog

Silicon: Good for your dog's coat and skin Skin problems are common in dogs. The mineral silicon is important for the structure and health of the skin, coat, and nails. If the skin is not very elastic or easily damaged, this could indicate a silicon deficiency. The quality of the coat and hair can also deteriorate if a dog does not get enough of this mineral. So, silicon can support your dog if it often has skin problems. Silicon is necessary for all mammals. The mineral contributes to the struc...





Clove: why this works so well with allergies

Pollen allergy, dust allergy, flea allergy, mite allergy, grain allergy, etc. Dogs can be allergic to all kinds of things. This can result in itching complaints, but an allergy can also cause huge health problems. For dogs with an allergy, we often recommend a clove extract, but why is that? What is so special about clove? Clove provides balance in body and mind Everyone knows clove as the dried, unopened flower bud that you can use as a spice in the kitchen. But did you know that it is actually...




Silicon as an addition to your dog's diet

Silicon is a trace element that animals only need a small amount of. However, it needs to be added to their food, as dogs cannot produce it in their bodies. Silicon is essential for dogs and needs to be obtained from their diet. Silicon supports all connective tissue and contributes to a stronger overall physique. Read in this blog why we recommend adding silicon to your dog's diet. Silicon to support the skeleton Dogs are often given extra glucosamine to support their bones and joints. But did...


Salmon oil

Support your dog's coat and skin with salmon oil

Salmon oil is a delicious treat for dogs and helps them eat their food and supplements more easily. But did you know that salmon oil also has a supportive function on your dog's skin and coat? That it has a function besides being tasty? Read more about this in this blog. Salmon oil rich in fatty acids Unsaturated fatty acids are healthy for both humans and animals, including dogs. Salmon oil is a source of omega-3 in the form of EPA and DHA. In addition, salmon oil also contains omega-6 and omeg...

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