In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.


Your horse is probably already enjoying the grass. Unfortunately, the pounds are already piling on rapidly. How can you ensure that your horse stays at a healthy weight in the summer while still being able to enjoy the fresh grass?

How to prevent overweight in horses?

Your horse is probably already enjoying the grass. Unfortunately, the pounds are already piling on rapidly. How can you ensure that your horse stays at a healthy weight in the summer while still being able to enjoy the fresh grass?. In this blog, we want to provide you with tips on how to keep your horse at a healthy weight during the summer months. Weight gain in summer is a natural phenomenon Wild horses lose weight (drastically) in winter due to food scarcity and fewer nutrients in the grass. During that time, horses use their fat reserves to get through the winter. These fat reserves are built up by horses in the summer when the grass is abundant and rich in nutrients. Wild horses are often very fat after the summer per...





Almost every horse is startled by an unexpected situation or a strange object at some point. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because a horse is a flight animal. Being startled occasionally is just part of a horse's nature. But if your horse startles often, jumps away at every little thing, or develops chronic stress, then you probably want to do something about it. However, there are plenty of supplements and remedies available to help with stress. How do you make a good choice? And where do you start?

Choice overload due to stress supplements in horses?

Almost every horse is startled by an unexpected situation or a strange object at some point. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because a horse is a flight animal. Being startled occasionally is just part of a horse's nature. But if your horse startles often, jumps away at every little thing, or develops chronic stress, then you probably want to do something about it. However, there are plenty of supplements and remedies available to help with stress. How do you make a good choice? And where do you start?. To be able to help a stressed horse effectively, you first need to determine what kind of stress your horse is experiencing. Acute stress occurs when a horse startles briefly, jumps away, has an increased heart rate and breathing, and may need to defecate more. After the 'scary situation' is over, the horse goes back to its normal stress-free behavior. However, if a horse frequently experiences acute stress, or if its living conditions are not ideal, the animal can develop chronic stress. This h...



Black cumin

How the endocannabinoid system of horses works

How the endocannabinoid system (ECS system) of horses works Scientists discovered in the early 1990s that humans and animals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS system). This system is the 'signaler' in the body. It checks at the cellular level if there is a problem. Then the system sends a signal to the brain, so that the brain can send the right substances to the respective cell. In this way, the endocannabinoid system regulates certain processes in the body, such as pain, inflammation, and th...

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