In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.


Horses coughing, we see that regularly in winter. What are the causes of coughing? What should you do about it? And how do you prevent irritations to the airways from becoming a serious problem? Read our 10 tips!

# 10 tips to prevent respiratory problems in winter

Horses coughing, we see that regularly in winter. What are the causes of coughing? What should you do about it? And how do you prevent irritations to the airways from becoming a serious problem? Read our 10 tips!. There can be multiple reasons for a cough in your horse. A single cough may not be a problem, we also sometimes clear our throat without there being an issue. A passing dust cloud or a pellet of feed getting stuck can cause an occasional - harmless - cough in your horse. Also, when you start your training in cold weather, your horse may cough once, without you needing to worry immediately. Take coughing seriously Apart from the exceptions mentioned above, you don't really want your horse to coug...


As it is getting colder now, respiratory problems in horses are often seen more frequently during the winter months. This is related to several factors such as changes in diet, stable management, and climate. Read everything you need to know about respiratory problems in horses during the winter months in this blog.

What you need to know about respiratory problems in horses during the winter months!

As it is getting colder now, respiratory problems in horses are often seen more frequently during the winter months. This is related to several factors such as changes in diet, stable management, and climate. Read everything you need to know about respiratory problems in horses during the winter months in this blog.. Two groups of horses with respiratory problems Coughing in horses during the winter months can be broadly divided into two groups: Horses that start coughing due to irritation of the airways from prolonged exposure to irritating substances in the air such as dust, mold, and ammonia. Horses that develop inflammation of the airways as a result of reduced overall resistance. In the first group of horses, symptoms usually appear in the first half of winter. The second group generally starts showing...

Guest blog

Lymphatic system

In the Netherlands, Natascha Bos is the founder of manual lymphatic drainage for horses. She works as a therapist herself and trains others through her company De Blauwe Hengst. We spoke to Natascha about what lymphatic drainage can mean for horses, especially after an injury. Her advice: "The lymphatic system is crucial for the recovery of your horse. Don't wait too long to provide support!

Natascha Bos: 'Lymphatic drainage improves recovery after injuries'

In the Netherlands, Natascha Bos is the founder of manual lymphatic drainage for horses. She works as a therapist herself and trains others through her company De Blauwe Hengst. We spoke to Natascha about what lymphatic drainage can mean for horses, especially after an injury. Her advice: "The lymphatic system is crucial for the recovery of your horse. Don't wait too long to provide support!. Natascha: "The lymphatic system is very important for the horse's body. The lymphatic vessel system transports, from different tissues, joints, and organs, all substances that are no longer useful. Through lymph fluid, these waste products come to the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes have multiple tasks including filtering. Ultimately, the lymph flow drains into the blood." Lymphatic system important for immunity "The lymphatic system is a kind of separate department of the immune sys...


Obtaining dewormers for horses is becoming increasingly difficult in the Netherlands. Worms are also becoming more resistant to chemical dewormers. Many horse owners are therefore looking for a natural way to deworm their horse, but is natural deworming possible? Keep reading in this blog.

Is natural deworming possible in horses?

Obtaining dewormers for horses is becoming increasingly difficult in the Netherlands. Worms are also becoming more resistant to chemical dewormers. Many horse owners are therefore looking for a natural way to deworm their horse, but is natural deworming possible? Keep reading in this blog.. Don't rely blindly on a fecal examination A fecal examination can be a good indication of the number of worms in your horse. Especially in the winter, a fecal examination is not reliable because worms are dormant. But even encapsulated worms are not always visible in the feces, as a fecal examination is a snapshot. So don't rely blindly on the results of a fecal examination and deworm preventively at least once a year with a broad-spectrum dewormer. Pumpkin seeds and sainfoin There are a number...


Many people have fecal examinations done before deworming their horses. In itself, that is a good idea, because this way you can combat the parasites in the horse's belly more effectively. But unfortunately, you cannot rely blindly on this method. Especially in winter, some types of worm infections are not or hardly visible in the feces.

Why a fecal examination in horses in the winter can be falsely negative

Many people have fecal examinations done before deworming their horses. In itself, that is a good idea, because this way you can combat the parasites in the horse's belly more effectively. But unfortunately, you cannot rely blindly on this method. Especially in winter, some types of worm infections are not or hardly visible in the feces.. During a fecal examination, the number of worm eggs in your horse's feces is examined. A few eggs are not a problem, but if there are many worm eggs present, then a deworming treatment is advised. Deworming based on fecal examination can prevent over-deworming. This was sometimes a problem in the past, as worms become resistant to deworming agents that are given too frequently. Red bloodworms in hibernation In autumn, the larvae of the red bloodworm go into a resting state. They then settle in t...



Supplements based on cannabinoids are increasingly being used for various ailments, both in horses and in humans. How do cannabinoids work and why are they so effective for many conditions? In this article, we provide an overview of the research on the functioning of these signaling substances and the symptoms for which cannabinoids can be used.

How do cannabinoids work for different conditions?

Supplements based on cannabinoids are increasingly being used for various ailments, both in horses and in humans. How do cannabinoids work and why are they so effective for many conditions? In this article, we provide an overview of the research on the functioning of these signaling substances and the symptoms for which cannabinoids can be used.. How does it work? About 30 years ago, scientists discovered that all vertebrate animals, including horses and humans, have a so-called 'endocannabinoid system'. This system is very important for a range of physical processes. Oxygen transport, proper signal transmission in the nervous system, bone formation, and digestion are all influenced by this system. Mental health is also linked to the endocannabinoid system. It acts as a bridge between body and mind, ensuring that a person or animal remai...



Salmon oil

Is your horse on a limited diet to help it lose weight? Don't forget the essential fatty acids like Omega-3. Your horse needs these essential fatty acids daily in its diet. Not only for essential bodily functions, but also for processing sugars in the body. A recent study on Omega-3 from fish oil has shown that horses in training had lower percentages of fats and cholesterol in their blood after four weeks. The blood sugar levels after training also decreased, leading to less muscle fatigue.

Horse on a diet? Don't forget the Omega-3 fatty acids!

Is your horse on a limited diet to help it lose weight? Don't forget the essential fatty acids like Omega-3. Your horse needs these essential fatty acids daily in its diet. Not only for essential bodily functions, but also for processing sugars in the body. A recent study on Omega-3 from fish oil has shown that horses in training had lower percentages of fats and cholesterol in their blood after four weeks. The blood sugar levels after training also decreased, leading to less muscle fatigue.. Why winter is the ideal time Winter is the perfect time to help your horse lose weight. Horses naturally gain weight in the summer and then use those reserves in the winter. In nature, this serves as a kind of detox. The fat tissue that is broken down also stores waste products. Because we feed our horses throughout the winter, many horses go into the grass period too fat. And in the spring, the grass is full of sugars. Is your horse overweight? Then winter is the right time to start with a modi...



Does your horse frequently have a dirty tail and does a lot of water come out with the manure? This is usually the result of disrupted gut flora. Not all horses can handle the slight acidification that occurs with packaged hay or pre-cut silage. The fermentation process in this packaged hay then leads to poor digestion and the formation of manure water. What is the solution?

Packaged hay/pre-cut hay is often the cause of manure water in horses.

Does your horse frequently have a dirty tail and does a lot of water come out with the manure? This is usually the result of disrupted gut flora. Not all horses can handle the slight acidification that occurs with packaged hay or pre-cut silage. The fermentation process in this packaged hay then leads to poor digestion and the formation of manure water. What is the solution?. Many horse owners try everything when their horse walks around with a dirty tail and constantly has manure water coming out. Unfortunately, supplements usually have little (or only a temporary effect) on this problem. By the way, manure water is not the same as diarrhea. Difference between unpackaged and packaged (pre-cut) hay A good bale of roughage smells fresh, is nicely stemmy, and the grass inside it is in bloom. It is important that the grass is dry enough at the time it is baled, otherwis...


In the blog "Is a horse better off with or without a blanket in the winter: the eternal and yearly recurring discussion" we talk about blankets. But do you know the difference between all the types of blankets that are available? Often, different terms are used for the same type of blanket. Read this blog to learn about the types of blankets and when to use them.

Rain blankets, winter blankets, outdoor blankets: What do you choose for your horse?

In the blog "Is a horse better off with or without a blanket in the winter: the eternal and yearly recurring discussion" we talk about blankets. But do you know the difference between all the types of blankets that are available? Often, different terms are used for the same type of blanket. Read this blog to learn about the types of blankets and when to use them.. Rain blanket or unlined blanket A rain blanket is an unlined, waterproof outdoor blanket. These blankets usually have a smooth lining, but fleece is also an option. Keep in mind that fleece can be rougher on the coat and can be compared to 50-100 grams of filling. Rain blankets are thin blankets that are most commonly used and can be used in many situations. At the beginning and end of the winter season when temperatures are still high, these blankets are often used. These blankets ensure that h...


An issue where the horse community often stands diametrically opposed: blankets in the winter. Often you are pro-blanket or you are anti-blanket. Blankets come in different variations and thicknesses. In this blog, we want to tell you more about whether blankets are necessary in the winter months and what to look out for. So that you can decide for yourself what is best for your horse under which circumstances.

# Is a horse better off with or without a blanket in the winter: the eternal and annually recurring discussion

An issue where the horse community often stands diametrically opposed: blankets in the winter. Often you are pro-blanket or you are anti-blanket. Blankets come in different variations and thicknesses. In this blog, we want to tell you more about whether blankets are necessary in the winter months and what to look out for. So that you can decide for yourself what is best for your horse under which circumstances.. Horses are less likely to get cold than humans Once the longest day has passed (June 21st), ponies/horses start preparing their coat for the winter period. Especially the hardy breeds start shedding almost immediately after the longest day, warmblood breeds are often a bit later. Ponies and horses are able to develop a well-insulating and waterproof winter coat. The ideal outdoor temperature for horses is between -5 and 10/15 degrees Celsius, which is their comfort temperature. What is considere...


Almost every horse owner feeds their horse nettle at some point since nettle is known for its healing properties and because horses find it very tasty. But is it a suitable supplement for your horse? And is it better to give nettle fresh, dried, or in liquid form?

Do you choose dried or liquid nettle for your horse?

Almost every horse owner feeds their horse nettle at some point since nettle is known for its healing properties and because horses find it very tasty. But is it a suitable supplement for your horse? And is it better to give nettle fresh, dried, or in liquid form?. Nettles have been praised for their healthy properties since ancient Greek times and have been used for centuries as a medicinal herb for both humans and animals. Many beneficial effects are known from science. However, nettles still have a bad reputation with many people. It's a weed, it stings, it causes itching, and it's an annoying plant that spreads along roads and meadows. But nettles are really super healthy, both for humans and horses. People often make tea from them, cook nettle soup, o...


Begin October, or when the weather changes, a lot changes for horses and owners. Horses are not only busy growing their winter coats, but owners are also starting to think about how to best get their horse through the winter. That's why in this blog, we have a number of tips.

5 tips to get your horse safely through the autumn/winter

Begin October, or when the weather changes, a lot changes for horses and owners. Horses are not only busy growing their winter coats, but owners are also starting to think about how to best get their horse through the winter. That's why in this blog, we have a number of tips.. 1 - Choose the housing that suits your horse Always outside or partially in the stable. 24/7 outside sounds great to most horse owners. And the majority of horses will also prefer this. But 24/7 outside is not ideal if it doesn't meet the "requirements" of your horse. Not all horses find peace in a herd, usually the herd is unstable or the horse is low in rank. And a 24/7 outdoor space must always have a dry place to stand and lie down, which can be a challenge in the Netherlands. Choo...

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