Insulin resistant horse? Choose concentrated Bering Sea water as electrolytes!

Horses and ponies that are insulin resistant benefit from receiving as little sugars as possible in any form (carbohydrates, starch, dextrose, etc). However, these horses do need extra minerals, especially if they sweat a lot. But how do you manage this since most electrolytes contain some form of sugar? Choose concentrated Bering Sea water. 1 liter of concentrated Bering Sea water is equivalent to 100 liters of seawater. Seawater contains 20 to 28% table salt, which is filtered out. You can imagine that there are a huge amount of minerals in 100 liters of seawater.


Insulin resistance


19 March '21 2 min reading time

Why are electrolytes necessary?

Horses that sweat lose electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium) through sweat in addition to fluids. These minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, but also aid in recovery after exertion and promote muscle flexibility. An electrolyte deficiency can lead to issues like cramping.

Horses can lose 10-15 liters of sweat in hot weather or during intense exercise, resulting in a loss of electrolytes. To ensure that the horse can recover well after training and maintain a properly functioning nervous system, it is important to replenish these electrolytes.

But how do you do this for an insulin resistant horse?

It is better not to give electrolytes containing any form of sugar to an insulin resistant horse. Other horses can often benefit from the small amount of sugar/dextrose as their blood sugar levels are usually on the lower side after intense exertion. However, horses with insulin resistance cannot tolerate these extra sugars at all, even though they also lose these electrolytes. Therefore, it is important to provide insulin resistant horses with the extra electrolytes in a sugar-free form during hot weather or intense exercise. Concentrated Bering Sea water is a good alternative for sugar-sensitive horses in this case!

Why concentrated Bering Sea water?

Seawater has a composition similar to blood plasma and contains all the minerals available on earth. Because the composition matches that of blood plasma, it is a very good source of easily absorbed minerals.

Be sure to choose seawater from the Bering Sea, which is the cleanest sea on earth near Alaska and therefore very suitable. In concentrated Bering Sea water, most of the sodium has been removed and also contains fulvic acid. Fulvic acid helps improve the transport of minerals to the cells. 1 liter of concentrate] is equivalent to 100 liters of seawater.

This liquid mineral supplement contains all the electrolytes that the horse needs to recover from strenuous work, but without sugars. Therefore, it is ideal for horses on a low-sugar diet, but still in training or sweating heavily with their winter coat!

Through feed and/or drinking water!

Liquid minerals are very suitable for direct administration in the mouth or over feed. This gives a boost of easily absorbable minerals and ensures that the horse receives them. This method of application is recommended when the horse sweats a lot or has an increased need for minerals due to insulin resistance, for example.

However, these minerals are also suitable for administration via a separate water trough, allowing the horse to choose if it needs these extra minerals! There will be times when you can't fill the trough fast enough, but you may find that there are also days/weeks when the minerals are ignored. However, for insulin resistant horses, we recommend administering them directly in the mouth or over feed.

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