Wounds in horses close quickly with Effective Microorganisms (EM) spray
Every horse occasionally gets a small wound. A nip in the paddock, a bump, or an annoying insect often lead to minor skin damage. Unfortunately, horses can be very sensitive to this and such a wound can lead to unpleasant infections. Sometimes even resulting in blood poisoning or a swollen leg (Einschuss). So you want wounds to be cleaned and closed as quickly as possible!
First Aid

15 April '21 • 1 min reading time
On the skin of your horse (and yours!), there is a wide biodiversity of microorganisms. It is a whole web of microscopic life. An interesting way to support the natural healing process of the skin is by using Effective Microorganisms. These are 'happy' or 'good' bacteria and other microorganisms that initiate the healing process and help prevent infections.
What are Effective Microorganisms?
The term 'Effective Microorganisms' refers to a mixture of active bacteria, fungi, and yeasts. These tiny creatures support various biological processes. Mixtures of Effective Microorganisms are used to make the soil more fertile, protect plants against diseases, or purify contaminated water. In addition, Effective Microorganisms, including lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, can support the body in wound healing and keeping the skin healthy.
Dominance of the good bacteria
Just as you can have good and bad bacteria in your intestines, there are beneficial and harmful microorganisms at work in other biological processes. There are bacteria that cause infections and bacteria that fight infections. There are fungi that produce toxic substances and fungi that neutralize toxic substances. When you use Effective Microorganisms, for example, to spray on a wound, you help the body to shift the balance to the 'good' bacteria. These useful 'helpers' then become dominant and ensure that harmful microorganisms no longer have a chance. The mixture of Effective Microorganisms promotes natural balance; helpful bacteria outcompete unfavorable bacteria. This prevents infection and speeds up skin recovery.
Balanced skin
The natural biodiversity of the skin is useful for suppressing potential threats, preventing infections, and healing small wounds quickly. A mixture of Effective Microorganisms contains a wide range of microorganisms, about 80 different strains. All useful organisms that promote recovery and also collaborate with each other. This ensures that microorganisms that promote decay do not dominate. The 'ecosystem' of the skin is then in the right balance.
Conclusion: Effective Microorganisms help with wounds and hoof problems
To prevent skin infections from wounds and insect bites, you can use a spray of Effective Microorganisms. A wound sprayed with these beneficial bacteria is less likely to get infected. Effective Microorganisms can also be used for thrush or other hoof problems.