In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.





Fireworks! Nine tips for a stress-free New Year's Eve for your horse

The end of the year is approaching and in many places in the country that means: fireworks! This can cause stress, for horses and their owners. Can a horse get used to fireworks? And how can you make the New Year's Eve and the days leading up to it as stress-free as possible for your horse? Horses are flight animals, who naturally prefer to run first before they look to see what is going on. It is therefore to be expected that horses are afraid of fireworks. Also carbide shooting will not be ver...





Is magnesium the miracle cure for horses with stress?

Horses can experience stress for various reasons. This can be due to moving, incorrect (feeding) management or a traumatic experience, for example. Some horses are more sensitive to stress than others. There are also horses who are a bit spooky during work and often struggle with the so-called "arena ghosts". Many horse owners then turn to a magnesium supplement, as this is believed to be the solution. But is it really? Is magnesium the miracle cure for stress? Different types of stres...






Black cumin

Do you know if your horse is in pain?

"If only they could talk" is something that horse owners often say to each other. Because sometimes there is something wrong with your horse, but it is not immediately clear what exactly. Is he just having a bad day? Or is there something more going on? How easy would it be sometimes to just ask! Horses don't talk, but they do give off signals about how they feel. We humans just have to learn to understand those signals... Researchers have been studying for years to find out what signa...




Salmon oil

Smooth joints? Combination of housing, nutrition, and exercise!

Smooth joints? Combination of housing, nutrition and exercise! Older horses often experience muscle stiffness or rigidity due to early osteoarthritis. It is important for horses to keep moving in order to remain flexible. But are there also nutrients that help keep your horse more supple? How do you feed your horse to keep his joints healthy for as long as possible? Stiffness in (older) horses is often caused by osteoarthritis. This is a condition where (chronic) inflammation occurs in the joint...





Vitamin E

Black cumin

Osteoarthritis and dental problems: support your horse as it ages

The age at which a horse becomes a "senior" can vary depending on the breed and the individual horse. In general, we are talking about horses around 18 to 20 years old. This is when the first signs of aging start to appear. Joints: Stiffness and Osteoarthritis Older horses often experience joint wear and tear. The production of cartilage slows down in older horses, leading to the gradual thinning of the 'cushioning' cartilage between joints. Cartilage and synovial fluid work together t...





Sweet itch

The summer is the season of itchiness in horses. Insects, heat, grass, fertilizer, and many other reasons can cause horses to itch. Itchiness is not only extremely annoying for the horse, but also for us as horse owners. How can you support your horse so that it has less itchiness?

Itchiness? These herbs help support your horse!

The summer is the season of itchiness in horses. Insects, heat, grass, fertilizer, and many other reasons can cause horses to itch. Itchiness is not only extremely annoying for the horse, but also for us as horse owners. How can you support your horse so that it has less itchiness?. There is no miracle cure Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure that can eliminate all itchiness in all horses, if only it were that easy! Each horse is different and each horse reacts differently to herbs. What works perfectly for your horse may not work at all for your neighbor's horse. The effectiveness of the herbs also greatly depends on your horse's diet. Therefore, do not expect miracles from the herbs below, but see them as an additional support. Don't forget to examine the diet! You ca...



Insulin resistance


Sweet itch

The sun is shining, the grass is green, and the evenings are long. A delightful time. But spring and summer are also the time when some horses get a lot of itching. Often this is immediately thought of as sweet itch: an allergic reaction to the bite of small midges. But there can also be other causes for itching. Why does your horse have itching? And what can you do about it?

Summer Itching: Why does my horse have itch?

The sun is shining, the grass is green, and the evenings are long. A delightful time. But spring and summer are also the time when some horses get a lot of itching. Often this is immediately thought of as sweet itch: an allergic reaction to the bite of small midges. But there can also be other causes for itching. Why does your horse have itching? And what can you do about it?. During the transition from winter to spring and summer, many horses spend more time outside. Typically, the diet also changes from hay to (partially) fresh grass. With the higher temperatures, insects also become active again: flies, mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, and ticks can be troublesome for your horse. Not all itching is sweet itch! It is important to find out why your horse is scratching in the summer months. The reason is not always sweet itch. A horse can also get itchy as a reaction t...






Black cumin

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure that can prevent injuries. Sometimes horses seem to be born to make things as difficult as possible for themselves or to damage themselves. Every horse can have a little accident, stumble, or just be plain unlucky. Preventing an injury is therefore not possible. However, you can reduce the chances of injuries by providing the right guidance and support!

Can you prevent/reduce injuries in your horse?

Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure that can prevent injuries. Sometimes horses seem to be born to make things as difficult as possible for themselves or to damage themselves. Every horse can have a little accident, stumble, or just be plain unlucky. Preventing an injury is therefore not possible. However, you can reduce the chances of injuries by providing the right guidance and support!. Provide enough building materials from a young age. For a strong physique, horses need building materials in the form of minerals ( silicon, calcium, magnesium etc). This starts in the womb. During pregnancy, the mare must receive enough building materials so that the unborn foal can absorb and use them. If pregnant mares have insufficient building materials, the foal will already start with a disadvantage. As a result, the entire physique will be weaker and more prone to injuries. It is therefo...



Black cumin

When your horse is injured, you want to support him during the recovery period. For example, with a mild pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory dietary supplement. Common options for this are plant-based cannabinoids(clove) and thymoquinone from black cumin. But when do you use cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin?

When do you choose cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin for your horse's injury?

When your horse is injured, you want to support him during the recovery period. For example, with a mild pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory dietary supplement. Common options for this are plant-based cannabinoids(clove) and thymoquinone from black cumin. But when do you use cannabinoids and when do you choose black cumin?. For common injuries, such as tendon injuries or muscle problems, time is usually the best healer. Your horse often needs rest first and then slowly build up. Even in case of laminitis the recovery can take some time. Many horse owners like to help their horse with a natural remedy that suppresses pain and inflammation and promotes healing. Acute phase: thymoquinone Research has shown that the substance thymoquinone from the black cumin plant is a good option for different injuries. Thymoquinone:...



The clove plant has versatile effects for both humans and animals. Naturally, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Additionally, it also optimizes the ECS system. This system is the body's signaling mechanism. We are not talking about the clove as you know it from the supermarket, but rather the plant and the flowers. Curious about its effects? We will tell you all about it in this blog!

Are you familiar with the medicinal properties of the clove plant for horses?

The clove plant has versatile effects for both humans and animals. Naturally, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Additionally, it also optimizes the ECS system. This system is the body's signaling mechanism. We are not talking about the clove as you know it from the supermarket, but rather the plant and the flowers. Curious about its effects? We will tell you all about it in this blog!. Active substances in clove Clove is a dried, unopened flower bud of the clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum) and gets its name from its appearance, resembling a nail. The clove tree grows in a tropical climate and is an evergreen tree that only starts producing cloves after the 6th year. Clove is strong in smell and taste, hence it is widely used in dishes, as an insect repellent, or in fragrances. However, it's not the clove as you know it, but rather the plant and flower that have medicinal proper...




In the winter period, many horses are back in the stables. The pastures/paddocks are too wet to keep horses outside all the time, but it may also be necessary to stall horses individually in the winter due to supplemental feeding. During this period, we receive many questions on customer service about box walking/restless horses in the stable. Do we have a supplement that can help with this? Let's start by saying that horses need as much free movement as possible and that stable time should always be kept to a minimum. In this blog, we want to explain why a horse may box walk and whether it can be remedied/prevented.

How to prevent box walking in your horse?

In the winter period, many horses are back in the stables. The pastures/paddocks are too wet to keep horses outside all the time, but it may also be necessary to stall horses individually in the winter due to supplemental feeding. During this period, we receive many questions on customer service about box walking/restless horses in the stable. Do we have a supplement that can help with this? Let's start by saying that horses need as much free movement as possible and that stable time should always be kept to a minimum. In this blog, we want to explain why a horse may box walk and whether it can be remedied/prevented.. Box walking happens for a reason Most horse stables are 3m x 3m. This is a relatively small space for horses, especially if horses were used to staying outside 24/7 in the summer and having plenty of room. Additionally, the feed suddenly changes from grass to hay, the horse no longer has a choice in what it eats, everything is wet, and there may be a horse next to them that they wouldn't choose to be with in the pasture. These are all reasons why a horse can feel overwhelmed and stressed. The tr...


Guest blog


Clove cannabinoids are very versatile in horses. This is because they support the ECS system. This is a system that takes care of different processes in the body. We have asked Miranda Hoogenberg about her experiences. She has used cannabinoids in various situations such as stress, inflammation, and pain, but also in grief and stress when the leader of the herd died. But first, who is Miranda?

Guestblog HOPE for horses: ‘Cannabinoids good for the entire system in horses’

Clove cannabinoids are very versatile in horses. This is because they support the ECS system. This is a system that takes care of different processes in the body. We have asked Miranda Hoogenberg about her experiences. She has used cannabinoids in various situations such as stress, inflammation, and pain, but also in grief and stress when the leader of the herd died. But first, who is Miranda?. Who is Miranda Hoogenberg Miranda Hoogenberg from HOPE for Horses helps people and horses come together in riding and in their general cooperation. "I teach horseback riding from dressage, jumping, and cross-country to coaching. I always try to look and feel what is suitable for both horse and rider. What is really important for the horse and for the human? That is really my passion," says Miranda. "Working on strengthening the inner, emotional, and spiritual aspect of the interac...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .