Is magnesium the miracle cure for horses with stress?





25 November '22 5 min reading time

Is magnesium the miracle cure for horses with stress?

Horses can experience stress for various reasons. This can be due to moving, incorrect (feeding) management or a traumatic experience, for example. Some horses are more sensitive to stress than others. There are also horses who are a bit spooky during work and often struggle with the so-called "arena ghosts". Many horse owners then turn to a magnesium supplement, as this is believed to be the solution. But is it really? Is magnesium the miracle cure for stress?

Different types of stress

Horses can experience different types of stress. These forms can be divided into 2 groups: acute stress & chronic stress. If the horse is startled by an unexpected situation, found a trailer ride stressful, or was tense during a competition, then it is acute stress. The horse has experienced stress, but can quickly let it flow away and continue with "normal" life without long-lasting effects.

In chronic stress, the body experiences prolonged stress causing the horse to go into a survival mode for a long period of time. This can be due to a traumatic experience, the loss of a companion, or incorrect management. For example, if a horse is not housed according to its needs, this can result in chronic stress. This stress gets stored in the cells and can also cause physical problems such as gastric ulcers and constantly tense muscles.

First look at the circumstances

Is your horse experiencing stress? First find out the reason behind it. Is it its personality that makes it a bit jittery or has something happened that can explain its behavior? Is your horse getting the right (amount of) nutrition? Standing without food for a long time can also cause stress! Is your horse perhaps not spending enough time outside and cannot tolerate being in a stall?

Once you have identified the reason for the stress, you can search for a solution. Sometimes this may mean that the stable policy (of the boarding stable) does not suit your horse and needs to be changed. Sometimes it is the personality and we as horse owners need to learn to deal with it and lead it in the right direction. But only when you know the reason can you consider whether a supplement for stress will be effective. It is important to consider that a supplement is not a permanent solution, it is a tool, the stress factors should always be removed!

Magnesium only functional in case of deficiency!

Magnesium is an important mineral that is involved in many different processes in the body. For example, it plays a crucial role in muscle relaxation and nerve impulse transmission. That is why magnesium is often used in horses experiencing stress. It is frequently recommended by therapists, instructors, etc. Horse owners often purchase a magnesium product, but once the bottle is empty, there is no difference in the horse. And that may be correct! Magnesium supplements can be very effective in cases of stress, but actually only when there is a magnesium deficiency. In case of a magnesium deficiency, nerve impulse transmission is less effective and the muscles "cramp". Horses become more nervous and jumpy. Magnesium is fantastic for these horses because it solves the deficiency, allowing the horse to relax again and normal nerve impulse transmission. These horses benefit from a magnesium supplement.

Use blood test results as a guide, not as fact!

Keep in mind that a blood test is a snapshot. The amount of magnesium in the blood does not provide a complete picture. It is possible that the horse has enough magnesium in other tissues, but has not "released" it to the blood at the time of the blood test. The opposite is also possible! It may be that the horse has released all magnesium to the blood, but has none left in other tissues. In this case, the horse actually has a magnesium deficiency, but according to the blood test, everything is fine. Therefore, use blood test results as a guide, but continue to observe your horse's behavior closely!

But which supplement should I give my horse with stress?

There are different products available for stress in horses. There are products based on herbs (Passionflower and chamomile), based on clove extract, and of course magnesium. Below is an explanation of when to use each:

  • Herbal supplement: Passionflower and chamomile provide more focus and relaxation. Use these products for horses experiencing acute stress. So for the farrier, competition, dentist, and transportation. It is also a good product for horses being trained or are a bit spooky in a new stable.

  • Clove extract: Clove contains cannabinoids which promote balance in body and mind. A product based on clove extract provides inner peace and removes stress from deep within the cells. This is therefore useful for horses with traumatic experiences or chronic stress. The loss of a friend can be a traumatic experience for horses, and in such cases, clove works extremely well!

  • Magnesium: Promotes muscle relaxation and better nerve impulse transmission. Only effective in cases of stress caused by a magnesium deficiency. Is your horse explosive? Or does it often lose control? These horses use more magnesium and during such outbursts, they deplete all the magnesium in their muscles. These horses often benefit from additional magnesium supplementation.

So is there no use in giving magnesium?

Magnesium is definitely useful! It is a very important mineral for many processes in the body. We recommend giving extra magnesium regularly. Administer a magnesium course to replenish any deficiencies, as unfortunately there is not enough in concentrated feed and forage. And for horses with stress due to a lack of magnesium, magnesium is also extremely beneficial!

Choose the right form of magnesium, our preference is always for a magnesium chelate, this form is highly absorbable for horses, especially in liquid form!

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