Mites in horses, start treatment as soon as possible!





3 January '23 3 min reading time

Mites in horses, start treatment as soon as possible!

Stamping in the winter. A well-known phenomenon in horses, especially in horses with a lot of hair on their legs. Especially when the weather is damp and muggy, and horses stand in the mud more often, it is often a recurring problem. Mites! How do you treat it and especially how do you get rid of it as soon as possible?

Mites occur in all types of horses

Customers often think that their horse cannot have mites because it is a warmblood and does not have socks. This is perhaps the biggest misconception about mites. All horses can be affected by mites, but one horse may be more sensitive to them than another. It is possible that a horse carries mites without showing any symptoms. However, horses with socks are more sensitive to mites, and horses with Chronic Progressive Lymphedema (CPL) are also more sensitive. The area between the socks is warmer/muggier, making it an ideal place for mites to settle.

Mites are difficult to control

Unfortunately, mites are very stubborn and therefore difficult to control in horses. They are not visible to the naked eye, which makes it even more complicated. The only way to find out if your horse actually has mites is to have a scraping done by the vet and check it under a microscope. However, the symptoms often say enough and it can be assumed with great certainty that a horse has mites. The main symptoms are: stamping with the legs, biting at the socks, and persistent scabby spots that do not heal.

To tackle mites, you need to be consistent in your treatment and have patience. Of course, you can choose chemical treatment, but keep in mind that this has many negative effects on the overall resistance of the horse and can lead to more health problems in the long run. Even when using chemical treatments, you have to repeat the treatment regularly, and the problem of mites is likely to reoccur. Therefore, our preference is for a natural approach.

Start treatment as soon as possible!

Mites are not only stubborn but also spread easily. It is therefore necessary to treat your horse as soon as possible. The sooner you start, the faster you will have the problem under control. Mites lay many eggs, and these eggs hatch when conditions are ideal. This can happen within 2 weeks, but it can also take up to 2 years. This is what makes mites so stubborn, because you may think the problem is solved, but a few years later the problem can suddenly reappear. And there is nothing that can kill the eggs, absolutely nothing (except fire). No chemical or natural product works against eggs. Therefore, you want to prevent many eggs from being laid, which is why you should start treating against mites as soon as possible after detection.

Boost resistance and treat with a supplement against mites!

Mites can infect horses when their immune system is weakened. Horses are more susceptible at these times, and it is during these moments that mites spread and reproduce rapidly. It is important to boost the resistance of your horse. Choose a nettle tincture for this purpose, as it truly boosts resistance and purifies the blood. Additionally, there is a herbal supplement that makes the horse's blood and skin flakes indigestible for mites. This prevents mites from reproducing, breaking the cycle. By reducing the number of eggs, the problem will become smaller and more manageable. Give this product consistently, every day, mixed with food for an extended period. This way, you continue to intercept newly hatched eggs so that mites cannot reproduce.

You can also treat externally with a care product based on castor oil. This product has a caring, soothing, and supportive effect on the skin. The composition of this product for soaking legs also has a repellent effect on mites.

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