Do you know if your horse is in pain?

If only they could talk" is something that horse owners often say to each other. Because sometimes there is something wrong with your horse, but it is not immediately clear what exactly. Is he just having a bad day? Or is there something more going on? How easy would it be sometimes to just ask! Horses don't talk, but they do give off signals about how they feel. We humans just have to learn to understand those signals...






Black cumin

19 September '22 3 min reading time

Researchers have been studying for years to find out what signals can be read in different animal species, such as behavior, eyes, and facial muscles. They have discovered that horses in pain tighten certain facial muscles. You can see if there is discomfort or pain in six areas on the horse's head. If your horse shows one of these signs, it might not be a big deal. But if he tightens the facial muscles in four or more places, then you really need to investigate further. In addition to his facial muscles, a horse can also exhibit all kinds of behavior that may indicate pain. Restlessness, flehmen response, low hanging head, teeth grinding, biting or kicking at the belly, stamping and scraping are examples of this.


Tightening the facial muscles due to pain is known as 'painface' in horses. There are score cards that allow you to determine if your horse has no pain, a little pain, or clear pain. The areas on the horse's head to pay attention to are: the ears, eyes, cheeks, nose, and mouth.

Pain indicator 1: Ears back

A horse without pain usually has its ears forward. Especially when you just approach. A horse in pain will have its ears further apart and turned to the side, or even all the way back.

Pain indicator 2: Eyes half closed

If your horse has its eyes half closed, it could be that he is just not very alert, but usually there is something else going on. If the eye is not round and open, but oval and squinted, this is a sign of pain.

Pain indicator 3: Tension above the eyes

A horse in pain tenses the muscles above the eyes. This creates a sort of roof above the eye and makes the bone structure there more visible.

Pain indicator 4: Tense chewing muscles

When your horse tenses his chewing muscles, you will see lines forming at the sides of the head. You can find these muscles under the cheekbone, in front of the jaw curve. Tightly tensed chewing muscles indicate pain.

Pain indicator 5: Tight mouth and chin

Your horse's mouth can also show signs of pain. The mouth is then more angular in shape and somewhat compressed, with the upper lip tense and a more visible chin.

Pain indicator 6: Wide nostrils

When your horse's nostrils flare to the sides, making the nose appear wider from the middle outwards, that is also a sign of discomfort or pain. An additional indication may be increased breathing.

What to do in case of pain?

If your horse clearly displays pain signals on its face, then check its temperature, heart rate, and breathing. With that information, you can then call your veterinarian for advice. If the signals are less clear, but you still think there is discomfort in your horse, then review your management practices thoroughly. Does the horse have enough roughage, free movement, social contact? Is there stress involved? Is the horse lame? Stress and tension can be combated with the help of an herbal extract containing chamomile, chasteberry, and passion flower. Also, magnesium helps to reduce tension and stress and is often insufficient in hay. Horses that are regularly trained may experience more muscle pain due to a magnesium deficiency and therefore may experience discomfort. Finally, you can also use cannabinoids to help your horse regain balance. These plant compounds have a mild pain-relieving effect, anti-inflammatory properties, and bring your horse back into mental and physical balance. The immune system also receives a boost, making your horse more resilient to outside influences such as seasonal changes.

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