How do you support your dog's immune system?

Contemporary dogs are no longer exposed to extreme challenges to their immune system. They have a stable living environment indoors, receive sufficient and good food, have limited contact with unfamiliar (wild) animals, and are preventively treated against possible diseases. This may result in a weaker immune system for the dog, as they have little exposure to pathogens and the immune system is not triggered. But how can you ensure that your dog's immune system remains optimal?



25 September '23 1 min reading time

Go outside!

On a wet, stormy autumn day, this may not sound very appealing. But being outside is the best thing for your dog's immune system (and for ourselves as well). Outside, the dog comes into contact with bacteria, fungi, droppings from wild animals, and other dogs. The best way to optimize your dog's immune system is to expose them to as many "pathogens" as possible. This triggers the immune system to become stronger, making the dog more resilient when exposed to a serious virus.

Don't disinfect everything

As humans, we tend to clean everything clinically and disinfect everything. Because bacteria, fungi, and other invisible organisms are dirty. But the majority of microorganisms are harmless and necessary for a healthy living environment. Without these good bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, we become sick and vulnerable. Of course, it is important to be hygienic, wash the dog's bed, and occasionally wash their toys as well. But do not disinfect everything with a disinfectant! This is not healthy for us as humans, and even more harmful for your dog's immune system!

Support with effective microorganisms!

Just now, we talked about good microorganisms, and you can even boost them by giving effective microorganisms. Externally, you can use this on the dog by using a skin spray containing effective microorganisms on wounds and dry patches. This spray introduces the right bacteria, fungi, etc. to the skin, driving out the harmful ones and restoring the balance of the skin, helping wounds to heal faster.

Support with a detox

Dogs accumulate toxins in their bodies from exhaust fumes, chemical use, and processed food. This is unavoidable but causes a buildup of toxins in the body, putting pressure on the overall immune system. By giving your dog a detox twice a year (a maximum of 1-week treatment), you can eliminate these toxins. This creates space in the body, allowing the dog to absorb nutrients better. This benefits the immune system! We recommend doing a detox treatment in the spring and fall.

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