How dangerous are fleas and ticks for dogs?

Fleas and ticks can be both irritating and risky for dogs. These parasites cause itching and can transmit diseases. Therefore, it is wise to protect your dog as much as possible against fleas and ticks. If your dog has already been bitten, there are various things you can do to minimize the consequences of a bite.

First Aid


26 February '24 4 min reading time

For both fleas and ticks, prevention is better than cure. In addition to prevention in the form of a flea collar or flea drops, you can also think about checking your dog thoroughly for ticks after a walk. Additionally, it is important that your dog has healthy skin and coat. You can support your dog's skin and coat from the inside with a dietary supplement of salmon oil and from the outside with a spray of good bacteria.

Fleas - risks and consequences

A dog can pick up fleas from another infected dog, or because flea eggs from the environment stick to him. Fleas can also enter the house through your shoes or other items. A flea infestation can cause itching, redness, bumps, flakes, scabs, and baldness in dogs. Usually, fleas are mainly irritating, but very young puppies can lose so much blood from flea bites that they develop life-threatening anemia. Moreover, the risk of a flea allergy is greater if your dog is repeatedly bitten by fleas. Finally, fleas can also transmit viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. Not only to your dog, but also to its human housemates!

Ticks - risks and consequences

Ticks are found in tall grass and shrubbery. Especially when it is warm and dry, there can be many ticks. Dogs, as well as humans and other pets, can get sick from a tick bite. The tick bite can cause inflammation and consequently itching and irritation. Ticks can also transmit various diseases to dogs. The best known of these is Lyme disease. As much as 20 percent of ticks in the Netherlands are infected with the Lyme bacterium (borrelia). Dogs infected with Lyme can develop vague symptoms such as joint pain, neurological symptoms, fever, poor appetite, kidney problems, and skin problems. In addition to Lyme disease, ticks in the Netherlands can also transmit anaplasmosis. Because these diseases are often transmitted after 24 to 48 hours while the tick is still attached to the skin, it is super important to always remove a tick as soon as possible. Always make a note in your agenda when your dog has had a tick and inform your vet if your dog becomes ill in the period following.

Protection against ticks and fleas

Prevention is essential to protect your dog against fleas and ticks. Make sure to regularly check and treat your dog in a timely manner to minimize these risks. In combating fleas, it is important to not only treat the adult fleas on the dog, but also the eggs and larvae in your home. There are various products available, such as flea collars, spot-on treatments, and tablets, that work against both fleas and ticks. Treat the environment as well if your dog already has fleas. Check your dog daily for ticks after every walk, especially if your dog has been in the woods, bushes, tall grass, or heath. Check especially the thinly-haired areas like armpits, groins, head, and ears. Remove ticks found as soon as possible with a suitable tick tweezers. Treat your dog preferably naturally, but chemically if necessary.

A healthy skin is the best foundation

To minimize the consequences of ticks and fleas as much as possible, it is also important that your dog's skin and coat are healthy. Salmon oil is a tasty fish oil that can be given as an extra to the food. This oil supports your dog's skin and coat. Salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, gives the coat shine, and supports in hair loss. In addition, salmon oil works soothingly on a dry and sensitive skin from the inside. If your dog has itching, flakes, or scabs, an external spray based on good microorganisms is a nice addition to the recovery process. The good bacteria in such a spray support the skin's self-healing ability. Thanks to the good microorganisms in the spray, the microbial balance of the skin is restored. Bad bacteria then no longer have a chance and good bacteria take over. This helps the skin to recover faster.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 23-2-2024

(1) Fleas, ticks, and maggots in dogs | AniCura Netherlands.

(2) Fleas and ticks in dogs - Ranzijn.

(3) Fleas and ticks protection for dogs | Order - Medpets.

(4) Best remedy against fleas and ticks 2024 -

(5) Everything against fleas and ticks for your dog - Dierenapotheek.

(6) Ticks in dogs |

(7) Worms, fleas, and ticks | Dog care | Dogs - DierenDokters.

(8) Anti flea dog | Anti tick dog |

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