Silicon: Good for the coat and skin of your dog
Skin problems are common in dogs. The mineral silicon is important for the structure and health of the skin, coat, and nails. If the skin is not very elastic or easily damaged, this could indicate a silicon deficiency. The quality of the coat and hair can also deteriorate if a dog does not get enough of this mineral. So, silicon can support your dog if it often has skin problems.

8 September '23 • 2 min reading time
Silicon is necessary for all mammals. The mineral contributes to the structure of the skin, nails, hair, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joint fluid, and bone. There has been quite a bit of research on the effect of silicon on skin and hair in humans. It turns out that, for example, people with sun damage on their skin, such as liver spots and wrinkles, see clear improvements after taking silicon for 20 weeks. The nails and hair of the study participants also broke much less easily. This is because the keratin structures, which hair and nails are made of, become stronger thanks to silicon.
Skin problems in dogs
The skin forms a barrier between the body and the outside world and protects the body from pathogens, dehydration, and injury. Dogs frequently have skin problems such as rash, bumps, itching, redness, crusts, flakes, infections, or even a foul-smelling coat. This can, of course, have multiple causes, but if the skin problems keep coming back, or if the skin heals poorly, it can help to support the dog from the inside out. Silicon strengthens collagen formation and thus ensures elastic and healthy skin. A dull coat or hair loss can also be combated with a silicon supplement.
Silicon is declining
All organs - including the skin - naturally contain silicon. However, as a dog (or human) gets older, the amount decreases. This is because less silicon is absorbed and processed by the body as you get older. If you want to supplement silicon, you should give it in a well-absorbable liquid form. A supplement of hydrolyzed silicon works best. Many other forms hardly pass through the intestinal wall and into the blood.
Supports other minerals
In addition to the direct effects of silicon on the skin, hair, and joints, it also helps with the absorption of other minerals. A good reason to ensure that your dog receives enough silicon - obviously in an absorbable form!
Barel, A., Calomme, M., Timchenko, A. et al. Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on skin, nails, and hair in women with photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol Res 297, 147–153 (2005).
Forrest H. Nielsen. Update on the possible nutritional importance of silicon. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, Volume 28, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 379-382, ISSN 0946-672X.
Michalak, M.; Pierzak, M.; Kręcisz, B.; Suliga, E. Bioactive Compounds for Skin Health: A Review. Nutrients 2021, 13, 203.