In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.



Summer is over, horses are growing their winter coats again, and the first rain blankets are being put on. Many horses spend more time in the stable during the autumn and winter months, especially horses that are kept outside a lot, will lose some weight in the coming months. How does a horse stay warm in the winter? Do you need to feed them extra to prevent this weight loss? Or is that weight loss not actually a bad thing?

My horse is losing weight in the winter - where does that come from?

Summer is over, horses are growing their winter coats again, and the first rain blankets are being put on. Many horses spend more time in the stable during the autumn and winter months, especially horses that are kept outside a lot, will lose some weight in the coming months. How does a horse stay warm in the winter? Do you need to feed them extra to prevent this weight loss? Or is that weight loss not actually a bad thing?. Horses do not hibernate like squirrels or hedgehogs, but they do have a metabolism that is adapted to the seasons. Research shows that the body temperature and heart rate of horses drop in the winter, especially when there is less food available. When it's cold, horses that are kept outdoors also move less to conserve energy. Summer metabolism and winter metabolism All our horses still have a seasonal clock, inherited from the time when they lived in the wild. In the summer, the 'summer metaboli...


Vitamin E

Overweight in horses is more common than we realize, especially during the summer period it is difficult to keep horses at a healthy weight. There are horse owners who choose not to let horses and ponies graze, or only very limited. But grass also contains very important nutrients, including vitamin E. And did you know that vitamin E is an important vitamin for overweight horses? Let's delve into this in this blog!

Why vitamin E is important for overweight horses

Overweight in horses is more common than we realize, especially during the summer period it is difficult to keep horses at a healthy weight. There are horse owners who choose not to let horses and ponies graze, or only very limited. But grass also contains very important nutrients, including vitamin E. And did you know that vitamin E is an important vitamin for overweight horses? Let's delve into this in this blog!. Vitamin E important for overweight horses Horses with overweight have an extra need for vitamin E. Firstly, vitamin E is important for all horses to eliminate waste products (free radicals) that are released during exercise. This is to prevent muscle pain, stiffness, and prolonged recovery after intensive training. But with overweight, there is more to it! Fat is a major source of inflammation. Therefore, horses with overweight experience more inflammatory reactions in the body than normal. Ther...



Insulin resistance


Sweet itch

Many horses quickly become overweight when put in the pasture. It seems like they gain weight from just a single blade of grass. These horses are often referred to as 'easy keepers' because they don't require much feed. However, managing these types of horses is often not easy for owners. How is it possible that your horse gains weight so quickly? And what can you do about it?

My horse is already getting fat from a single blade of grass! How is that possible?

Many horses quickly become overweight when put in the pasture. It seems like they gain weight from just a single blade of grass. These horses are often referred to as 'easy keepers' because they don't require much feed. However, managing these types of horses is often not easy for owners. How is it possible that your horse gains weight so quickly? And what can you do about it?. The answer is not so much in the grass itself, but in your horse. Many horses consume too many sugars, for example in the form of concentrate or rich hay. Due to the dry summers of the past year, the hay is much higher in sugars than usual. Concentrate feed often contains a lot of sugar and starch, which are easily absorbed and lead to a higher blood sugar level. Not designed for fast sugars In the wild, horses eat a lot more cellulose from coarse plant stems. This cellulose is converted by the...



Salmon oil

Is your horse on a limited diet to help it lose weight? Don't forget the essential fatty acids like Omega-3. Your horse needs these essential fatty acids daily in its diet. Not only for essential bodily functions, but also for processing sugars in the body. A recent study on Omega-3 from fish oil has shown that horses in training had lower percentages of fats and cholesterol in their blood after four weeks. The blood sugar levels after training also decreased, leading to less muscle fatigue.

Horse on a diet? Don't forget the Omega-3 fatty acids!

Is your horse on a limited diet to help it lose weight? Don't forget the essential fatty acids like Omega-3. Your horse needs these essential fatty acids daily in its diet. Not only for essential bodily functions, but also for processing sugars in the body. A recent study on Omega-3 from fish oil has shown that horses in training had lower percentages of fats and cholesterol in their blood after four weeks. The blood sugar levels after training also decreased, leading to less muscle fatigue.. Why winter is the ideal time Winter is the perfect time to help your horse lose weight. Horses naturally gain weight in the summer and then use those reserves in the winter. In nature, this serves as a kind of detox. The fat tissue that is broken down also stores waste products. Because we feed our horses throughout the winter, many horses go into the grass period too fat. And in the spring, the grass is full of sugars. Is your horse overweight? Then winter is the right time to start with a modi...



Most horses are back on the grass by now. It is often thought that short grass is better for horses. A common remark is for example "my horses are in a poor pasture, so they only get a little grass". But is that really the case? Just imagine how tall the grass would be if you had fenced off a piece? That's right, that piece would be quite high. This means that the horses in the poor pasture with short grass have all ingested that grass. In addition, longer grass contains less sugars than short grass. We will explain exactly how that works in this blog.

# Why long grass is better than short grass

Most horses are back on the grass by now. It is often thought that short grass is better for horses. A common remark is for example "my horses are in a poor pasture, so they only get a little grass". But is that really the case? Just imagine how tall the grass would be if you had fenced off a piece? That's right, that piece would be quite high. This means that the horses in the poor pasture with short grass have all ingested that grass. In addition, longer grass contains less sugars than short grass. We will explain exactly how that works in this blog.. Side note: it is still important to slowly build up the grazing season for horses that are not on grass 24/7. Long grass does not mean that you can immediately put your horses on it 24/7. Build it up slowly and keep an eye on the fructan index. Very useful to have as an app on your phone. Short grass vs. long grass for horses We have listed the characteristics of grass for you. Because long grass and strip grazing is definitely recommended for all horses. See below in this table the differences...


Your horse is probably already enjoying the grass. Unfortunately, the pounds are already piling on rapidly. How can you ensure that your horse stays at a healthy weight in the summer while still being able to enjoy the fresh grass?

How to prevent overweight in horses?

Your horse is probably already enjoying the grass. Unfortunately, the pounds are already piling on rapidly. How can you ensure that your horse stays at a healthy weight in the summer while still being able to enjoy the fresh grass?. In this blog, we want to provide you with tips on how to keep your horse at a healthy weight during the summer months. Weight gain in summer is a natural phenomenon Wild horses lose weight (drastically) in winter due to food scarcity and fewer nutrients in the grass. During that time, horses use their fat reserves to get through the winter. These fat reserves are built up by horses in the summer when the grass is abundant and rich in nutrients. Wild horses are often very fat after the summer per...

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Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .