# How can you keep your horse at a healthy weight in the summer

Many horse owners find themselves in a dilemma every summer. How do you keep your horse or pony at a healthy weight during the grazing season? How can you allow your horse to enjoy a bit of grass without it having adverse effects on its health? Read on in this blog, we are happy to give you some tips!


Insulin resistance



31 March '22 4 min reading time

Depending on the stable

Not everyone has their horse/pony at home and the ability to take various measures regarding grazing. Most horses are kept at a boarding stable where there is a certain policy in place. This makes it difficult for many horse owners to make the right adjustments for their horse. We understand that as a horse owner, you may sometimes feel frustrated because the stable's policy does not benefit the health of your pony/horse. In some cases, you are unfortunately dependent on your stable. With the tips below, we hope to provide you with some options to keep your horse or pony's weight under control.

It's okay for a pony or horse to gain weight in winter

The ideal situation is for the horse to come out of winter slightly lean. It is natural and very healthy for horses to lose weight in winter. Originally, winter is the season when food is scarce and horses use up their fat reserves. The summer period is the time of abundance, when horses build up reserves for when winter arrives.

It is natural for your horse to gain weight in summer and is not a problem. However, it should be within limits and should not lead to health problems like laminitis.

Tips to keep weight under control:

  1. Don't wait until it's too late

If you know that your horse easily gains weight in summer, don't wait until it's too heavy. Start implementing measures right at the beginning of the grazing season. It is easier to keep your horse at a healthy weight than to have to make it lose weight during the summer.

  1. Think in terms of solutions and possibilities!

We tend to focus on problems as humans, but if you think in terms of possibilities and solutions, everything seems less overwhelming. Perhaps there is a barn mate with the same issue and the two of you can come up with a workable solution together.

  1. Discuss with your stable owner

Stables often have policies regarding the grazing season. While many horses may not have any issues with this, there are some horses for which it may not be suitable. Your horse is probably not the only one that gains weight easily. Discuss with your stable owner if there are ways to manage the "overweight" horses differently.

  1. Implement strip grazing

Horses that easily gain weight benefit from strip grazing. This involves limiting the amount of fresh grass the horse gets each day/week. Horses can enjoy the fresh grass for a few hours, but then they must entertain themselves with the remaining grass in the pasture or hay. It is important to regularly close off sections of the pasture that have been grazed short, so that horses do not stay on short grass for too long.

  1. Limit pasture access

Grazing can be seen as a "treat." Allow horses that gain weight easily access to the pasture for a certain number of hours, instead of 24/7, such as only 4 hours. Always let horses eat hay first so they are not hungry. This prevents overeating once they are allowed on the grass, so never let them graze on an empty stomach. During times when there is no grazing, provide horses with lean hay, barley straw, or branches.

  1. Use a grazing mask

Not all horse owners are fans of them, but a well-fitting grazing mask can be a solution for horses that easily gain weight. If you cannot change the grazing policy, consider getting a grazing mask. Make sure to get informed about it and introduce the grazing mask in a relaxed way so that your horse does not see it as negative and does not get stressed. For good advice, you can always turn to Paardeerlijk, a company with a lot of knowledge about grazing masks.

  1. Start grazing only in mid-May/June

The longer the grass, the more fiber it contains and the longer it takes for a horse to chew and digest one bite. Does your horse easily gain weight? Then choose not to put your horse in the pasture until mid-May/June. The longer, overgrown grass is much healthier and lower in nutrients.

  1. Increase exercise

Another way to keep your horse or pony at a healthy weight is through exercise, exercise, and more exercise. Keep your pony or horse in training throughout the grazing season. And that does not mean working your horse hard, quite the opposite! Lots of walking for a longer time stimulates fat burning. So go for a walk or take short rides. A minimum of 20 minutes of walking every day is very positive for the body, plus, your horse won't be eating during that time 😉

A few more small tips:

  • Reduce concentrate feed or start giving only a balancer for vitamins and minerals.

  • Ensure a herb-rich pasture. Pastures mainly consisting of English Ryegrass are not suitable for horses and are focused on growth.

  • Avoid artificial fertilizers, choose natural fertilization with liquid sea minerals. This makes the grass healthier and also promotes soil health.

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Insulin resistance



Triphala is an herbal mixture that has been used in India for centuries as a natural medicine. It is used for digestive complaints, stress, and to stabilize blood sugar levels. Research has shown that Triphala has strong medicinal properties in humans and rodents. This traditional supplement can also be used in horses, especially for insulin resistance.

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