In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.




Vitamin E

How do you prevent mental overload in a young horse in training?

How to prevent mental overload in a young horse in training? When a horse comes out of rearing and starts working, it brings a lot of changes. Not only because suddenly everything is expected of him, but also because the circumstances in which the animal lives change. The horse often spends fewer hours in the herd, sometimes in a stall at night, and comes into contact with people and 'strange' situations much more than before. Most people know that in the training of a young horse, you should ta...



To compete or not when your horse finds it stressful?

If you ride dressage or show jumping with your horse, it can be quite enjoyable to compete. At least, for you as a rider. Competitions are a good opportunity to see where you are in your training and to compete against other combinations. But does your horse enjoy it as much? And what can you do to make the experience as positive as possible for him? A few tips and tricks, even if your horse may not enjoy it that much yet. Resilient horse Before competing, it is important that your horse can han...




What do the eyes of your horse say?

As horse owners, we would like to know if our horses are feeling good. And if they might want to tell us something. One of the ways to 'listen' to horses is by looking closely at their eyes. Do you know what each look of your horse says? And what should you pay attention to? The eyes of horses are located on the sides of their heads. This allows a horse to see almost all around itself; it can't see directly behind itself. Such wide vision is very useful for a flight animal, as it can scan the en...



Why social contact is so important for horses

Horses are herd animals. They are naturally made to live in groups and need social contact to remain physically and mentally healthy. In densely populated Netherlands, it is not always possible to meet all the needs of your horse. How important is social contact actually for your horse, what exactly is social contact, and how can you help your horse when (temporarily) less social contact is possible? Over the years, the thinking on animal welfare has changed. For a long time, the 'five freedoms'...






Black cumin

Do you know if your horse is in pain?

"If only they could talk" is something that horse owners often say to each other. Because sometimes there is something wrong with your horse, but it is not immediately clear what exactly. Is he just having a bad day? Or is there something more going on? How easy would it be sometimes to just ask! Horses don't talk, but they do give off signals about how they feel. We humans just have to learn to understand those signals... Researchers have been studying for years to find out what signa...


Insulin resistance



Triphala is a "herbal mixture" of 3 dried fruits from the Himalayan region. It has been used in India for centuries due to its great healing properties. In this blog, we will explain the conditions in horses where triphala can be used.

Which conditions can triphala be used for in horses?

Triphala is a "herbal mixture" of 3 dried fruits from the Himalayan region. It has been used in India for centuries due to its great healing properties. In this blog, we will explain the conditions in horses where triphala can be used.. Insulin resistance Triphala has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels. It helps lower and balance blood sugar levels. Triphala is therefore very suitable for horses with insulin resistance. In addition, triphala is anti-inflammatory and horses with insulin resistance usually have an increased inflammatory value in their body, leading to itching. Triphala also supports in this area, reducing itching. Gastric ulcers Mucous membranes are supported by triphala. It helps restore mucous membranes,...



Many horses experience tension during competitions. As a result, there is little focus from the horse on the rider or even dangerous situations can arise. There are many supplements available to combat stress and tension, but how long before the competition should you start using them? Read on in this blog.

How long before the competition do you start giving a stress product to your horse?

Many horses experience tension during competitions. As a result, there is little focus from the horse on the rider or even dangerous situations can arise. There are many supplements available to combat stress and tension, but how long before the competition should you start using them? Read on in this blog.. A supplement is not always the solution It is important to realize that a supplement is never a miracle cure. Supplements are a part of training support and can help in creating a positive experience. Horses are flight animals that are taken out of their familiar environment for competitions and have to perform in a place they do not know, with a lot of hustle and bustle around them. Horses need to learn this with the right guidance in relaxation and peace. There are also many horses that take o...


The outdoor season has started again! Finally, we can enjoy competing in the fresh air, in beautiful outdoor arenas. Unfortunately, there are often all kinds of goblins and ghosts present. Ducks in the ditch next to the arena, a tractor in the field further away, or simply phenomena that only your horse can see... How do you help your horse to stay focused?

More focus on your horse in competition thanks to the right herbs

The outdoor season has started again! Finally, we can enjoy competing in the fresh air, in beautiful outdoor arenas. Unfortunately, there are often all kinds of goblins and ghosts present. Ducks in the ditch next to the arena, a tractor in the field further away, or simply phenomena that only your horse can see... How do you help your horse to stay focused?. A horse is naturally a flight animal, so it's not uncommon for him to feel a bit insecure in a new environment. However, if you want to achieve a good performance in the ring, it can be very inconvenient! It would be nice if your horse stays focused on you and isn't just preoccupied with everything happening outside the arena. Keep riding Of course, there are many solutions for a slightly unfocused and nervous horse. Making sure you arrive at the competition on time and calmly explore the arena,...



If your horse is highly worked or experiences a lot of stress, a painful problem can occur: crystallization in the joints. In humans, we call it 'gout,' and horses can also get it. Especially for sport horses, it is important to pay attention to this. Is your horse a bit stiff? Then uric acid crystals could be the cause. Herbs can help solve this problem, but prevention is always best.

Crystallization of uric acid: painful joint problem for sport horses

If your horse is highly worked or experiences a lot of stress, a painful problem can occur: crystallization in the joints. In humans, we call it 'gout,' and horses can also get it. Especially for sport horses, it is important to pay attention to this. Is your horse a bit stiff? Then uric acid crystals could be the cause. Herbs can help solve this problem, but prevention is always best.. Most horse owners are familiar with common joint and muscle issues that can lead to stiffness. For example, arthritis in older horses. Or a deficiency in vitamin E when the horse is not on fresh grass. But apart from these well-known causes of stiffness, there is also a relatively unknown one: uric acid crystallization. What is uric acid? Uric acid is produced during physical exertion and stress. It is a breakdown product of protein metabolism. Under normal circumstances, this acid is absorbed i...




In the winter period, many horses are back in the stables. The pastures/paddocks are too wet to keep horses outside all the time, but it may also be necessary to stall horses individually in the winter due to supplemental feeding. During this period, we receive many questions on customer service about box walking/restless horses in the stable. Do we have a supplement that can help with this? Let's start by saying that horses need as much free movement as possible and that stable time should always be kept to a minimum. In this blog, we want to explain why a horse may box walk and whether it can be remedied/prevented.

How to prevent box walking in your horse?

In the winter period, many horses are back in the stables. The pastures/paddocks are too wet to keep horses outside all the time, but it may also be necessary to stall horses individually in the winter due to supplemental feeding. During this period, we receive many questions on customer service about box walking/restless horses in the stable. Do we have a supplement that can help with this? Let's start by saying that horses need as much free movement as possible and that stable time should always be kept to a minimum. In this blog, we want to explain why a horse may box walk and whether it can be remedied/prevented.. Box walking happens for a reason Most horse stables are 3m x 3m. This is a relatively small space for horses, especially if horses were used to staying outside 24/7 in the summer and having plenty of room. Additionally, the feed suddenly changes from grass to hay, the horse no longer has a choice in what it eats, everything is wet, and there may be a horse next to them that they wouldn't choose to be with in the pasture. These are all reasons why a horse can feel overwhelmed and stressed. The tr...




Unfortunately, many horses suffer from gastric issues to some extent. Gastric ulcers are common and can quickly develop. Any form of stress (due to incorrect nutrition, housing, or work) can quickly lead to irritation and result in gastric ulcers. While there are many supplements available for sensitive stomachs/gastric ulcers, did you know that the "simple" psyllium seeds can also provide relief? Of course, this is not a miracle cure. But it certainly helps in addressing gastric issues. Read more about this in this blog.

Horse with gastric ulcer? Use psyllium seeds for relief.

Unfortunately, many horses suffer from gastric issues to some extent. Gastric ulcers are common and can quickly develop. Any form of stress (due to incorrect nutrition, housing, or work) can quickly lead to irritation and result in gastric ulcers. While there are many supplements available for sensitive stomachs/gastric ulcers, did you know that the "simple" psyllium seeds can also provide relief? Of course, this is not a miracle cure. But it certainly helps in addressing gastric issues. Read more about this in this blog.. Always limit stress with your horse Giving supplements against gastric ulcers for an extended period is not recommended. There may still be details in the overall approach that work against this, such as grains in the diet. Always ensure that the basic conditions for your horse are good. Every horse is different and has individual needs. Limiting stress is a big part of this, and it varies for each horse. Some horses get stressed if they have to stay outside 24/7, while others get stressed if th...




Chaste tree is well known among many horse lovers. It is mainly used as a supplement for mares who suffer greatly from their heat. However, this herb, and its extracts, can be used more broadly. Chaste tree acts on the hormonal balance and the regulation of stress in *all* horses. It can make your horse more stable and ensure that he or she has enough energy to work properly.

Stress and hormones in your horse: What can chaste tree do?

Chaste tree is well known among many horse lovers. It is mainly used as a supplement for mares who suffer greatly from their heat. However, this herb, and its extracts, can be used more broadly. Chaste tree acts on the hormonal balance and the regulation of stress in *all* horses. It can make your horse more stable and ensure that he or she has enough energy to work properly.. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus), also known as chaste tree, originates from the Mediterranean region. Chaste tree is a medicinal plant. It has traditionally been used to regulate women's menstrual cycles and alleviate symptoms. Mares that become very heated and also show signs of pain, behavioral changes, or even lameness often benefit from chaste tree. But this herb can also help geldings and stallions manage (extreme) hormonal reactions. Hormones and stress An imbalanced hormonal system cause...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .