In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.



Horses with joint issues such as early-stage arthritis or insufficient joint fluid often receive supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin. These are substances that the body uses to build things like cartilage and joint fluid. But did you know that the body also produces these substances on its own? And that this is much more effective than glucosamine or chondroitin absorbed through diet? We explain how it works and how you can stimulate the body's own production of glucosamine for a smoother horse.

Did you know that silicon stimulates glucosamine production in horses?

Horses with joint issues such as early-stage arthritis or insufficient joint fluid often receive supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin. These are substances that the body uses to build things like cartilage and joint fluid. But did you know that the body also produces these substances on its own? And that this is much more effective than glucosamine or chondroitin absorbed through diet? We explain how it works and how you can stimulate the body's own production of glucosamine for a smoother horse.. Many horse owners give glucosamine as a supplement for joint issues or to make their horses more supple and help them get 'up and running' faster. However, scientific research shows that supplementing with glucosamine has minimal effects. The glucosamine from the supplement must travel through the intestines to reach its destination in the joints, and this absorption process is poor. The mineral silicon, given in a well-absorbed hydrolyzed form, is a much more effective supplement. Silicon stimu...



Hoof problems are common in horses. For example, thrush can be a persistent issue in wet weather or when horses spend many hours in the stable. Many people treat hoof problems from the outside with sprays, pastes, or oils. However, it is often also wise to support your horse from the inside. This is especially true for thrush and brittle hooves, as well as for laminitis.

Silicon as Internal Support for Thrush and Laminitis

Hoof problems are common in horses. For example, thrush can be a persistent issue in wet weather or when horses spend many hours in the stable. Many people treat hoof problems from the outside with sprays, pastes, or oils. However, it is often also wise to support your horse from the inside. This is especially true for thrush and brittle hooves, as well as for laminitis.. Laminitis is a metabolic disease that can have a severe impact on the quality of the hooves. The laminae in the hoof wall can detach, which is very painful for the horse. In the early stages of laminitis, the horse may be slightly sensitive or stumble, and if it progresses, you often see the typical stance with extended front legs to relieve the hooves. Hoof Health from Within For healthy hooves, building materials are necessary. Your horse obtains the building materials for all hoof tissue from...





Silicon is one of the essential minerals for your horse's health. This mineral is important for a wide range of bodily processes, from bone formation to skin health and from tendon repair to joint lubrication. In which conditions and problems do we recommend a silicon supplement?

In Which Conditions Should You Provide Extra Silicon?

Silicon is one of the essential minerals for your horse's health. This mineral is important for a wide range of bodily processes, from bone formation to skin health and from tendon repair to joint lubrication. In which conditions and problems do we recommend a silicon supplement?. The mineral silicon is a sort of jack-of-all-trades. This can sometimes make it a bit confusing to determine when to use silicon for your horse. In principle, silicon is a basic necessity for your horse, meaning it is always needed. However, the question is whether you need to supplement it, or if your horse is already getting enough from its diet. Silicon is found in various plants, such as nettles. In this article, we briefly outline the conditions in which silicon can be an effective suppleme...





Joint problems in horses are very common. It can range from a minor deviation to severe lameness. After visiting a veterinarian, horse owners often look for something to support the horse's joints. But what should you choose? Given that there are so many options on the market? How do you make the right choice?

Horse with joint problems? What is the best thing to use in that case?

Joint problems in horses are very common. It can range from a minor deviation to severe lameness. After visiting a veterinarian, horse owners often look for something to support the horse's joints. But what should you choose? Given that there are so many options on the market? How do you make the right choice?. Is there pain or discomfort? A horse that is lame (or not completely sound) does not necessarily experience unbearable pain. An abnormal gait can also result from incorrect posture or stance. Of course, pain or discomfort can still be present. Your veterinarian can often rule this out and provide a diagnosis. Based on this information, you can look for a supportive supplement that offers mild pain relief. For arthritis and age-related issues, clove extract works very well. Clove is both pain-rel...




When your horse comes out of a heavy competition season or has just been broken in, you may want to provide some extra support for his joints. Even if your horse is a bit older and sometimes stiffer, it can be a good idea. When do you use which supplement and do you continue to give it or opt for a short course? We will explain it to you!

Supporting Joints: continuous supplementation or as a short course?

When your horse comes out of a heavy competition season or has just been broken in, you may want to provide some extra support for his joints. Even if your horse is a bit older and sometimes stiffer, it can be a good idea. When do you use which supplement and do you continue to give it or opt for a short course? We will explain it to you!. To combat stiffness and joint pain in a horse, there are various supplements available. It depends on the horse and the situation what you can give and how to best use these supplements. Magnesium: important ingredient A sport horse needs magnesium. This mineral is essential for the nervous system, bones, and muscles. A horse that performs a lot of work and experiences above-average stress needs extra magnesium. Because Dutch roughage contains relatively little magnesium, it is good for most hor...




The expression 'No foot, no horse' is old. And a cliché. But yes, healthy and strong hooves are indeed vital for your horse. We list the most important ailments and give you tips to keep your horse's hooves healthy.

No hoof, no horse! What to do in cases of hoof cancer, thrush, and crumbling hooves?

The expression 'No foot, no horse' is old. And a cliché. But yes, healthy and strong hooves are indeed vital for your horse. We list the most important ailments and give you tips to keep your horse's hooves healthy.. The most common 'problem' with horse hooves is crumbling. Especially in dry conditions, many horses have crumbling hooves. Pieces of hoof break off and it doesn't look very nice. Fortunately, it's usually not a very big problem and a visit from the farrier usually resolves it. Sometimes crumbling is (partly) caused by a mineral deficiency. To prevent hooves from crumbling, it is important for you to: Give your horse enough minerals and nutrients Provide enough (free) exercise Not constantly keep...



Salmon oil

A beautiful shiny coat with little apples... that's what we all want for our horse! But the reality is sometimes a lot duller. What can you do about it?

What to do with a horse with a dull coat?

A beautiful shiny coat with little apples... that's what we all want for our horse! But the reality is sometimes a lot duller. What can you do about it?. In spring, horses shed their old winter coat and a shiny, soft summer coat emerges. At least, in the ideal case. Sometimes horses come out of their coat poorly or the new coat is not as beautiful and shiny as hoped. Shampoos? Although it can be handy to wash your horse or use an anti-tangle product in the mane or tail, shampoos and gloss sprays are not the real solution if you want your horse to shine. The proverb says: 'True beauty comes from within.' And that applies to the horse's coat too! U...





Most foals go to a special place for rearing after weaning. Here they usually spend about two to two and a half years. But does a foal actually have to be in rearing? What does good rearing look like? And what are the alternatives?

Is rearing the best place for foals to grow up?

Most foals go to a special place for rearing after weaning. Here they usually spend about two to two and a half years. But does a foal actually have to be in rearing? What does good rearing look like? And what are the alternatives?. Because we don't have a lot of space everywhere in the Netherlands, you often find affordable rearing locations for foals in the more rural provinces, or even abroad. As the owner of a young horse, you usually don't have daily visibility. This makes choosing a good rearing location quite difficult. Important aspects to consider in your choice are herd composition, feeding policy, and exercise. Behavior specialist chooses mixed herd Dr. Machteld van Dierendonck of the Faculty of Veterinary Medici...





There are many horses with joint problems. This can be due to wear and tear, injuries, their build, or less than optimal conditions when they were young. Whatever the cause, as a horse owner, you have to deal with it! And so does your horse. What can you do for your horse with joint problems, such as arthritis, OCD, and kissing spines?

How do I help my horse with joint problems?

There are many horses with joint problems. This can be due to wear and tear, injuries, their build, or less than optimal conditions when they were young. Whatever the cause, as a horse owner, you have to deal with it! And so does your horse. What can you do for your horse with joint problems, such as arthritis, OCD, and kissing spines?. Joint problems come in different shapes and sizes. An older horse that is a bit slow to get going may have a mild form of arthritis in some areas of its legs. There's nothing unusual about that, as we humans often face this as we age. But a young horse with joint problems is less common. In that case, you might think of OC, overloading, or an injury. Arthritis in horses Arthritis is a condition that affects the cartilage in the joints and is also referred to as joint wear and tear. Arthritis can...



Vitamin E

Many horse owners would like to help their horse build muscle. For example, with young horses or animals that have been out of training for a while. Others are mainly looking to prevent muscle breakdown. This is more common with older horses or horses that have a condition or injury. How do you support your horse's muscles?

Which supplement is suitable for muscle building in horses?

Many horse owners would like to help their horse build muscle. For example, with young horses or animals that have been out of training for a while. Others are mainly looking to prevent muscle breakdown. This is more common with older horses or horses that have a condition or injury. How do you support your horse's muscles?. Muscles consist of muscle fibers, which are fed and maintained by the body. You can build and grow muscles through targeted training and providing the right nutrition and supplements. Both of these factors are important! One cannot do without the other. Vitamins and minerals Some vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy muscle tissue. If your horse doesn't get enough of these minerals and vitamins, it can lead to stiffness or a less effective training effect. Magnesium ensures a good tran...






Two times a year we see a peak in questions about horses eating sand. Typically around February/March and usually around September/October. This is quite logical, as these are periods when the molting process is in full swing and the nutritional needs of horses are changing due to a seasonal shift. But what should you do if your horse starts eating sand? Should you just let it happen or should you intervene?

Help, my horse is eating sand! What should I do now?

Two times a year we see a peak in questions about horses eating sand. Typically around February/March and usually around September/October. This is quite logical, as these are periods when the molting process is in full swing and the nutritional needs of horses are changing due to a seasonal shift. But what should you do if your horse starts eating sand? Should you just let it happen or should you intervene?. Sand-eating is a natural phenomenon All horses eat sand, this is a natural phenomenon and wild horses do this as well. Sand, or rather soil, is a rich source of minerals. From white sand, horses cannot extract much, as it mainly consists of silicon in a form that is not absorbable. Black soil, on the other hand, is richer in minerals, contains more types of minerals, and in forms that the horse can make better use of. If you see your horse eating black soil, don't panic immediately. It is a sign...



Vitamin E

Muscle binding, also called 'tying up' or Monday disease, is a disease. It is not just a bit of stiffness. The muscle metabolism of the horse is out of control with muscle binding. You must treat muscle binding immediately. How do you recognize muscle binding, what can you do about it, and how do you prevent this serious condition?

How do you support a horse with muscle binding?

Muscle binding, also called 'tying up' or Monday disease, is a disease. It is not just a bit of stiffness. The muscle metabolism of the horse is out of control with muscle binding. You must treat muscle binding immediately. How do you recognize muscle binding, what can you do about it, and how do you prevent this serious condition?. Muscle binding usually occurs about ten to fifteen minutes after a horse has been in motion. It is a total acidification of the muscles, especially the muscles of the topline (back, loins, buttocks). The symptoms sometimes resemble colic. Muscle binding is not always easy to recognize. An important indication is that muscle binding mainly occurs after a heavy effort, preceded by several days of rest during which the same feed was given. Muscle binding starts with stiffness, hard muscles, and not...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .