In Which Conditions Should You Provide Extra Silicon?

Silicon is one of the essential minerals for your horse's health. This mineral is important for a wide range of bodily processes, from bone formation to skin health and from tendon repair to joint lubrication. In which conditions and problems do we recommend a silicon supplement?





25 July '24 2 min reading time

The mineral silicon is a sort of jack-of-all-trades. This can sometimes make it a bit confusing to determine when to use silicon for your horse. In principle, silicon is a basic necessity for your horse, meaning it is always needed. However, the question is whether you need to supplement it, or if your horse is already getting enough from its diet. Silicon is found in various plants, such as nettles. In this article, we briefly outline the conditions in which silicon can be an effective supplement. In other words, which problems in horses can indicate a silicon deficiency?

Silicon for Hooves

Silicon is essential for healthy hooves. If your horse has brittle hooves, poor hoof growth, thin soles, or thrush, a silicon supplement—preferably highly absorbable hydrolyzed silicon—is highly recommended.

Silicon for Laminitis

Silicon can also play a positive role in laminitis. This is because mineral status is crucial for horses with insulin resistance and laminitis. The symptoms associated with these conditions decrease when a horse receives adequate minerals, including silicon.

Silicon for Skin Problems and a Poor Coat

Silicon is one of the building blocks for hair. If your horse has a dull coat, frequently suffers from mud fever or spots on its skin, or has difficulty shedding its coat with the changing seasons, a silicon supplement is advisable.

Silicon for Tendon Issues

Silicon stimulates collagen production and the creation of connective tissue. This is crucial for tendon recovery. In the case of a tendon injury, the ‘gap’ in the tendon is filled with a type of connective tissue that replaces the tendon tissue and gradually becomes stronger. Collagen then holds the tendon tissue together. Silicon is essential for both of these processes.

Silicon for Arthritis and Stiffness

A stiff horse or a horse that ‘takes a while to get going’ also benefits from silicon. The mineral stimulates the production of joint fluid, which is the lubricant for the joints. Cartilage also stays healthy thanks to silicon, improving joint movement cushioning. Silicon is also beneficial for (mild) arthritis. It stimulates bone formation and slows down joint wear and tear.

Silicon for Dental Problems

Silicon not only stimulates bone formation but also tooth formation. This mineral is therefore also important for dental health.

Note: Take Your Time!

Silicon is a vital mineral for many building processes in the body. It stimulates the production of hooves, hair, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue, collagen, joint fluid, cartilage, teeth, and bones. However, it takes time to see the full effects of silicon. This mineral works from the inside out. You will start to see the first effects on your horse’s coat after a few weeks, with hooves taking a bit longer. The impact on cartilage and bones takes several months. So, take your time to experience the full benefits of silicon!

Sources: Krzysztof Marycz, Izabela Michalak, Katarzyna Kornicka. 2018. Advanced nutritional and stem cells approaches to prevent equine metabolic syndrome. Research in Veterinary Science, Volume 118, Pages 115-125, ISSN 0034-5288.

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