Firework anxiety in dogs: when to start with supplements?

Firework anxiety and stress are common in dogs. There are various supplements that can help your dog to cope with less anxiety and stress during the New Year's period. However, it is important to start with these supplements on time. What is the best supplement strategy for your dog?



24 November '23 2 min reading time

Firework stress in dogs is common. Many dog owners therefore approach the period around New Year's with fear and trepidation, especially if they do not live close to a quiet park or forest where they can safely walk their dog.

Symptoms of stress

When a dog is anxious or stressed, they may show it in various ways. Some dogs may pant, drool, tremble, or yawn. Other dogs may hide, lick excessively, bark or growl excessively, or suddenly start destroying things. Your dog may also have a poor appetite or suddenly become less housebroken.

Preventing stress

Firework stress is not always preventable. However, it is important that your dog gets enough exercise and mental stimulation during this time of year. Training and playing with other dogs can provide distraction. It is also helpful to try to maintain the same routine as always. This can provide comfort for your dog.

Magnesium for stress

Magnesium is a mineral that is necessary for many processes in the body, including the muscles and optimal function of the nervous system. A dog with a magnesium deficiency may not be able to release tension as well. Additionally, a dog uses more magnesium during periods of stress. Therefore, it is wise to make sure that your dog does not have a magnesium deficiency before the New Year period. You can do this by starting with a magnesium supplement in the food no later than the beginning of December. In the last days of the month, when fireworks are going off, you can temporarily increase the dosage to compensate for the increased usage in your dog's body. Liquid magnesium, such as easily absorbable magnesium chelate, is a good supplement for this.

Herbs for stress

Herbs and essential oils can also help in combating stress. Particularly passionflower, chamomile, agnus, and sunflower are known for their calming effects. Your dog will not become drowsy from these herbs. For short-term stressful situations like New Year's, you can give an extract of these herbs 48 hours before the expected stressful event. Repeat after 24 hours and approximately three hours before New Year's. This will better prepare your dog for the fireworks. If there is a lot of fireworks in your area before New Year's, start using a calming product for your dog earlier.

Conclusion: magnesium and herbs

To help your dog cope with less stress during New Year's, you can give them magnesium to better handle stress. Start this about three to four weeks before New Year's and gradually increase the dosage in the last week. To further reduce stress, it is wise to start giving a herbal supplement from December 25th. Make sure to provide enough exercise and distraction afterwards. Wishing you a nice and peaceful New Year!

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