What is the function of magnesium on the muscles of your dog?

Magnesium is an essential mineral for dogs. It plays a crucial role in maintaining supple muscles, strong bones, and managing stress. Additionally, magnesium ensures that other minerals function properly in the canine body and keep the organs healthy.


30 January '24 2 min reading time

The primary role of the mineral magnesium is to keep your dog's muscles supple and support the nervous system.

Function on the muscles

Muscles use the mineral calcium to contract and magnesium to relax. Muscle cells literally need these minerals to carry out their function. Magnesium plays a role in signal transmission and thus in control. Therefore, if there is a magnesium deficiency, the muscle relaxation does not work properly. This means: hard and stiff muscles, high muscle tension, and sometimes cramps. A lack of magnesium in dogs can also lead to hyperactivity, anxiety, and difficulty in calming down. A severe magnesium deficiency can cause muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, movement intolerance, and even spasms. Blood vessels and organs such as the kidneys can also become hard and stiff in cases of severe magnesium deficiency, as other minerals settle on the blood vessel walls. In young dogs, growth is inhibited when there is not enough magnesium in the body.

Sufficient magnesium during stress and training

Therefore, it is important that your dog receives enough magnesium through his diet or via a supplement. Especially if your dog is quickly stressed or anxious, as he will use more magnesium for his nervous system. Dogs that train and exercise a lot also have a higher magnesium requirement. Muscles use more magnesium during exertion and for recovery after training.

Which magnesium supplement for my dog?

Magnesium is a mineral that can occur in various forms. However, not every type of magnesium is equally absorbable in your dog's body. The form that works best for dogs is liquid magnesium chelate. This is an organic compound that easily passes through the intestinal wall. For even better absorption in the body, it is beneficial if vitamin B2 is added to the supplement. Vitamin B6, B12, tryptophan, and zinc are also suitable additions to a magnesium supplement. Tryptophan, an amino acid, supports relaxation, and vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in energy metabolism.


M.L. Morris, W.R. Featherston, P.H. Phillips, S.H. McNutt. Influence of Lactose and Dried Skim Milk upon the Magnesium Deficiency Syndrome in the Dog: II. Pathological Changes, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 79, Issue 4, 1963, Pages 437-442, ISSN 0022-3166.


Sarah Humphrey, Rebecca Kirby, Elke Rudloff. Magnesium physiology and clinical therapy in veterinary critical care. 26 November 2014


Bunce, G.E.. The mineral requirements of the dog. 3. The magnesium requirement. Journal of Nutrition. 1962, Vol 76 pp 17-22. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/19621406490

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