In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.




If you notice that your horse's stall is wetter or that the water bucket is emptying faster, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your horse's drinking and peeing behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with your horse's kidneys, but it's important to monitor it if there's a sudden change.

Does your horse pee or drink more than usual?

If you notice that your horse's stall is wetter or that the water bucket is emptying faster, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your horse's drinking and peeing behavior. It doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with your horse's kidneys, but it's important to monitor it if there's a sudden change.. A horse pees almost as much as it drinks Horses typically drink around 35 liters per day and produce around 20-30 liters of urine per day. In higher temperatures, water intake can easily increase to about 50 liters per day. So, a horse pees almost as much as it drinks. What does increased peeing mean? If you notice that your horse is peeing more than usual, it's a good idea to monitor this. It could be that the liver or kidneys are struggling a bit, causing the horse to drink more and therefore...




Many horses deal with mud fever, especially when it is wet outside, the paddock remains muddy, or if they spend more time indoors. The term 'pastern dermatitis' refers to a variety of problems. A comprehensive approach is important, supporting the horse from the outside and from the inside. Unfortunately, there are sometimes stubborn spots where the skin remains irritated. What should you do?

Stubborn mud fever? Happy bacteria can help!

Many horses deal with mud fever, especially when it is wet outside, the paddock remains muddy, or if they spend more time indoors. The term 'pastern dermatitis' refers to a variety of problems. A comprehensive approach is important, supporting the horse from the outside and from the inside. Unfortunately, there are sometimes stubborn spots where the skin remains irritated. What should you do?. Mud fever is a collective term for skin problems, scabs, and wounds on the lower legs of horses. Mud fever can be caused by fungi, bacteria, and even sunburn (on white legs). Often, complaints caused by parasites such as mites are also referred to as 'Mud fever.' But in reality, this is something different. Mud fever often presents with flakes, scabs, redness, and cracks in the pastern. The pastern, especially in horses with white legs or long socks, is a lovely spot for pathogens. Your horse ge...



Last year we already talked about stiff legs. Naturally, the most mentioned response was that the solution is to not stable a horse, but to put it outside 24/7 with a shelter. And for most horses with stiff legs, this is indeed the best solution. But from some responses it appeared that this is not always the solution. Horses that do not come inside can still develop stiff legs. What can you do to ensure that a horse with 24/7 free movement no longer gets stiff legs? Read the tips further in this blog!

Horse 24/7 outside and still stiff legs?

Last year we already talked about stiff legs. Naturally, the most mentioned response was that the solution is to not stable a horse, but to put it outside 24/7 with a shelter. And for most horses with stiff legs, this is indeed the best solution. But from some responses it appeared that this is not always the solution. Horses that do not come inside can still develop stiff legs. What can you do to ensure that a horse with 24/7 free movement no longer gets stiff legs? Read the tips further in this blog!. What are stiff legs? Due to reduced blood circulation, fluid accumulates in the legs. This causes the legs to swell and the horses to become stiff. This often occurs due to prolonged standing in a small environment, such as in a stable. Movement helps to get the blood circulation going again and the fluid to drain. This is why you see that as soon as horses come out of the stable, the stiff legs quickly disappear through movement. Stiff legs usually occur only in the hind legs, but they can also...




Unfortunately, in winter many horses get less exercise. They spend more time in the stable and especially during the holidays, they train less. This can cause stable legs: thicker, swollen (hind) legs, which do not feel warm. What exactly is this, is it harmful and what can you do about it? We give you eight useful tips!

8 tips to prevent stable legs in your horse

Unfortunately, in winter many horses get less exercise. They spend more time in the stable and especially during the holidays, they train less. This can cause stable legs: thicker, swollen (hind) legs, which do not feel warm. What exactly is this, is it harmful and what can you do about it? We give you eight useful tips!. Horses are naturally made to be slightly active all day. When the heart pumps harder during this movement, the circulation in the legs also improves. This is partly due to the hoof mechanism: the expansion of the hoof with each step, pumping the blood through the lower leg and hoof. What are stable legs? By 'stable legs' we mean: fluid in the lower legs because the horse stands in the stable for a longer period of time. When a horse stands still for a long time, the circulation in the legs decre...


Nettle is more than just a healthy treat for your horse, it actually has a natural healing effect. But do you know in which situations you can use nettle for your horse? It is not for nothing that it is one of our most recommended supplements during advisory consultations. We recommend giving your horse nettle for 10 to 14 days every quarter. This is a healthy but also very tasty treat for all horses. Read in this blog for which horses/situations it is extra recommended!

In which situations do you give (liquid) nettle to your horse?

Nettle is more than just a healthy treat for your horse, it actually has a natural healing effect. But do you know in which situations you can use nettle for your horse? It is not for nothing that it is one of our most recommended supplements during advisory consultations. We recommend giving your horse nettle for 10 to 14 days every quarter. This is a healthy but also very tasty treat for all horses. Read in this blog for which horses/situations it is extra recommended!. Nettle is very healing Nettle is much more than a simple "weed" that grows everywhere and itches a lot. Horse people love nettle and that's not without reason. Nettle has multiple healing effects and is healthy for every horse. This makes it useful as both a 'healthy treat' and therapeutically. The healing effects of nettle for horses are: Blood purifying Detoxifying Supporting intestinal flora and metabolism Boosting overall resistance Anti-histamine effect Anti-inflammatory Reducing...



Variety is healthy and tasty! This applies not only to us humans but also to our horses. Especially horses that spend more time in the stable during winter will appreciate a healthy treat now and then. It doesn't have to be difficult or expensive, often you can just feed them some vegetable scraps from your own kitchen. Or pick from the local roadside.

Which vegetables, fruits, and plants can I give my horse as a treat?

Variety is healthy and tasty! This applies not only to us humans but also to our horses. Especially horses that spend more time in the stable during winter will appreciate a healthy treat now and then. It doesn't have to be difficult or expensive, often you can just feed them some vegetable scraps from your own kitchen. Or pick from the local roadside.. Variety is not the only reason to give your horse some vegetables occasionally. Vegetables - and the leafy parts of them - often contain lots of fiber. Super healthy for your horse! Therefore, give the vegetables with stems and leaves, because horses eat that in the winter too. But be careful: not all types of vegetables and fruits are suitable, and some types are better given in small quantities. Healthy vegetables for your horse What vegetables can your horse eat? Of course winter carrots, but...



A horse in nature cleanses its body twice a year through a period of scarcity (winter) and by seeking out cleansing plants and herbs. Did you know that waste products are stored in fat tissue? In winter, when there is a scarcity of food, horses in nature lose weight, causing the fat tissue containing the waste products to break down. A very natural process through which the horse cleanses its body throughout the year. In summer, horses in nature are very capable of eating herbs and plants that support the body in cleansing. Our horses do not have this option, so what then? And do you choose liquid nettle or a detox for your horse?

When do you choose nettle and when for a detox for horses?

A horse in nature cleanses its body twice a year through a period of scarcity (winter) and by seeking out cleansing plants and herbs. Did you know that waste products are stored in fat tissue? In winter, when there is a scarcity of food, horses in nature lose weight, causing the fat tissue containing the waste products to break down. A very natural process through which the horse cleanses its body throughout the year. In summer, horses in nature are very capable of eating herbs and plants that support the body in cleansing. Our horses do not have this option, so what then? And do you choose liquid nettle or a detox for your horse?. What are the benefits of liquid nettle for your horse? We humans often see nettle as a weed that causes itching if touched incorrectly. But horses see nettle as normal food. Some horses eat them fresh, but most horses prefer them dried and without the "sting". Nettles are extremely healthy for horses, rich in minerals, and have an alkaline effect. But most importantly, they purify the blood! And it is this blood-purifying property that makes nettle a nice herb for horses. Ideal for hor...



You have probably heard that nettle is healthy for horses. This prickly plant contains a lot of minerals and vitamins. But what you may not know is that nettle is also a natural remedy for hay fever and pollen allergies! To find out exactly how, read this article.

Horse with pollen allergy? Nettle helps!

You have probably heard that nettle is healthy for horses. This prickly plant contains a lot of minerals and vitamins. But what you may not know is that nettle is also a natural remedy for hay fever and pollen allergies! To find out exactly how, read this article.. Nettle is a well-known herb for horses. You can pick the young tips (with gloves!) and let them dry to remove the sting. Or you can use a ready-made supplement. A liquid extract of nettle is the most effective: highly dosed and easily absorbed by your horse. Nettle contains many minerals, such as silicon. What is pollen allergy in horses? An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system overreacts to a foreign substance. For example, pollen from a plant. The so-called ‘mast cells’ play an impo...




We all want the best for our horses. That's why most horse owners ensure that their horses are kept in good conditions, have plenty of exercise, and are fed well with enough fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Sometimes we forget that water quality is also important. It needs to be safe, tasty, clean, and sufficient to keep your horse healthy and fit.

Healthy horse? Don't forget water quality!

We all want the best for our horses. That's why most horse owners ensure that their horses are kept in good conditions, have plenty of exercise, and are fed well with enough fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Sometimes we forget that water quality is also important. It needs to be safe, tasty, clean, and sufficient to keep your horse healthy and fit.. Horses drink an average of about 30 liters of water per day, and in warm periods this can even increase to 50 liters per day. Water therefore makes up a large part of the horse's total nutrition. Be critical about the water you provide to your horse. If a horse drinks too little, various problems can arise. It can develop stomach problems, dry manure, or even eat too little. If a horse doesn't consume enough water, it also has a negative impact on its athletic performance. Therefore, your horse...


Almost every horse owner feeds their horse nettle at some point since nettle is known for its healing properties and because horses find it very tasty. But is it a suitable supplement for your horse? And is it better to give nettle fresh, dried, or in liquid form?

Do you choose dried or liquid nettle for your horse?

Almost every horse owner feeds their horse nettle at some point since nettle is known for its healing properties and because horses find it very tasty. But is it a suitable supplement for your horse? And is it better to give nettle fresh, dried, or in liquid form?. Nettles have been praised for their healthy properties since ancient Greek times and have been used for centuries as a medicinal herb for both humans and animals. Many beneficial effects are known from science. However, nettles still have a bad reputation with many people. It's a weed, it stings, it causes itching, and it's an annoying plant that spreads along roads and meadows. But nettles are really super healthy, both for humans and horses. People often make tea from them, cook nettle soup, o...

Questions? AskHELTIE!

Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .