In which situations do you give (liquid) nettle to your horse?

Nettle is more than just a healthy treat for your horse, it actually has a natural healing effect. But do you know in which situations you can use nettle for your horse? It is not for nothing that it is one of our most recommended supplements during advisory consultations. We recommend giving your horse nettle for 10 to 14 days every quarter. This is a healthy but also very tasty treat for all horses. Read in this blog for which horses/situations it is extra recommended!


17 November '21 2 min reading time

Nettle is very healing

Nettle is much more than a simple "weed" that grows everywhere and itches a lot. Horse people love nettle and that's not without reason. Nettle has multiple healing effects and is healthy for every horse. This makes it useful as both a 'healthy treat' and therapeutically. The healing effects of nettle for horses are:

  • Blood purifying
  • Detoxifying
  • Supporting intestinal flora and metabolism
  • Boosting overall resistance
  • Anti-histamine effect
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reducing joint pain
  • Stabilizing blood sugar levels
  • Alkalizing
  • Diuretic
  • Pain-relieving

Additionally, it is also rich in minerals (selenium, zinc, magnesium, and iron) and vitamins (vitamin A and C). The stinging hairs of nettle are rich in silicon. Truly a herb with extensive healing properties for horses, but also for humans.

Suitable for many situations for horses

You can give nettle as a tasty snack, but you can also use it very specifically. Are you using it for a specific therapeutic reason? Then choose liquid nettle. This is more concentrated than dried nettle, increasing its therapeutic value. Below is an overview of situations where nettle has a positive effect:

  • Reduced immunity
  • Sweet itch
  • Mites / CPL
  • Insulin resistance
  • Disturbed intestinal flora/digestion
  • Laminitis
  • Hoof abscesses
  • After deworming/vaccination
  • Joint problems
  • Kidney/bladder issues
  • Allergic reactions
  • Edema formation
  • Mild detox
  • Acidification
  • Pollen allergy
  • Skin problems
  • Kidney and urinary problems

Dried or liquid nettle

It is always a good idea to feed freshly picked nettles to your horse. Especially because of the vitamins and minerals as a healthy treat. Horses love it! But if you want to give your horse nettle for its medicinal effects, choose liquid nettle. This is much more concentrated than dried nettle, increasing its therapeutic value. You can give nettle to your horse as often as you like. The advice is to do this at least every quarter for 10 to 14 days, longer is not necessary.

Nettle sometimes the safer choice for horses

Many horse owners detox their horses because it offers many health benefits. However, detoxing is not without risk for all horses. During a detox, many toxins are released that the horse must eliminate, and this large amount of waste can cause problems for some horses. These are horses that are sensitive to hoof abscesses, laminitis, or tying-up. Do not detox these horses, but opt for a mild cleansing through a nettle cure.

Conclusion: nettle is not a weed but a very useful plant!

Nettle is really super healthy for all horses. It's a shame not to treat your horse with it regularly. The advice is to give nettle for at least 10 to 14 days every quarter. Horses love it. If you are giving it for a therapeutic reason, choose liquid nettle.

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