In addition to providing honest advice, we at AskHELTIE believe it's important to have a wealth of information available for horse owners. This way, you can expand your knowledge and help your horse to the best of your ability. Together, we ensure that horses come a little closer to nature.


Lymphatic system

Your horse's lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system. Fluid and waste products are transported out of the body through the lymphatic vessels. A well-functioning lymphatic system is crucial for a healthy and happy horse. The lymphatic system can be affected by conditions such as CPL and "einschuss." Which herbs can support the lymphatic system?

Lymphatic problems and CPL: which herbs support your horse?

Your horse's lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system. Fluid and waste products are transported out of the body through the lymphatic vessels. A well-functioning lymphatic system is crucial for a healthy and happy horse. The lymphatic system can be affected by conditions such as CPL and "einschuss." Which herbs can support the lymphatic system?. The Lymphatic System The lymphatic system serves various functions. Lymph nodes filter waste products, harmful bacteria, and toxins from the lymphatic fluid and ensure their removal. This is crucial for the immune system and the self-healing ability of your horse. Moreover, the lymphatic system regulates the fluid balance in the horse's body. When the lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels fail to function properly, fluid buildup can occur. You may observe swollen legs, edema, or CPL (Chronic Progres...




The liver and kidneys have an important function in eliminating waste products through urine and feces. The liver also plays a crucial role in digestion and the production and storage of vitamins. The kidneys are essential for electrolyte balance and hydration of your horse. How do you keep your horse's liver and kidneys healthy?

Your horse's liver and kidneys: keep them healthy!

The liver and kidneys have an important function in eliminating waste products through urine and feces. The liver also plays a crucial role in digestion and the production and storage of vitamins. The kidneys are essential for electrolyte balance and hydration of your horse. How do you keep your horse's liver and kidneys healthy?. What Do a Horse’s Kidneys Do? The kidneys remove excess salts, water, and waste products from the bodies of mammals. They are part of a system that includes the urinary tract and the bladder. For this system to function well, a horse must always have access to plenty of fresh water so it can drink adequately. Keeping the Kidneys Healthy To keep your horse’s kidneys healthy, first ensure there is always fresh drinking water available. Clean the water trough daily. Also, make sure your horse gets...




Everywhere you see shampoo bars and other shampoos being promoted a lot for mud fever, wounds, and other skin conditions. And then with the advice to wash daily, for example. But is that really wise for mud fever? Do you want the legs to be washed daily or are you perhaps doing more harm with that?

To wash or not to wash horses with mud fever?

Everywhere you see shampoo bars and other shampoos being promoted a lot for mud fever, wounds, and other skin conditions. And then with the advice to wash daily, for example. But is that really wise for mud fever? Do you want the legs to be washed daily or are you perhaps doing more harm with that?. Washing disrupts the skin balance Shampoo bars are all the rage, not only for yourself but also for horses. And yes, generally these are "healthier" than a shampoo from a bottle, but these shampoo bars also have disadvantages. Shampoo bars degrease extremely, if you have ever used such a bar yourself then you notice that your scalp feels extremely clean and your hair becomes a bit stiff. This means that all skin oil is removed and thus also the protection of the skin. The skin balance...



Lymphatic system


Einschuss (elephant foot) and CPL (Chronic Progressive Lymphoedema) are conditions affecting the legs of a horse. In both cases, the lymphatic system plays a crucial role. Fluid accumulates and the horse develops swellings in the legs. What is the difference between these two leg problems and how can you help your horse?

What is the difference between CPL and einschuss in horses?

Einschuss (elephant foot) and CPL (Chronic Progressive Lymphoedema) are conditions affecting the legs of a horse. In both cases, the lymphatic system plays a crucial role. Fluid accumulates and the horse develops swellings in the legs. What is the difference between these two leg problems and how can you help your horse?. What is einschuss? Einschuss usually occurs due to a small wound on the horse's leg, which may sometimes be hard to find. An inflammation of the lymphatic vessels occurs, which can spread to the blood vessels. Einschuss is recognizable by the fact that it always occurs on one leg. Swelling in einschuss often starts at the base of the leg and rapidly expands. A minor injury can lead to a severe acute inflammation, resulting in a swollen and warm leg. The horse may also have a fever and feel letha...



Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system of horses is receiving a lot of attention. But what is it exactly? And what makes the lymphatic system of horses so special compared to that of humans? We explain it in this article.

What is the function of the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system of horses is receiving a lot of attention. But what is it exactly? And what makes the lymphatic system of horses so special compared to that of humans? We explain it in this article.. Everyone knows the circulatory system. That runs between the heart and lungs and to all extremities of your body. But in addition to this system of vessels for blood, there is a second vascular system present in the body of all mammals. This is the lymphatic system. Structure of the lymphatic system The function of the lymphatic system is to drain fluid, containing a number of substances. The fluid that flows through the lymphatic system is called lymph or lymphatic fluid. The lymphatic system b...


Lymphatic system


The lymphatic system of your horse is important for draining fluid from the body tissues, clearing away dead cells, and removing waste and toxins. A well-functioning lymphatic system ensures a properly working immune system and a healthy and happy horse.

Which herbs support your horse's lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system of your horse is important for draining fluid from the body tissues, clearing away dead cells, and removing waste and toxins. A well-functioning lymphatic system ensures a properly working immune system and a healthy and happy horse.. If you think your horse could use some support, for example, if he has a weak immune system, looks tired, or often has swollen legs or stable legs, there are natural herbs that you can use. Nettle: blood purifying Nettle is a well-known herb for horses and works as a blood purifier. During the growing season, you can pick the nettle yourself: then take the young tips and let them dry to remove the 'sting.' In winter, a ready-made supplement is more convenient. A liquid extract of nettle is more...





In the cold, wet, and dark days of winter, many horses experience a dip in their immune system. The shedding of their winter coat, when the days start getting longer, can also have a negative impact on their immune system. Is there a way to prevent such a resistance dip? We provide you with four tips

Four tips to prevent a dip in immunity in your horse

In the cold, wet, and dark days of winter, many horses experience a dip in their immune system. The shedding of their winter coat, when the days start getting longer, can also have a negative impact on their immune system. Is there a way to prevent such a resistance dip? We provide you with four tips. Tip 1 - Ensure sufficient exercise even in winter Horses are animals that require movement. However, during winter, it can be less appealing - and sometimes even impossible - to go out with your horse. If you only have access to an outdoor arena, or have to work during the day, this may mean that your horse gets less exercise in winter. Make sure your horse has as much free movement as possible daily, even if you don't find it appealing to be outside. Generally, horses tolerate cold weather much...




It's winter: dark, cold, and wet. Not the best conditions for your horse's immunity. Especially since ventilation can be less effective in closed stables and viruses can thrive better at low temperatures. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your horse's immunity is optimal. Which herbs can help with that?

Which herbs give your horse a boost for immunity?

It's winter: dark, cold, and wet. Not the best conditions for your horse's immunity. Especially since ventilation can be less effective in closed stables and viruses can thrive better at low temperatures. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your horse's immunity is optimal. Which herbs can help with that?. There are several herbs that can influence the immune system. For example, rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C, nettle has a blood-purifying effect, and echinacea stimulates the immune response. We list them for you. Rosehip: antioxidant effect A good way to boost your horse's immunity is to add a liquid extract of rosehip to its feed. Rosehip can also be used as part of a mineral buffet. Rosehip is rich in vitamin C. Research in horses has shown that when rosehip is used effectively, it has a c...




If you want to boost your horse's immune system or stimulate its body to expel accumulated waste more quickly, you can give your horse a special treatment. You have the choice between a detox with a herbal mixture, a treatment with nettle, or a treatment with dandelion. When do you use which plants?

Dandelion, nettle or a detox?

If you want to boost your horse's immune system or stimulate its body to expel accumulated waste more quickly, you can give your horse a special treatment. You have the choice between a detox with a herbal mixture, a treatment with nettle, or a treatment with dandelion. When do you use which plants?. One of the major differences between a detox, nettle, or dandelion is the intensity of the treatments. Dandelion and nettle are mild herbs that are suitable for all horses. This means that even horses with underlying conditions such as laminitis, muscle stiffness, and obesity can use dandelion or nettle. These herbs are also suitable for pregnant mares. You can give them several times a year when you want to give your horse a boost. A herbal detox is only intended for healthy horses. A detox tre...



You often hear that a herbal detox is good for your horse. It is a natural way to cleanse the body. Horses in the wild also 'detox'. Firstly, because they lose fat tissue - and thereby a lot of waste products - during the winter months. And secondly, by eating various herbs and branches. Is a detox also a good idea for your horse?

Which horses benefit from a detox?

You often hear that a herbal detox is good for your horse. It is a natural way to cleanse the body. Horses in the wild also 'detox'. Firstly, because they lose fat tissue - and thereby a lot of waste products - during the winter months. And secondly, by eating various herbs and branches. Is a detox also a good idea for your horse?. It is important to ask this question because a detox is not suitable for all horses. For example, sick horses, horses with extreme overweight or laminitis and pregnant horses should not be given a detox treatment. Sometimes, a mild purification with nettles may be a good idea for these horses. So, a detox is always a matter of customization. What are the benefits of a detox? A detox is intended to remove toxins from the body. Toxins arise in daily life, for example from digestion or from minuscu...



Insulin resistance


The grazing season is in full swing and for many horses, this means days spent on grass. For horses sensitive to sugars, this can sometimes be a challenge. How can you ensure that your horse doesn't react strongly to sugars? How can you prevent itching, laminitis, and other sugar-related issues? In this blog, we will explain how you can support your horse's sugar metabolism.

How to support your horse's sugar metabolism?

The grazing season is in full swing and for many horses, this means days spent on grass. For horses sensitive to sugars, this can sometimes be a challenge. How can you ensure that your horse doesn't react strongly to sugars? How can you prevent itching, laminitis, and other sugar-related issues? In this blog, we will explain how you can support your horse's sugar metabolism.. Living sugar-free is impossible In the world of horses, there is often a lot of panic about sugar, but it is good to realize that your horse consumes sugars throughout the day. On average, hay contains about 10% sugar, so a horse that eats 10 kg of hay per day already consumes a kilo of sugar. The sugar content in grass may be lower, but it can also be much higher. This is very weather-dependent and also depends on the type of grass you have. However, horses often eat more grass, increasing the...





Regularly we are asked whether horses can really choose in a mineral buffet or if they will always choose the tastiest option. Because is the modern horse still close enough to nature to be able to make "healthy" choices? And what about mineral buffets, are they healthy for horses or not? And how do you offer a mineral buffet?

A mineral buffet: can horses still choose for the good themselves?

Regularly we are asked whether horses can really choose in a mineral buffet or if they will always choose the tastiest option. Because is the modern horse still close enough to nature to be able to make "healthy" choices? And what about mineral buffets, are they healthy for horses or not? And how do you offer a mineral buffet?. Genetically, horses are close to nature All present-day horses are still genetically very close to the primal horse. While humans no longer resemble the ancient humans at all, horses have always remained true to themselves. Their digestion has hardly changed, and their needs have also remained the same. In terms of nutritional needs, the modern (sport) horse is still the same as the wild horse. This means that the instinct to search for the right nutrients is still present. Horses grow up one-si...

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Are you looking for advice about your dog or horse? Or do you want to know more about conditions or ingredients? Feel free to contact AskHELTIE, and we will be happy to assist you! .