The annual dental check-up: important for a healthy horse

Your horse's health starts with good digestion. And good digestion starts with good chewing. Good chewing can only be done with a good set of teeth. Therefore, it is important to have your horse's teeth checked annually. But... there are a few more reasons why a check-up is wise.


26 June '23 2 min reading time

Chewing food finely with the molars and mixing it with abundant saliva is the first - important - step in digestion in horses. A horse that can chew well and has a healthy set of teeth will be less likely to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And when digestion is in order, the chances of your horse staying healthy are higher.

Continued wear

Horses in the wild eat for as much as 16 to 18 hours a day. A true wear and tear on the teeth and molars. But that's exactly the point because a horse's teeth come further and further out slowly but surely. So, that wear and tear is necessary. A horse that eats soft hay and does not gnaw on tree trunks will have much less wear on its teeth than a wild horse. Also, teeth often wear irregularly if horses are given softer food with fewer fibers. A check-up is therefore first and foremost important to keep the teeth nice and straight and fitting together. Crooked or poorly fitting teeth are not comfortable and result in poorer chewing. In addition to wear on the teeth and molars, gum problems or inflammations can also cause your horse to chew less effectively. By checking the teeth annually, you can monitor the overall health of the mouth. Horses often don't indicate when they are in pain there.


On the outside of the upper molars and on the inside of the lower molars, horses have sharp enamel points. These are kind of sharp protrusions in the enamel of the teeth. These points, also called 'hooks', can push into the cheek and cause discomfort while eating. But these hooks can also push into the cheek while riding. Sometimes even small wounds are created this way! It is therefore wise to have the sharp edges smoothed and rounded annually. Good maintenance prevents problems.

Young horses

For young horses, the teeth are an extra point of attention. When they are three, four, or five years old, they change teeth and this can cause discomfort. For example, because the 'caps' of the milk teeth remain. Also, the so-called wolf teeth can cause problems, especially when a horse gets a bit. Therefore, have the teeth of a young horse checked regularly and definitely before starting saddle training. Perhaps wolf teeth need to be removed before putting a bit in the mouth of your young horse. Or there may be painful hooks that will cause resistance. Only when the teeth of your young horse have been checked, you can start training safely and responsibly.

Older horses

For adult horses, it should be checked annually whether the teeth are not wearing unevenly and whether sharp hooks are forming. As the horse ages, the molars can wear far down. Older horses may therefore not be able to chew as effectively. Loose teeth and the gum disease periodontitis can also cause pain. Therefore, it is important to have senior horses checked regularly. Many veterinarians offer a dental check-up during the annual vaccination. Since they are there anyway, it is a good time to take a look!

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