Decreased digestion = decreased resistance
The digestion plays a crucial role in the immunity of the dog. About 75% of immunity comes from the intestines. This means that if your dog has digestive problems, the immunity will automatically be compromised.

25 September '23 • 2 min reading time
Stomach acid kills a large part of pathogens
The stomach can be seen as one of the first major obstacles that pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc) must overcome. The stomach contains stomach acid with a pH value of around 1-2. This is almost as acidic as hydrochloric acid, allowing dogs to digest bones, but another advantage is that it is so acidic that a large part of bacteria and viruses are killed.
Intestines connected to the whole body of the dog
Stomach acid is an important defense against actual pathogens, but the intestines and the intestinal flora ensure that immunity remains as good as possible. Intestines are connected to the entire body. It has links to the brain, lungs, liver, blood, etc. This means that if something goes wrong in the intestines, it affects the whole body. It can therefore happen that a coughing dog does not have a direct problem in the lungs, but the actual cause lies in the dog's intestines.
Stress results in poorer development of intestinal wall
The intestines are crucial when it comes to the immunity of the dog. Did you know that during fertilization, the intestinal wall is one of the first to develop and that this phase is crucial for the rest of the pup/dog's life? If the stress experienced during this phase is extreme, the development of the intestinal wall will be less successful, meaning that the pup may continue to have digestive problems later in life.
Disrupted intestines = decreased resistance
If a dog's digestion is not good, the intestinal flora is disrupted, or if a dog regularly has diarrhea, the dog may not absorb nutrients well. This means that there is not effective digestion, so not all food is converted into usable nutrients. The dog then receives fewer nutrients in the bloodstream, meaning that the body does not receive everything it needs to function optimally. On the other hand, more waste remains, undigested food, bad bacteria, etc. This results in more toxins that can damage the intestinal wall, causing the intestinal cells to separate (leaky gut) and allowing large food particles to enter the bloodstream. This leads to inflammation in the body, which decreases overall immunity. This creates a downward spiral! Because the body needs more nutrients to combat inflammation, but the intestines produce more toxins, and so on.
Take intestinal problems seriously!
If your dog has intestinal issues or difficulty with digestion, always take them seriously! Diarrhea is not only annoying but also affects the overall immunity of the dog. Prolonged intestinal problems can cause chronic issues in the long term. Not only in the intestines but in the whole body!