Teeth grinding in horses, can EOTRH be the cause?

When your horse suddenly starts grinding its teeth, you naturally wonder why. One of the causes may be a painful dental disease called EOTRH. What is this condition and how do you recognize it? And what other reasons for teeth grinding are there


30 May '22 2 min reading time

EOTRH stands for Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis. Quite a mouthful. The name means that it is a horse disease involving bone-resorbing cells. The teeth dissolve, and too much cement (tartar) is formed. EOTRH usually begins with the outer incisors, which are often the most affected. The disease occurs most often in horses over 15 years old. We see it more frequently in geldings and stallions than in mares. Also, certain breeds (such as Icelandic horses) seem to be more susceptible to this.

Symptoms of EOTRH

Symptoms of EOTRH may include:

  • Slow eating
  • Decreased appetite
  • Refusal to take the bit
  • Panic when removing the bit
  • Gum inflammation
  • Bad breath
  • Excessive tartar (dental cement) at the tooth roots
  • Loose teeth
  • Teeth grinding
  • Painful mouth
  • Weight loss (in later stages)


EOTRH is a very painful condition. If you suspect that your horse may have EOTRH, it is wise to have your dentist inspect it and possibly take X-rays. Horses hide the pain, so as an owner, it can sometimes be difficult to see. Especially because dental decay is a slow process. When EOTRH is still in an early stage, it sometimes helps to shorten the incisors so that they no longer press against each other. This reduces tooth pain. The only other solution is to extract the incisors. After the gums have healed, the horse can eat normally again. This is because the molars are usually not affected by this disease. Horses can even graze; they pull the grass with their lips! However, horses often let their tongues hang out completely or partially after removing the incisors. This may look a bit odd, but your horse will not be bothered by it.

Teeth Grinding?

If your horse suddenly starts grinding its teeth, it is a good idea to have its teeth checked. EOTRH or hooks on the molars could be a cause, for example. But teeth grinding can have many more causes. Stomach issues and stress, for example. Or blockages elsewhere in the body. Perhaps your horse is not quite ready for the work you are asking and it takes a lot of strength? Fear can also be a cause of teeth grinding. Furthermore, an ill-fitting saddle, bit, or bridle can also cause teeth grinding. And importantly, a restless rider's hand or a rider who disturbs the horse. If your horse's teeth are in good condition, it is time to critically assess all these other factors. Is your horse experiencing stress? Is it ready for the level of training you are asking? Are you following the movement sufficiently? And does the tack still fit?

Supporting a Horse with Teeth Grinding

Always have the teeth checked first if your horse suddenly starts grinding its teeth. For gum inflammations, supplements with cannabinoids and/or a liquid extract of black cumin can have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. If your horse has no teeth problems and the tack is fine, your horse may be under chronic stress. It is wise to look closely at the management. A stressed horse can be supported with the mineral magnesium), which also helps with smoother muscles. In addition, cannabinoids promote mental balance. A herbal supplement for stress can also help reduce teeth grinding.

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