Does my horse have a magnesium deficiency?

Magnesium is an incredibly important mineral for horses. It is essential for muscles, bones, and the nervous system. Owners often only notice a magnesium deficiency quite late. While a magnesium deficiency is quite common and can have a significant impact on the mood and performance of horses.


20 January '22 3 min reading time

How do you know if your horse has a magnesium deficiency? And what can you do about it?

Signs of a magnesium deficiency

Sometimes the symptoms of a lack of magnesium fall into the category of 'vague complaints'. They usually only become apparent when your horse has been receiving insufficient magnesium for a while. So, a deficiency is easy to overlook. Signs of a magnesium deficiency include:

  • Fatigue, poor sleep
  • Stress, nervousness
  • Muscle cramps or twitches
  • Stiff muscles, muscle pain
  • Difficulty concentrating, easily distracted while riding
  • Difficulty cantering or cross-cantering
  • Susceptibility to injuries
  • Demineralization of bones
  • Insulin resistance, EMS
  • Laminitis

If you're wondering how to know if your horse sleeps poorly: just look at how dirty he is around his neck and head. If your horse never lies completely flat, you usually don't need to brush very hard there...

Why do horses get a magnesium deficiency?

Some horses have a higher need for magnesium than others. They need to get magnesium through their diet. Much of our Dutch roughage is very low in magnesium because the soils are quite acidic. As a result, very little magnesium ends up in the grass. Horses that sweat a lot, perform a lot of work, are pregnant, or nursing a foal need more magnesium. Horses that are naturally very nervous or hot often have a higher need for magnesium as well. The required magnesium is usually not adequately supplemented with roughage, and even concentrate feed often does not contain enough absorbable magnesium. A mineral balancer is usually better, but may still be insufficient for sport horses. In that case, a magnesium supplement is necessary.

What does magnesium do?

Magnesium plays a role in about 300 bodily processes. In general, this mineral helps to keep bones, muscles, and the nervous system healthy.

  • Magnesium has a positive effect on focus and mood.
  • Magnesium plays a role in bone formation.
  • Magnesium helps with energy supply through metabolism.
  • Magnesium plays a role in the normal functioning of muscles and nerves.
  • Magnesium is involved in electrolyte balance.
  • Magnesium is involved in the cell division process and protein synthesis.

A horse that gets enough magnesium can concentrate, has flexible muscles, sufficient energy, and easily recovers from a sporting effort.

Is my horse getting enough magnesium?

An adult horse weighing 600 kg needs about 9 to 18 grams of magnesium per day. Some of this comes from roughage. It's important to know that calcium and magnesium have the same absorption route in the body. If you give very calcium-rich feed, it can reduce the absorption of magnesium. The ideal calcium - phosphorus - magnesium ratio in a horse's total diet is: 2-1-1. For example, if you feed a lot of alfalfa, which contains a lot of calcium, you probably need to give more magnesium as well.

Well-absorbable magnesium

It is also important to provide a well-absorbable form of magnesium. There are cheaper forms that are poorly absorbed. So, you have to give (a lot) more before you see results. Organic forms of magnesium, such as magnesium citrate and magnesium chelate, are the best absorbable forms for horses. Magnesium chelate has an additional advantage as it is seen by the body as an amino acid and is absorbed in a different manner. This way, you avoid competition with the mineral calcium.

Conclusion: many horses with magnesium deficiency

Many horses unknowingly develop a magnesium deficiency. This can be recognized by symptoms like nervousness, muscle stiffness, and difficulty cantering or cross-cantering. If you want to give your horse extra magnesium, it's important to provide a well-absorbable form (chelate). Also, check if your horse doesn't have too much calcium in its diet.

Unfortunately, a blood test doesn't say everything either. The blood test is a snapshot of the minerals present in the blood at that moment. But magnesium is also stored in other tissues. This means that it could be released from other tissues into the blood at the time of the blood test. Therefore, use blood tests as guidance. Even with a good blood test, there may still be a magnesium deficiency.

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