Do you give your horse magnesium continuously or only in periods?

A frequently asked question at our customer service is: should I always give magnesium? And that is a very good question! But there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as it depends on multiple factors. Therefore, read more in this blog about how to feed magnesium to your horse.


27 January '22 2 min reading time

You can always give magnesium to your horse

Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in many processes in the body. Most horse owners know it for relaxing muscles or reducing stress. But magnesium is also involved in bone formation, nerves, cell division, and protein synthesis. A very versatile mineral that is essential for the horse.

Some horses require more magnesium than others. Horses that are a bit "explosive" or easily startled have an increased magnesium requirement. During a strong fright reaction, a horse uses a large amount of magnesium stored in the muscles. This can lead to a deficiency more quickly.

For horses that startle easily, are explosive, become stiff in the muscles quickly, or are very nervous, it may be advisable to add magnesium to their diet as a standard practice. Horses that are sensitive to sugars, prone to tying up, or have other muscle problems may also benefit from daily supplementation of magnesium.

You can also give magnesium very effectively as a supplement to your horse

Not all horses need daily magnesium supplementation. Some horses may benefit from extra magnesium, especially during the grazing season, to support sugar metabolism. It is also beneficial to use magnesium during/intensive training or competition periods to support muscle function.

For horses that suddenly become nervous, a course of magnesium can have a very positive effect. They may have a temporary deficiency that causes nervous behavior to arise. After replenishing this deficiency, supplementation of magnesium can often be stopped for a period of time.

But how long should a magnesium course last?

This also varies per horse. Generally, we recommend giving it for over a month. During this period, the body has time to replenish its stores. Depending on the training intensity, you can repeat this a few times per year.

Always choose a well-absorbable form, our preference is magnesium chelate. This form is recognized by the body as a protein, resulting in very good absorption. Especially if it is a product combined with zinc and B-vitamins for better absorption and transport to the cells.

Conclusion: observe your horse and decide whether to give it daily or in a course

Every horse can benefit from an occasional magnesium course to replenish any deficiencies.

A blood test only provides a snapshot and does not indicate the reserves stored in, for example, the bones.

Therefore, observe your horse's behavior and feel the muscles. Take into account their overall diet and training schedule. Based on all this information, assess whether your horse would benefit from daily magnesium supplementation or if a course is sufficient. However, it is possible to overdose on magnesium, and the first sign of excess is usually diarrhea.

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